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B&B: February Discussion Thread

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I noticed he did that with Whip recently. Whatever happened to Whips' revenge on Ridge? Just a few months ago it looked like the show was building them up as rivals with Whip getting in his face and Rick Hearst acting circles around Ronn Moss. People loved someone calling Ridge on his crap and going up against him. Guess Bell saw that and decided to put a quick end to it by placing Whip back on the backburner and he's barely been seen since

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WOW, I forgot all about Whip!! He had a steady S/L going there for a while and I couldn't have been happier, I was like "FINALLY!", then he just vanished exactly like Bridget/Owen/Jackie/Rick did last Fall. Guess I have to get used to this, as it seems like a regular thing w/this show :(

Love this! That is hilarious lol.

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Yep thats typical of this show as Bell doesnt know how to properly end a story. Plots will be going full steam ahead and out of nowhere they get dropped.

Speaking of which, are they going to do with the Pam/Stephen wedding or was that just for shock value? They have been MIA since Donna's wedding

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I thought Nick was good up until they split him up from Taylor and threw him back with Bridget yet again. Trying to push those two as soulmates really ruined his character especially after he kept cheating on her with her family members. I really hate how the show hasnt played up on the fact that he and Ridge are brothers. More could have been done here especially since their feud is dead. Nick was much better as the rogue sea captain than corporate fashion mogul, they morphed him into

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STFU Marcus!! You porked Amber & then went out with Dayzee the next night!! dry.gifmad.gif Did B&B forget that random development they conjured up? I hope not, because that has not been referenced at all since the day it was revealed.

I am lmao at Marcus thinking things are "official" between him & Dayzee. These two are not dating imo...

ugh @ him saying "my dude" to Thomas. I'm serious, everything that comes out of his mouth just annoys me..

It's like they have tons of stock footage saved up with Brooke/Ridge in their bedroom to fill in the blank spots of an episode ...lol. I don't mind them, I like them actually, but it's getting OLD..

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Marcus is back already? Didnt they JUST write him out? I was hoping he'd be out for much longer. And WTF? He adn Dayzee are all of a sudden exclusive? She doesnt seem to see it that way and considering he was banging Amber while pursing her, he needs to back off and STFU

LOVE that Steffy is back in Bill's world. Those two need to finally hook up. Love her going head to head with Amber today. Steffy being back just made this silly story interesting

Another Ridge/Brooke bedroom scene? Why must this woman always be in her lingerie?

Its a forced attempt to make him sound "black" and it just comes across silly. I find that the dialogue with him tends to be extra ridiculous with uses of words like that bc it feels like the writers are trying to force some street cred in him or something. I remember a few motnhs ago, he said to Hope "Yo, my cousin!" Its cringeworthy. They need to hire some african american writers on the writing staff or just stop it with Marcus

Ha! Im glad Im not the only one. They are either in bed or in a steam room. Brooke always has sex on the mind! She has quite hte libido...lol

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