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All: One soaps budget cut by 50% according to DC

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And how exactly does AMC need to be "saved"? It gets the same ratings as the other soaps except for GH which does better in demos and OLTL which is usually only .1 or .2, there doesn't need to be a drastic change this is more like they aren't ready to cancel it so they are going to slash the budget so they can profit more from the little bit of money it is making. No one is interested in saving any of the soaps nothing is going to bring anybody back.

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Not to get into the who should or shouldn't be cancelled first, because I don't want any of them to be cancelled even with their many flaws, but I do think that Frons has worked to help AMC. They moved it to LA instead of just ending the show the way CBS/P&G did with their soaps.

The problem is the writing and producing and if Frons will bother to actually fix that properly and keep his hands off. Every time you start seeing Rylee promoted again you know that the hounds have been unleashed.

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It's not like anything horrible is being said :lol: In some ways I wonder if this keeps both shows on the air, in some odd way - at this time last year I wasn't even sure if they'd both be on now. I'd kind of rather have some debate than more of being chained to blind items.

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You know what? To be honest? At this point, with soaps dying left and right, it's time for the whole industry, including gossip-mongers like Jamey to stop being "blind" and open their f'n eyes. Seriously. If you know a soap is getting its budget cut by 50%, TELL THE PEOPLE about it. But no, no, it's all about "Oh, oh, the sources, we have to stay quiet, oh, oh, we can't reveal that." Put these people on blast or STFU! The whole concept of "blind items" is completely stupid.

</random outburst of the month>

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Outburst appreciated.

You are absolutely right. Especially considering that this is *serious* industry news, not who has an allegedly long dong or who did lines off of some Staten Island housewife's cleavage on the soap cruise. Just cut to the chase, what is there to lose when the soaps won't be your bread and butter (don't go there) in a matter of a few short years anyway? Sharing the truth of the true state of soaps cannot hurt or really heal at this point. The thrill is gone, just lay the cards on the table.


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I've said it before, but that the 1-2-3 punch of AMC-OLTL-GH has been a cornerstone of the ABC lineup for over 30 years now, and I don't think ABC is quick to end that anytime soon. These are ABC brands that still have some demo appeal, and as long as they remain cost-efficient to produce, I think they're safe for now. I don't think that OLTL is any safer than AMC or vice versa. On the off chance that ABC would even decide to cancel one of these shows, there are probably so many factors that would go into deciding which to dump. I think some posters are trying making assumptions based on their own agendas. Personally, despite my screen name, I could care less which went first. I've been a fan of both shows for years, and although they still have their moments, they're basically utter crap.

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I broke out into a FIT of obnoxious laughter upon the image of Jamey sitting on the floor of an empty apartment, spreading a dollop of butter on a small roll, as the GH opening plays on a small black-and-white TV. The police bust in, take the bread and butter, leave, and as he sobs, GH turns into Jersey Shore.

If anything, it could maybe help just a littttle bit. All of the secrecy encourages dirty dealers to do their dirty dealing. Someone needs to come out and let TPTB know that when they do something sh!tty, everyone's going to know about it. They may not even give a eff-you-sea-kay in dis ho about what we think, but at least they'll know that they won't be protected by Nelli and Jamey and all the rest.

It's a shame that we have to talk about the soap industry as if it's Soviet Russia. But we really do need a renegade soap press who will smuggle all of the important information out to the masses.

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