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@Y&R fan of oldies I break down Y&R eras as follows.

Surviving Years 1973-1982: Cast changes, 1 hour expansion, early 1980s ratings drop in the face of increased competition from the huge rise of ABC.

Thriving Years 1983-1998: Thriving for the most part, save for Cricket eating the show (Summer 1986-end of 1989), Nick and Sharon eating the show (Fall 1994-Spring 1996), the lull (Fall 1996-Summer 1997). Rise to #1 by toppling the ABC big three one-by-one and holding it's own against time slot competitor supercouple-era Days. Ratings dominance from the end of the 1988 writer's strike to the start of OJ, but the dominance would be threatened in the aftermath of OJ by the huge rise of time slot competitor Reilly's Days. Best years 1984 to first half of 1986, 1990 to first half of 1994, second half of 1997 to 1998.

Tanking Years 1999-2005: Writer changes from Kay Alden to Jack Smith. Storylines that caused long term damage, ie. Jill's parentage, Cassie's death.

Not Classic Years 2006-: LML, MAB, JFP, Mal Young, etc. John Abbott's death marked the end of an era.

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I would break these years into 2 eras

73-80 growing years Original concept carried through ratings growing although 79 was beginning to show cracks with recasts and story choices eg Leslie as Pris, Jill/Stuart

80-82 rocky years expansion to an hour, multiple new characters, timeslot change, original characters/themes sidelined/dropped.

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1979, 1980, and 1983 are my top 3 favorite years of the show (in no specific order). From reading the weekly synopses and the SOD recaps, those are the 3 best years of the show. 1979 and 1983 are my top two, though. Couldn’t choose between the two because both years in my opinion had the best writing, actors, and characters.

For 1979, the Kay/Jill/Suzanne/Derek/Stuart/Liz storyline is hands down the strongest one of that year. Lorie finding out that Leslie’s baby is Lance’s and the aftermath of that are also some strong scenes. Nikki also had some very strong stories that year.

For 1983, there were various strong storylines, even though it’s known as a transition year. Victor’s poisoning and faked death/resurrection, Patty shooting Jack, Dina’s identity found out and the aftermath of that, Jill and Jack in the snowstorm, Jill’s pregnancy lie turned truth, and the Traci/Lauren bullying are the strongest points of the year (I’m partial to Lauren’s first year on the show). 


I so hope more shows up from those years in video form. It’s my biggest wish.

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The Leslie/Lorie confrontation where Lorie realizes Leslie is pregnant by Lance but trying to pass the child off as Lucas's would have been more powerful without Leslie being on the verge of collapse and Lorie shrieking. Compare that confrontation to Ashley/Nikki at the ranch where Nikki confronts Ashley about being involved with Victor. Ashley is trying to hold it together while Nikki gets in her face but there's no collapsing or shrieking in that confrontation.

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This is true. JLB and VM definitely went over the top in those scenes. The best part is when Lucas comes in and Lorie is just flailing about and he shakes the crap out of her LOL. JLB’s tone in her voice could sometimes be piercing when she really is going off the deep end. Cringeworthy lol. 

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I got a VHS tape about a month ago with Victor & Nikki edits from 1984. I finally finished uploading all the clips that weren't already available in better quality.

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They are from April - June 1984 and include some scenes we didn't have, like Nikki getting Victor to open up about the orphange and how he got the name Victor Newman! They're in the clips section of the vault.

Edited by BoldRestless
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@BoldRestless Thank you so much. You should be knighted 

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Victor revealing his real identity is another key moment I've been wanting to see for a long time. I'm still hoping for my two most wanted to surface soon, EB's first episode and Christmas 1981 when we first learn of Victor's childhood.

EB has always credited Bill Bell creating the back story of Victor's childhood for his decision to stay on past Victor's initial storyline. Remember Victor was initially a short-term villain and he was a blank canvas of a character because he had no family ties or any other connection to anyone in Genoa City. It was the combination of Bill Bell's writing and EB's acting that made Victor's character arc from villain to anti-hero/romantic leading man successful.

With Victor's character arc, I wonder if Bill Bell was influenced by Heathcliff of Wuthering Heights, the brooding anti-hero abandoned as a child.

Edited by kalbir
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