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Deadline Hollywood Says AMC May Be A Goner

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I wonder how much of a difference people calling in will make in the long run? Nothing's going to change. Do people really want to see AMC sink furthur into the gutter and be worse than GL when it does go off the air? At least now it could go out with some very small semblance of dignity

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True and for the record I think it's dead but at least now people calling in are talking to their comatose relative instead of signing the guestbook at the funeral.

I'm as cynical and bitchy as they come but I'm also a big believer in telling someone you love them while they're still alive to hear it.

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While I realize this has already been said, and we've been told to take our blinders off and what not...

This whole thing has gotten AMC more attention than I remember in YEARS. Why can't they be milking it for publicity at this point? Why is it out of the question that Frons is getting off at watching the fans squirm, watching AMC trend, watching all this attention being given, while we wait for him to speak?

I don't see why it's unfathomable that they told the AMC cast today, "Look this isn't true, but we need to get the fans watching again, so help the cause." With ABC willing to play this for all it's worth. We're all but calling the actors liars, while we wait for "God" to speak. Dunno, I wouldn't rule it out that at this point, he's milking the whole thing.

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I'm not talking ratings, I'm taking him just getting off on having this kind of power right now. Look at this thread, we've basically said everything the actors have said is a lie of some kind...because Frons hasn't told us otherwise. Now that this is all out there, spreading like wildfire, who is the only friggin person we're going to believe?

I think I'd milk it too.

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Because it reflects badly on ABC as a network. I know that there's the theory that as long as they're talking about you it's good but this story only highlights what a poor position ABC Daytime is in, financially and organizationally. If you were an advertiser would you be comfortable knowing your commercials were airing during AMC right now?

This isn't Charlie Sheen, it's Lehman Bros.

You're never effed by telling someone that you appreciate them. I may think that these soaps have earned their fate but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate what the cast and crew do every day. I say tell them now before the blood spills. It hurts nothing and maybe ABC will realize how badly Frons et al have fucked this situation up.

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THIS. They probably told the actors this. They want the actors to tow the line and play rah rah. Several AMC actors have given the phone number to call on Twitter and such. The actors, JHC, etc only know what they're told. There is no lying as far as they go.

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