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I'm starting to catch up on your videos again... I apologize for being a little behind as I just watched 8/26/05.

I thought those Victor and Nikki scenes were beautiful, and that rendition of "Unchained Melody" in Italian was very well done....This was probably the last era that Nikki and Victor were really a "supercouple" also that music that's played during their first scene on this episode is so beautiful and haunting.....

The Nick and Sharon scenes are just depressing.......They granted Cassie her wish to let Daniel go free, yet they know they will never get her back.....

I enjoyed the "scooby gang" a little better in this episode.....did Kevin call J.T "T.J" by mistake during that scene or was he just being his obnoxious self?

Dru and Lily is hard to watch knowing neither of the actresses barely tolerated each other.....I did like Dru reminding Lily she's named after Lillie Bell, yet Lily has always been so far from being a true Barber woman....

I'm glad they had Danny call Phyllis.....I always find it so demeaning that Danny never really was around for all the hell Daniel has been through....Danny and Chris were good friends of Neil and Dru for so many years and it would have been so much more fascinating to watch that conflict unfold between those 2 couples, yet of course in the end it was all about Phyllis....

Those scenes at the Asylum still terrify me.......I just think it's odd that although Sheila always thought of Scotty as her son, that the writers just didn't have her come onto him....I never would have wanted that, but the fact that they just have them be students working together on a book without sparks flying seems so vague in retrospect...


Edited by YRfan23
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I'm actually amazed at how tolerable I'm finding Victor in these episodes compared to the subsequent ten years. And oh, those asylum scenes stuck with me for years after I saw them, I never got the image of Kimberlin behind the mirror out of my head. Super creepy. And as for Dru, seeing her in these episodes probably depresses me more than anything to be completely honest. Not too far away from her demise by this point.


Oh, speaking of that, I can't remember if I mentioned it in the past, but I have episodes from late 2006 to around April of 2007. Dru's final episodes are all in there, that whole Pheila thing, etc, I can upload those too if anybody wants them?

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haha I had almost forgotten exactly just how campy Michelle was as Sheila. And I have to admit, mainly because I just refuse to buy that this is was the real Sheila, I'm actually enjoying these episodes, they are absolutely freaking hilarious. 


Yeah, Dru's exit was worthy of quite a few tears. I seem to miss her and Olivia more and more as time goes by.

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I'll watch those episodes, LOL.....I know this sounds so obsessive but I remember from some of the Pheila clips that used to be or possibly still on youtube, that I loved getting to hear all the other Y&R characters at least refer to Sheila by name, even if it wasn't really "her"...........it was fun getting to hear Jill of all people  tell Ji Min about Sheila's past, and of course Sharon talking about her too throughout the episodes....

and OMG I always get the biggest laugh out of Dru's fall off the cliff...not because we possibly lost her forever but because of CK's OTT screaming.....lord what terrible acting, and you can so see how thrilled she looks behind that face....CK not having to deal with VR anymore.....

I do wanna see some of the aftermath of Dru's fall like the funeral and Olivia coming back.....I never saw her reaction to Dru's "death".

Tonya Lee Williams was so royalty screwed by Y&R.....she should still be on, but they refuse to even acknowledge Olivia anymore...

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That sounds pretty lame, but I didn't expect much TBH.....I guess it was better they didn't fully ruin Neil like they have now, but I guess you can argue that Dru's fall was a prelude of how Neil turned into the hard person he is today (besides it just being terrible plot driven for the most part)

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haha That was pretty neat actually getting to hear everybody mention her by name. There were some things in that storyline I genuinely liked. Even Michelle at times sold the creep factor pretty well. I loved the scene where Michael first discovers her in the warehouse, one minute she's playing the hysterical victim, then after Paul convinces him to call Phyllis, he turns back around to the cell and Sheila's done a complete 180 in personality and is just standing there staring and giving him that devilish smirk. That and after Sheila's escaped, when she shows up on Phyllis' doorstep, good freaking god!! The nitpicker in me however can't help but think of the exact same scene the year before when Sugar showed up on Scotty's doorstep to kill him :3

I know what you mean, I thought I was the only one put off by her during that scene. I didn't really pick it up until I saw those scenes again years later, I just remember at the time being horrified that that Dru and Sharon could both be dead. I'm just going to throw it out there, I really wish they'd kept Davetta Sherwood on as Lily. I found her a much more interesting character compared to CK's portrayal.

