Members Eric83 Posted December 24, 2010 Members Share Posted December 24, 2010 I can't believe Vivian is just now meeting EJ considering her involvement in the Kristen/Susan story. I am loving her having those photos and going to use them against Nicole. Loved seeing EJole today, still have a soft spot for them. Bo and Hope are boring as hell, like Cheap said if she had just taken the easy way out instead of going to prison "to pay for what she did" she wouldn't be in this position, i don't care about her or the impending Bope reunion, it's just so been there, done that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soaplovers Posted December 24, 2010 Members Share Posted December 24, 2010 I actually like the warden (shame they've made her a bad guy) and I like the actress that plays her. She makes the warden seem nice and trusting with a lethal look in her eye. It makes me wonder how the other actress (who played Patty on Y+R) would have played the part. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted December 24, 2010 Members Share Posted December 24, 2010 Ha, yeah i do not feel sorry for her. This is all her own fault. She left bo. She took Ciara away from him. She moved out. She wanted nothing to do with him. He moved on. She couldnt deal, snapped, and then choose to go to jail. \ Im just bummed nobody got to off the bitch in there. Where is that vat of acid when you need it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members AllMyDaysatGH Posted December 25, 2010 Members Share Posted December 25, 2010 So great to see the Horton house again! Why the heck aren't Nathan or Will celebrating with the rest of the Hortons though? Lmao @ Nicole. I love how she is with Johnny. That magic trick she did with the 50 dollar bill was hilarious, lol at Stefano's face! ! I freaking love Nicole. Philip and Melanie are a horrible match. I found them to be disturbing and gross today in bed with each other. How much more interesting is Rafe when he's not interacting with Sami? I am glad DAYS is branching him, along with Sami and EJ, into other peoples orbits. LOVED his scenes with Carly!! I loved Rafe/Carly ever since their first moments together when Carly saved him from drowning Anyone else getting sick of Brady? I am so over him, I think it's time for him to go!! He is turning into a joke to me. Don't like him with Nicole anymore, either. Lastly, BOPE loved everything with them today, and the flashback was perfect!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Cheap21 Posted December 25, 2010 Members Share Posted December 25, 2010 I loved that too but she should have asked for a 100! One thing I have to say is that her concern for Johnny seems kinda fake bc ever since she got hit by her maternal bone again, she's been ALL about Sydney. Johnny's name has not even come out of her mouth. She only spends time with and takes care of Sydney and she's left Johnny to the side. Even yesterday Johnny was asking for Nicole. Huh? The kid was ALL about Sami before but now he;s thinking about Nicole as well. It seems to sudden and out of nowhere and Days could have done a better job at establishing some type of relationship between them prior to now Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members quartermainefan Posted December 26, 2010 Members Share Posted December 26, 2010 This was a sad christmas episode. So now the Horton family Christmas is reduced to Jennifer, Doug and Julie... and then there were three. It just seems so sad in light of just a year ot so ago there were something like a dozen people hanging their ornaments. Not even Maggie showed up. I guess if you had to pick three Hortons you can't do better than Jennifer, Doug and Julie, but it seemed so sad. I liked the Bo and Hope stuff more than the Nicole and EJ crap. Talk about been there and done that! It's three years of this garbage and no end in sight. And I don't remember Nicole ever being Johnny's surrogate mother. I worry about Roman. If Rafe is now Police Commander, what is the dramatic reason for the show to ever relieve him of his job? Roman has been sidelined for so long and Rafe is the handsome, young leading cop, it just seems like the show has every reason to keep this permanent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest dc cubs Posted December 26, 2010 Share Posted December 26, 2010 Since Days tapes so far ahead they are still a day behind due to the President's press conference in November. The Horton Christmas will continue on Monday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Antoyne Posted December 27, 2010 Members Share Posted December 27, 2010 I'm tired of Johnny's fits...make him a DiMera pawn already....I do love Nicole with the kids. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members jcar03 Posted December 27, 2010 Members Share Posted December 27, 2010 I think that was the point. They even referenced how it was a "thrill" to have sex when anyone could walk in on them at any moment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members AllMyDaysatGH Posted December 28, 2010 Members Share Posted December 28, 2010 Loved the little Sami/Stephanie interaction we got over the phone. I really wish DAYS would have them interact more! Sami really should have been all up in Stephanie's S/L from these past couple of months. Ciara and Theo are so sweet! Loved when Theo gave Ciara her present. Ciara was all excited when Theo entered the room I really hope to see these two bond even more when they are older. Lexie said today that their relationship is beautiful and I couldn't agree with her more! If DAYS didn't waste so much time with Hope in prison, Ciara could have gotten her Christmas wish this year. I'm bummed that Bo & Hope didn't make it in time to be at the Horton's for Christmas. Santa Rafe was pretty funny, I actually loved his scenes with Johnny! I thought Santa Brady was pretty stupid, though.. Lol @ Vivian giving Kate a lump of coal for Christmas. It was nice of Kate to give Theo