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AMC: Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Overall, I thought it was a really good episode minus the Ryan/Marissa part.

I like how Madison is having a money issue. I know eventually she'll probably get money from Greenlee, but I appreciate a soap character having their doctor not covered by their insurance because it's a real life issue. Once again, Scott manned up sweetly. I also liked how he badgered Greenlee a bit about her getting married and still not coming clean with Ryan.

Jake & Amanda both seemed pretty upset at the prospect of Tad marrying Cara. I can't wait for this wedding (and not just because Joe & Ruth are coming back)!

It was perfect how Opal spilled the beans to unsuspecting Colby that Marian had slept with Liza's boyfriend. The look on Colby's face when she pieced together what Liza had done with Damon was priceless and it was a great scene when she confronted her mother. I also love how this sets up David to swoop in and help Liza.

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These faux children of David's I....I mean what a waste. Srsly JR is even a nicer human being to him than Babe and E-Babe are. dry.gif

Speaking of E-Babe, what a waste! did anyone see that stellar performance tonight. Oh god she's gonna be frontburner, in a frontburner s/l, what did we do to deserve this character?

I was laughing at Colby, good for her ass.

Amanda is such a loser.

Tad/Cara as friends works, the rest just ..ew.

Correct me if I'm wrong? what Ryan and Greenlee are doing to JR's house? you know bugging it w/ devices? Marissa is a lawyer, her stupid ass doesn't know that's illegal! :mad:

Opal! :wub:

That's all. I really despise this show.

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Rumor has it Jamie Luner did some WORK today... Please tell me it was typical "Liza, you suck!" fare -- otherwise, I might have to watch her. I've said it before and I'll say it again (to satisfy that contingent), I detested the idea of Luner in the role at first, but now I adore her work.

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She just cried today. And at the end she kept crying on VI's shoulder when Colby found out she slept w/ Damon. It was contrived a bit, but JL did what she could w/ the material. NH was ok nothing special.

Oh VI is getting that frustrated face that JY gets when he's in a scene w/ SaG, IDK if it's in the script or if they really get frustrated w/ her, b/c JR & David are like clone reactions in scenes w/ her. You didn't miss much.

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