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Actors who work well with women

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Vincent Irizarry is amazing with the female cast of AMC. He's often so in tune with David's history and relationship each with women, that his actions and emotions with each one reflect that. He can be so completely different with Erica, with Bianca, with Kendall, Krystal, etc.

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Good lord, no. He was actually the first actor that came to my mind as the antithesis to the type of male mentioned in this thread. And what's with the Luan and Jack/Luan love? That entire storyline and coupling was beyond dullsville. I'd rather watch X-rated looped scenes of Kay/Murphy for an hour than ever have to experience another 30 seconds of those two together again.

Co-sign all of these. Great choices!

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I'd make a case for Tom Eplin over the years on Another World. He had chemistry with Ellen Wheeler (to the point they married off-screen), rocked scenes with Anne Heche as Vicky/Marley, and made Jensen Buchanan watchable paired with her. He also had chemistry with Cali Timmins and then had to shift gears to Judi Evans with no notice. For a long time I didn't know who I wanted Jake with more, Vicky or Paulina? He even had chemistry with Anna Stuart when their characters had a fling.

Under the circumstances, I think Tom was able to adapt and work well onscreen with all of his leading ladies. Wasn't he even popular with Lesli Kay on ATWT? (i refused to watch, sorry) He did so even though I've read Tom did not even want to be at ATWT and disliked it there.

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Tom Eplin did have a great connection with all his leading ladies. I especially loved him with Anna Stuart before the show ruined that.

I liked Jack/Luan because it was a different type of story for Jack, which I thought he desperately needed, and I thought that sappy, romantic type of stuff suited Bergman more than some of his other material. It's what he had played on AMC for years, after all.

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Scotty Bryce. FLOVED him. His big brother relationship with Lily was so imprinted in my head, I refused to believe all the other Craigs would use her the way they did.

Ben Hendrickson (he could work miracles, he actually made Em sympathetic)

Michael Park :wub:

Peter Simon

Grant Aleksander

Jordan Clarke

John McCook

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You are completely right about Tom Eplin- he saved Jensen Buchanan's tenure as Vicky from being a complete failure in my opinion. I never warmed to her, but once it was clear that there was probably never going to be another Vicky, I did enjoy her pairing with Eplin's Jake. But he absolutely sizzled with Anne Heche, and especially Cali Timmins and Anna Stuart. He also had a nice platonic chemistry with Julie Osburn's Kathleen. Over on ATWT, I never too much cared for he and Molly, but he had mad chemistry with Elizabeth Hubbard.

I never even sampled AMC when he was on it, so I guess that didn't color my opinion of him as an actor. I'm with Alvin though- he's never done it for me in romantic pairings on Y&R. Frankly, the only love interest I thought he had any real chemisty with was Alex Donnelly. I liked Jack with Nikki (they were together when I first started watching in 92), but she's had far more chemistry with other actors since then. However, Alvin, I do disagree with you on this:

The only one of them I think he has chemistry with is Eileen.

Oh God yes to both of them. Hendrickson is not the type of actor you'd think would have so much chemistry with his leading ladies, but he did. It sucked what Emily ended up doing to him in the end.

Aleksander just had all kinds of hot chemistry on both soaps I watched him on, but especially AMC. I actually preferred Alec/Hayley to Mateo & Hayley at the time. He was also on fire with Hayley's mom Arlene and even Teresa Blake's Gloria. Aleksander and Birkelund, though, had some of the hottest and most risque sex scenes I've ever seen on a soap. They were amazing. Over at GL, I used to tune in only to watch him and his pairings (Marcy was gone by then, sadly, because I would have loved to see them work together). He was amazing with Harley, Beth Chaimberlin's Beth and especially Crystal Chappell's Olivia. Lightning struck twice for him too, it seems, because youtube flagged and eventually removed Philip's sex scene with Olivia because of its 'adult' content.

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Tony Geary works great with women. Be it Jane Elliot, Genie Francis, Constance Towers, Laura Wright, Emma Samms or whoever you name, TG always has brings a unique vibe and charm for the lady in question. And John Ingle too. But then again, I am not sure these actors who work well with women don't work equally as well with men, and vice versa. If you are an actor who is able to click with a scene partner, it shouldn't matter much who the partner is. John Ingle was great with man, woman and literally dog. Again, whether it was Genie Francis or Lynn Herring, Sarah Brown or Mary Beth Evans, John Ingle always was right there in the scene twinkling his eyes at the pretty girls.

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