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All: Daytime's Most Powerful Scenes

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This scene is another one that always gets me. Jackie Zeman was just powerhouse in this. The dialogue wasn't that complicated, Jackie didn't throw herself around the room in hysteria, she was quiet. Subtle. Subtle to the point of heartbreak. There was so much that she DIDN'T say, that you could just see in her eyes. It just moves me every time.

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After watching Y&R religious from 1995-2005:

In September 1997, Nina tries to commit suicide when Ryan decides to leave her for Tricia. The whole scene is perfectly written, acted and directed. Probably my all-time favorite scene. Tricia Cast should have easily won the Emmy and she wasn't even nominated!

In May 2005, the scene where Cassie dies. Camryn Grimes was a great child actor and she played that scene very well. The audience watched Cassie growth up. Joshua Morrow was great too. Overall, Sharon Case was the best in that scene. Her pain was evident and you could really feel she was about to lose her daughter. Watching this scene was like seeing an eight-year storyline coming to an end. One of Bill Bell's great "dragged out for years" stories. Y&R was defintely robbed for Best Show and this was close to the end of the greatness of Y&R!

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There's no way we can have this thread exist & not include Eden's rape on Santa Barbara. The scenes were violent, disturbing, and probably the most true to life rape sequences ever produced on television. I remember as a youngen being scared to death to watch these scenes. Say what you will about Judith Light on the witness stand, Kim Zimmer in the fountain, Cynthia Watros's breakdown, and Erika Slezak's multiple personalities; Marcy Walker's performance in her 1988 rape storyline was the most powerful, raw, poignant work ever acted out by a daytime actress and (IMO), any actress in the television community. You'll see just how real these scenes are, but every scene she had for the rest of this storyline matched the violent reality in emotional reality. You almost wondered if Marcy had been raped in real life because she played out this storyline like a true rape victim. The audience was raped right along with her- we loved Eden, we would have felt for her regardless, but you literally felt her pain radiating through your television set every day. I'm so glad I watched the show at the time and anyone on here who ever makes disparaging remarks about Marcy's acting I always write off as them not having seen her work during this storyline. Because those of us who have know what a truly gifted and powerhouse actress she is. For all the rapes we have and I have seen throughout these 60 some odd years of soaps, none was portrayed nearly as well as Marcy Walker played this. I'd venture to say that any soap journalist, producer, writer, director, or actor in the industry who'd seen her work in this storyline wouldn't disagree with me in the slightest. I'll warn you, the scenes I am about to post are not for the faint of heart- nothing prepared me for them and I doubt this paragraph will have prepared you for what you're about to see.

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These are very short scenes, but the moments where Jean Randolph began to break down psychologically over memories of sexual abuse and her mother's death really affected me. Just brilliant use of music, direction, and Erika Slezak is chilling.

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One that I usuallly mention when we do these threads is a relatively short scene from the DID s/l. Jean sits down for a breather in the library and loses control and Viki "wakes up" in the chair. She's completely lost and petrified that she has no recent memories and she plays it off when the children come in to talk to her. The first time I got a lump in my throat watching a soap scene that wasn't a funeral.

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And whether it's precious video or audio clips, every argument between Iris and Mac or Mac and Rachel or Rachel and Iris has been a gem to me, but especially the Mac/Iris ones. There was an audio clip on the AWHP where Mac argues that he was too indulgent with Iris to which she replies, "InDULLLLgent!?", that short little clip gave me chills, those two were acting their asses off.

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