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Deadline Hollywood Says AMC May Be A Goner

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Nothing at all new in this piece but I am posting it because it was written by Agnes Nixon's son-in-law David Hiltbrand, who happens to be an online newspaper columnist. Soap writer geeks like myself will recall he was a script writer for a while during Aggie's last HW run). Strange to think that even Agnes is in the dark like the rest of us.


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But does "not booted"="new contract"? Is it possible that they're working on a short-term contract? I don't know how these things work with the union, contracts, etc so this is a genuine question on my part. Could they be working in some non-contract capacity?

Bitter? Yes. Wrong? Not entirely.

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That certainly is a possibility or maybe it won't happen at all. Last year a new talk show never happened because it didn't

do well in focus groups, didn't we just hear ABC had a recent round of focus groups where OLTL performed better than GH and AMC?

Well I'm certain they focus group the new talkshow/s maybe they performed so poorly ABC isn't launching any talkshow this coming

tv season. The conventional wisdom has been ABC has to cancel a soap to make room for a talkshow, which is why we had all the

cancelation rumors this last one and ones in previous years, so I see 3 potential outcomes: 1) ABC isn't launching a talkshow in

the 2011-12 season so the soaps are safe for now, 2) ABC is launching a talkshow, it just got affiliates to give them an extra hour for it and so no soaps will be canceled, or 3) ABC is launching a new talkshow and they just haven't decided which soap to cancel or they know which one but wants to announce it on its own terms. It all depends on the talkshow, maybe it got scrapped, lets hope!!!!!!!

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The WHITE comment leads me to believe its probably Victoria Rowell? AMC trending shows it still resonates with alot of people if the quality was there, at least that's my theory. AMC is like that old friend they haven't seen in years, but really don't keep in touch because they've gone on with their lives, but always hoping some circumstance will bring them closer together.

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Okay, but how did you expect her to respond? We all know Agnes Nixon isn't the type to bad-mouth anyone or anything. We also know she doesn't own AMC, and hasn't owned it for a very long time. Sure, in her heart of hearts, she probably hated the idea of Erica's abortion being reversed, just as I'm about 99% certain she hated the idea of Erica suddenly having a daughter named Kendall and a history as a rape victim. (No way will I ever believe AN enjoys those kinds of stories!) But whatever stories TPTB decide to tell...? That's out of her hands at this point. She might consult and try to persuade one way or the other, but if it doesn't fit w/ their overall agenda, they'll just ignore her advice.

Having said that, I really doubt they'd let Agnes Nixon (or Lorraine Broderick, or Wisner Washam) write the final episode(s) of AMC. Sorry, people, execs aren't that sentimental.

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When it comes to viewer loyalty, a soap can fall into one of two categories. Either it's a show that loses a fan (or fans) and loses him for good; or, it's a show that might cause him to tune out for awhile, but always has the chance to bring him back if given the proper incentive (meaning, good writing). Shows such as AW, ATWT, GL and SEARCH all fell into the former category, b/c in the eyes of most longtime viewers (yours truly included), no amount of sensational(-ized) stories would ever make up for the handful of costly and foolish decisions that jeopardized their futures in the first place; and to those who might otherwise be inclined to start watching if they hadn't before, what they were sampling, for whatever reason, just wasn't appealing to them.

AMC, though, is like DAYS and GH (and to a certain extent, Y&R). Its condition might not be the greatest at the moment, but it can always make a turn for the better, b/c enough are still plugged into it and willing to come back to it. Again, though, it all depends on the writing.

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