Yeah, that sounds like the current Y&R I know. I don't even remember her leaving to tell you the truth, I was probably off the show by this point. I think the last time I remember seeing her was when Liz Foster passed away? And when Malcolm returned to GC, when they'd recast him with Darius McCrary.

I just remember the farewell where she 'died' and that's it really. Probably for the better now that you mention that.

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I would mostly cry because it was so terribly, unbelievably bad, despite hating that Dru was written off. But Dru and Olivia are desperately missed (despite the fact that Olivia was sacrificed to the bus over and over again for 7/8 years).



LMAO It was just as thrilling as Billy's "gambling addiction" that lasted a whopping 11 episodes!



Davetta was phenomenal. What Dru's daughter should be, and always should have been. CK will never be anything but a miscast joke.

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Funny you should mention that, I started collecting 2012/2013 episodes of Y&R recently, I only ever had Michelle as Phyllis' final episodes up to the current episodes, and I was watching those episodes the other day and I thought I'd missed a page or something, that storyline just seemed to disappear all of a sudden. 

The farewell was what really got me. I'd hoped up until that point that she'd be found, and then I just assumed that this would be another case of Stefano DiMera and she would show up again in the future. What annoyed me the most was right after all that Carmen bullsh*t was finally over and done with, they wrote Dru out like that.

She just fit, I could really imagine that this was the daughter of Dru. I'm completely mixed when it comes to CK's rendition. What exactly happened there anyway, wasn't Davetta fired in favour of CK wanted to return or something?

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LOL oh wow I thought I had blocked Billy the gambler out of my mind. If people think Burgess Jenkins is the worst they should go back and rewatch Scott Seymour! That story and the performance by Seymour was absolutely atrocious before Billy got shipped off to Hong Kong. 


Latham had really, really bad habit of starting a story or throwing out ideas without zero followup. Victor's spiritual awakening/epilepsy  Plumb's murder, Ji Min's murder, someone sabotaging the Newman jet to make it crash with Nick on board, Cane and Nick keeping shady secrets, David Chow etc. are just the tip of the iceberg. 


Davetta was indeed wonderful. Khalil was okay as the naive, annoying Lily who I think did her best work with Graziadei. Goddard has always sucked the what little life she has in her. The fact Khalil publicly insulted Sherwood ("She needs Jesus in her life!") was awful and since then I've had a disdain for Khalil and had no sympathy for her during the 2012 fiasco where she was almost fired.  In fact, she should have been but at least Mishcel Morgan has become far more dominant and Khalil been able to pull off a bitchier Lily. 

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I never ever thought I would say this, but I'm at the point now where I've just accepted Jenkins is here and probably here to stay for a long time yet. I would have preferred David Tom stay on board personally, I actually liked that he returned, but that clearly was not ever going to happen.

Ouch. I don't know who she is giving pointers, to an actress that managed to make the character likeable and interesting in less than a year than Khalil has in over a decade of all people.

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Apparently when Sherwood was fired in 2006 before CK came back....CK made some ignorant comment on myspace, about DS coming after CK and that everyone should "pray for her"....

Still keeping up with the 05 episodes I just watched 8-29-05.

I just realized that as much as we all complained for years how bad they were at updating the opening, I think I prefer those pictures over the ones we have now....I cringe all the time they show Braeden and him giving that grin at the camera....but I guess it's perfect cause it represents the slime Victor has become....the one from 2003-2012 shows more depth if that makes sense...

I thought Victor and Nick's scene was nice.....I guess i'm still waiting for Victor to do something to royalty piss me off as he seems too agreeable here, yet I keep reminding myself of course that's how he's really suppose to be acting now...

I was surprised that they transitioned from night to day in the same episode? did they do that often around that time? I know soaps have dome that before, but Y&R usually just goes from 1 day to the next......I did like the shot of the ranch they used in the 90's to show it was morning....I figured they didn't do that anymore that time...

ugh, Daniel and Lily grossed me out.....it's weird cause CK was 17 going on 18 there, I don't believe (correct me if I'm wrong) they currently have any girls have any underage girls have sex on shows these days.....

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