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DAYS: Discussion for the month of December

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Guest dc cubs

^^Toups, you are thinking logically again. Don't do that because then you would also have to remember that Phillip has a prosthetic leg. Days sure doesn't remember that fact.

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Forgot to mention the whole picture thing with Will and Gabby today. What could that be all about? I'm totally DAYS spoiler free right now so I'm looking forward to finding out tomorrow.

Also I love all the Christmas decorations on the show. Everything looks great, out of all the soaps I watch I think DAYS feels the most Christmas-esque right now.

I wonder if DAYS will follow up on the little ending with Lexie/Abe/Dr. Walter's tomorrow? Abe saw them hugging, lol I would love to see him interrupt that tomorrow. I really hope this means more airtime for Renee Jones but I'm really doubting it ;-\.

LOL I loved that to! And I so agree...

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I think they are going to break up Abe and Lexie. Didn't he see her and Ty Treadway and he put on his jealous face? I thought I saw that anyway. In any case, Sami bringing all that up out of left field right before Lexie was hugging TT is like a forecast that to win the re-election (in January???) Abe is going to do stuff which will strain his relationship with Lexie.

As for EJ, villainy and viability: He is and remains a viable villain. He has been a villain more than he hasn't, and that stretch where he turned into a good guy that Mickey took on in his law firm and he only wanted to be good was never a good fit. Today he was particularly ugly, being so cruel to his own son. But is that really worse than pumping Steve full of drugs to brainwash him, shooting John in cold blood, coercing Sami to have sex with him in order to save Lucas, and all the other things?

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Johnny was so rude and over the top with EJ. Why the heck wasnt he acting like that when Sami kept him from his father?

I didnt realize Theo was autistic bc he came across normal to me. Im guessing he has a mild case and it only affects his educational development?

What the heck is in those pictures? I wanted to see

LOVED Sami ripping into Abe and bringing up all his past ish with Lexie cheating with Brandon, stealing Bo's kid....you know back when Lexie was interesting! LMAO.

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It used to be worse and he had problems communicating with other people, but they dropped the storyline when Tomlin came in even though it had always been half-assed. I think Chelsea used to be the only person Theo opened up too.

I really hope we get Ben/Lexie, I am so tired of her being with Abe's boring ass.

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Ali Sweeney had me almost in tears yesterday when she told Johnny she didn't love him and then did the little hand signal to show him she did. And I don't even like Sami!

Gotta give props to the little kid who plays Johnny. His tantrum was realistic! And when he went to hug Sami again even though she was pushing him away... gawww. Poor little fella.

The stuff with Abe and Lexie leaves me wishin' and hopin' they will but Renee on contract and give her story. She is a breath of fresh air in her scenes and pretty much tied to everybody on canvas via the hospital and the DiMeras.

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Unfortunately, I could see how people would think she isn't. I would give my right arm if they would make Lexie a DiMera again. RJ literally has chemistry with everyone and it's a shame that the only storylines she given is usually cheating on Abe that go absolutely no where. It was a hoot every time Bart use to call her Sexy Lexie. Abe is so old and ugly he reminds me of Methuselah and Lexie is permanently shackled to that.

Sami and Lexie should NEVER be friends. EVAH!

There's so much delicious hell she and EJ could be raising together but they continually treat her like a glorified day player. Lexie should be spitting mad that Sami tried to kill her brother. So much potential wasted and it's utterly ridiculous.

Love you avatar Cheap!

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In a word... YES! Lexie is the only Dimera who isn't evil (and I use that term loosely since it's the ONLY time she's interesting) and it's all types of wrong. Let's face it, the only reason she isn't a Dimera is because she's black - it's tokenism at it's finest. Dimeras drive storylines and they're continually frontburnered. Lexie has neither.

I've said before people hated Langan but he was the only writer who started utilizing her and I truly thought DAYS was finally going to use the baby switch storyline as the catalyst but then after B/C got fired DAYS kept her in her proverbial place. DAYS is truly on my [!@#$%^&*] list.

ETA: I know nothing will come of her and Ben when he's slated for Jennifer. RJ gets shafted again. Nothing new.

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