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Lilibet Stern's deparure from the role really ruined the character of Patty. Lilibet said in recent years that when she told Bill Bell she was leaving he was upset and told her he had huge plans for her character. When Andrea took over, he lost interest and she was gone in a year or so. In the mid 90's when Paul and Chris was going to get married, they had some scenes where Mary and Chris were looking at a photo album. Chris made the remark of the pretty girl in the pics and Mary said that's your sister in law Patty. It was photos of Lilibet. There was a scene of the back of a blonde woman calling the Williams home, but everyone was gone to the wedding. Nothing ever came of it. 


I wonder if Lilibet was being courted to return to the show ? Bill Bell was still writing the show at this time, so maybe he had hopes of bringing Patty back if it was her version. 


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Poor Patty

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 It seems like she could never catch a break between, Jack and Danny....and the comment to Mary about promising to return after straightening out her personal life, just makes me more sad....I guess it's good Mary was never around for anything of Patty's return the last several years....

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That last episode with Patty and Carl actually makes what happened to her many years later kind of fit.  Talk of her living in a fantasy world, not understanding that Jack wasn't in love with her, etc.


With that said, she and Jack had closure in spring of 1984 and she remained on the show for another 6 months or so involved with Danny and Traci.  She also was not a big fan of Paul dating Lauren just like her mother.  And I liked seeing Mary Williams as fully 3 D character trying to reason with Carl about Patty and Jack.  My late mom was in her late 20s and said she recalled many a wcene of Mary lening agaimst the fire place worried abput her children and Carl...and sure enough, she leaned against the fire place worried about Patty and Carl's reaction to patty being pregnant lol


I truly think patty leaving in the mid 80s dismantled the Williams family.  She had a lot of story line potential and I could have seen her fitting in as the late 80s arrived.  Her leaving caused Mary to become focused just on Paul and becoming the one note character...when the character had a lot of story in the first half of the 80s.

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What was Steve Williams like? I know he left town with Peggy Brooks but that's about it. 


I've read about the Danny/Traci/Patty stuff before and it sounded really depressing and dark concerning Patty's angle in the story. Between shooting Jack and pushing Traci down a flight of stairs it sounds like Patty was bound to be unhinged anyways. Wonder how her 1996 return would have played out if the story had gone through as planned. 

Edited by soapfan770
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I've read all the SOD synopses from this time. Steve was first involved with Jill. It was just as the show expanded to an hour. Bond Giedon briefly played her after Brenda Dickson left. Steve was working for Stuart at the Chronicle and pushed Jill to get her life back on track after her last involvement with Derek turned out to be a mess. Jill got hired at Jabot and the rest of history. Steve then began writing about the cult during Summer 1980 and was involved with Peggy Brooks. She left him at the altar and he was never heard again.

Edited by FrenchFan
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Yes, Frank was Amy's father...
Surprisingly he did make a cameo appearance in this 1989 episode, interesting since Amy was gone for a year at that point...though she would return for a bit in 1990 as well...

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Wow these eps are awesome thanks to YRfan23 and ltm1997. I am going to do this episode by episode so there isn't a wall of writing.


March 1982 (from synopsis most likely March 29 - Apr 2 1982)  

Lorie/Victor - JLB certainly seems the star of the show, Lorie is more in command in her scenes with Victor and without yelling, even when Eric goes there, JLB just owns him with her confident saunter and quiet strength. I would have preferred someone like Lorie around to cut Victor down from time to time. 

Leslie/Lance/Brooks - All the Leslie/Lance scenes I have seen from this time seem old fashioned compared to what else was going on on the show, almost as if Bell kept them in the past while updating the show. Lance and Leslie together must have been an anti-climax by this point, neither Janice Lynde nor John McCook were there and Lorie, though disappointed by losing Lance, just doesn't seem as invested. Feels like this should have happened a year or more earlier. At the very least I fail to understand why they shipped Lance off and left Leslie behind for another 6 months, only to have her leave GC alone, was Bell planning to keep Leslie around? She left around the last week of December 1982, the last of the old guard so to speak. I also find it odd that Brooks seems perfectly fine not to live with his "mother" Lorie, but is fine to be carted off to live with Leslie and Lance. I too wonder if Brooks knew Leslie was his mother, maybe after he rejected Lance, Leslie decided never to tell him.

Nikki/Kay - Boy Nikki changed once she married Victor, she seems so young and niave here, like a little girl, I figured she would have grown more after Greg and the Cult. I could never quite connect the 70's Nikki with the mid 80's Nikki, but this helps quite a bit. It does seem once Nikki married Victor her friendship with Kay pretty much dissolved. Kay was back in Jill's world. I wish they had kept this going, I know they were friendly and visited here and there, but they seemed not to have much to do with each other post 1984, other than to catch up. I am almost certain Nikki had nothing to do with the Marge/Kay story, I know MTS wasn't talking to Jeanne, but I thought that was a bit later, like 91/92, Was it the 80's?. Lol at the nurse, about to tell the other patient Nikki is pregnant, what a big mouth.

Lucas/Karen - Never knew Lucas still blamed Lorie for Vanessa's death, even after the trial. That was a surprise, I assume once Lorie got Prentiss back, Lucas changed his mind. Don't think Karen and Lucas have much chemistry, so I am surprised they end up heading out of GC together (or am I remembering wrong and they didn't)





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Looking through the '82 SOD recaps - pretty certain they didn't leave town together. After this March episode just posted, I only see one more mention of Karen in the recaps, when she finally signs Andy's divorce papers.

Lucas stays on through summer '82 to help Lorie with her revenge plot against Victor (which she winds up abandoning when JLB quits). The 9/26/82 recap details Lorie leaving town and saying goodbye to Lucas, but I can't find any mention of him after that, so who knows if he got an official farewell scene? The only person left for him to possibly say goodbye to was Leslie.


Also can't find any farewell mentions for Chris or Greg.

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French Fans Sept 82 summary has Chris and Jennifer leaving GC to join Snapper in London after begging to get out of her Jabot contract.


In the months preceding Greg had been showing interest in Chris but that was dropped.


SOD summaries got skimpier as time went on.


Funnily enough, around this time Jack used a woman named Gloria to try and break up John and Jill.

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One character around this time 1982/83 I have yet to see footage surface of is Brian Forbes. He was supposed to be Ashley's main big love interest, but he fizzled. The actor who played him (Jay Kerr) said in an interview that he went to make a phone call and never came back. He also said he didn't enjoy doing daytime and felt he was miscast and that people who meet him always mention Y&R to his horror. On his IMDB page he doesn't even have Y&R listed in his credits. 

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