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Y&R: Discussion for the Month of February

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I really do wish they had developed Sophia more independently as a character. Instead of developing her to fit others storylines, I wish we had seen her naturally evolve and have her own past that viewers aren't thinking of as "oh yeah she was talking to so and so about...."

I think JPM is very good. Something about her is just likeable. She is certainly better than NotMalcolm and NotHeather. It's very rare Y&R makes good casting choices, but i think JPM was one.

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JPM suffers from show not tell problem that plagues all of Daytime.

Instead of establishing her ties to Tucker, her importance to McCall/Chancellor & her relationship with Malcolm she makes a ton of inexplicable choices then explains her motivations months later through a convoluted backstory that happened off screen.

The fact that she's a minority, a woman & doing double duty as the Pine Sol pitchwoman just makes it worse.

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+1. and :lol: to the Pine Sol comment!

i agree with everything you're saying though. I would have much rather seen her really established as a big business mogul and a key player in McCall Enterprises. If Malcolm had been more properly recast, I would have been very invested in the development of their relationship. And then, maybe later a triangle with Neil.

You really nailed it about the backstory. It feels like they just made it up one day to fit into the story. Instead, why couldn't they have integrated into her story more? Have her come on and from the bat mentioning this great relationship she had with her father. Instead, it's become a plotpoint for her to make excuses to Tucker and comfort Silly.

Nonetheless, I like the character pretty well, and I like JPM.

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JPM seems very forced in her acting, and the writing is as equally forced for the character from what I've seen.

The character will never be developed, Y&R doesn't do that anymore. She'll probably linger on for a few more months until they let her go and blame her for the story being a failure, when they've never really tried anyway.

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Disagree about JPM. I felt that way a LOT when she first came on, but I feel she's eased her way into the role.

But I agree about the second part. I don't hate on Y&R like the rest of y'all, probably because I'm a newer viewer....But I also agree they probably won't develop her, probably because she's black.

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When Julia is Julia she shines.

Like when she asked Malcolm about the crazy people in GC during Billy's "annual" Halloween party or where she could get her hair done when they discussed moving to GC during her first few weeks on the show.

She's not the greatest & WorldTurner's right that Maria has no intention of developing the character but there's definitely room for growth.

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I would agree with that. I don't think she's, by any means, the next big Daytime Star....but i do think she is light and fun, and a bit of a breath of fresh air.

you're right that she shines more when she's acting like herself. she's also one of the few people other than KSJ that I think actually bring out CKLily's better-acting. (Though I use the term "acting" lightly).

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Part of the problem with Sophia is that she was written so one dimensional and stereotypical even before Mitchell was hired. Wasn't she suppose to be dressed up like "going to the ball" and be "all that"? Yikes. I don't think Mitchell is a bad actress, just not strong enough nor fully able to get above the crap they've given her. But she is better than certain other actresses on the show right now and certainly deserves a better male pairing than Eddie Winslow. Neil/Sophia/Malcolm is just boring as hell you know maybe throwing in Leslie the lawyer into the mix could make it interesting.

By the way, I like the idea of Ashley and Michael. Too bad Brad isn't still around cause that would be a quad to actually watch.

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I really like this lawyer chick. I get this Jennifer Hudson vibe from her, I don't know why.

I would like Lesley to be thrown in there with the rest of the black cast LOL. I just have a feeling that a Neil/Leslie/Sophia triangle would sizzle far more than anything with Eddie "if yous had tulld me i culdda taken curr of dat punk cane" Winslow.

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I wish Leslie would get uploaded to contract already. I like her a lot more than Sophia, and while Sophia is growing on me, Leslie definitely really popped off the screen from day 1 (and i don't mean pop like Maria does.... :rolleyes: ) it's sad to think that Y&R's recurring/dayplayer black cast are more exciting than Y&R's contract black actors :(

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I like this too! They need to try something new.

They should try Jack and Lauren together too. Isn't Fenmores on the ground floor of the Jabot building? I could see Fenmores and Jabot doing a joint project or promotion, especially since Jill's on board now. Jack and Lauren could start out working together. Jack will always be Phyllis's second choice, he needs to find a match, and Diane too young for him now.

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