a present for xmas. Did anyone else get the feeling that Stefano is missing Kate? I hope that's the case because I miss them together! I hope DAYS isn't done with them. Suzanne Rogers was fantastic today. I loved Maggie's scenes with Julie, especially when she broke down over Mickey. Glad the show is still mentioning him. Maggie isn't over him yet and she isn't going to just rush into anything with Victor yet. I really like that. I adore her and Victor together, but I'm glad the show is still taking this slow! Pathetic that Will, Allie & Nathan weren't there for the Horton ornament ceremony. Nathan came, but him and Stephanie ended up leaving for mass. It just annoyed me that none of them were there when the ornaments were being hung. And is DAYS trying to make us forget about Lucas by having Will and Allie absent? Lexie/Abe seem to be increasingly having problems in their marriage. They don't agree about EJ. I agree with Abe, but I also understand Lexie's overprotectiveness of him. Is it mean of me to hope that they continue to disagree on things and have problems?? LOL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Dr Neil Curtis Posted December 28, 2010 Members Share Posted December 28, 2010 I loved today's episode, watched it three times already. I loved the stephanie and Sami interactions and the Victor and Julie interactions. I wish he would have came to the Horton house. I would have loved a nod to Victor/Julie past. The DiMera Christmas was nice, I love that Lexie and Abe was seen today and interacted with their family. Lexie/Kate was bittersweet. The K Clan should have featured Justin, Adrienne, Brady, Victor, Vivian, Kate, Phillip, and Melanie. It was just something missing at their house. The Horton family was nice, I would love to see Will, Allie, and Nathan there. The mentions of Alice are bittersweet, The Horton home is still elegant as ever! Has that set been altered of the years? The Church looks great in HD!! I love the new hernedez tradition! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrator Toups Posted December 28, 2010 Author Administrator Share Posted December 28, 2010 I love Ciara/Theo!!! Future supercouple right there! I agree. Bo should've broken Hope out of prison in early December or late November and then they spend the next 3-4 weeks on the run/hiding. During that time they get closer, old feelings start to resurface, things remind them of their past, they share memories (ala the football flasback), they get into life-death situations and they get out of it, tease the reunion that will happen down the road by creating some sexual tension (ex: Bo sees Hope half naked, or it's cold and they have to sleep together - not sex....stuff like that)....then on Christmas, Bo/Hope make it back to Ciara for a 'Christmas miracle'. I loveed that scene too. I liked this too. I'm glad Mickey wasn't forgotten, especially when it was Maggie's first Christmas without him. I think this was one of the worst, if not the worst, Horton Christmas ever. So few Hortons. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Michael Posted December 28, 2010 Members Share Posted December 28, 2010 I had read all the comments about how bad it was, so I was kind of dreading watching it... but it was an odd experience. The actual scenes at the Horton house were largely great. Loved Ciara/Theo, loved how they used Doug & Julie, loved the discussions about Mickey and Alice. All very Days. I even loved how they incorporated Abe & Lexie briefly into the Horton stuff. It was just weird how they had such a skeleton crew to hang the ornaments. Honestly, if they could have gotten Nathan, Will, and Allie there, it would've made a big difference... or brought Marie in for the day or something. Just to fill it out. I think it also would have helped to sweep over more of the ornaments as they hung them. Show us Mike, Lucas, Melissa, Addie, etc. I did LOVE the final shots of Tom & Alice's ornaments, Alice's chair, and the portrait. That was beautiful, and it's why I continue to love this show. Let's just make sure we have more Hortons around and that we use the ones we do have! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Michael Posted December 28, 2010 Members Share Posted December 28, 2010 I've been thinking about how nice it is to have Jen, and soon Abby, back in Salem... but it's bugging the hell out of me that we're dealing with another round of "Doofy, unreliable Jack up and left them." No way would Jack do that after all the [!@#$%^&*] they went through during their last go-round. I like the idea that Jen is in Salem and free for story for a while, but Jack has to factor into this eventually. For me, there are two ways to save the whole thing, whenever he does turn up (it could be two years down the road, honestly): 1) Jack took off on an assignment and made Jen think it was something frivolous in order to protect her. Threats were made, he knew it was dangerous, and the only way to keep his family safe was to make them think he was doing the Jack the Nomad thing again. 2) Jack was on the trail of something major and got himself kidnapped. Jen said that the only things she's heard from him have been his blog updates, which his captor could be faking to throw her off the scent. Eventually, he escapes and comes back to Salem, or Jen catches wind that something isn't right and takes off to find him. Either would work for me. Maybe he caught wind that Lawrence was alive and knew he had to keep Jen out of it, or Lawrence caught him snooping and kidnapped him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Bright Eyes Posted December 28, 2010 Members Share Posted December 28, 2010 Or even have Jenn be in on his "walkabout" lie and the reason she came to Salem was to help take down Ben and this donor thing. Maybe Ben has a past somewhere else and cosying up to him is her part of the plan to get info. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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