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They had PLENTY of scenes together because Katherine (like Douglas) is/was like family to the Newmans.

Katherine's relationship with Victoria was a lot like her relationship with Ashley (prior to the Tucker debacle), warm & loving.

The will stuff was part Katherine/Esther's growing relationship.

The Norman stuff (in a sad but well written twist) came later.

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Thanks for telling us about the SWAT. I'll have to watch that sometime.

That was nice for Bell to write that for Katherine and Esther.

I was going to ask - I probably asked this before, but forgot - during the photos where Katherine was using the photos of Jack/Jill, there were scenes of Esther dressing in disguise and going to get the photos from a trash can. Was she doing this for Katherine? Was she trying to get money out of Katherine? I got the impression from the episodes that she was doing this behind Katherine's back.

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Yeah, I got a feeling that it took a while for Katherine to consider Esther one of her closest friends. I thought it was sweet when Esther is performing at the Masquerade Ball in 1991, and Katherine is introducing her, she starts by saying "I give you my friend and my... I give you my friend" I feel that line shows the turning point that Esther now means more to Katherine than just being her servant.

Speaking of Esther, does anyone miss when Jill and Esther had their one liner moments, everytime Jill barged into Katherine's? Like Jill would impatiently knock or ring than Esther answers and they insult each other.Classic camp like that will probably never been seen again on soaps :(

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So I guess that Sheila and John knew each before she worked at the hospital. I read somewhere that people thought that Silva fathered Sheila's child that she miscarried since he knew about her famous martinis. I think that they have great chemistry, and i liked that they played up on their friendship throughout her first run on Y&R. (even if it was just for legal reasons)

Another paring that sparked my curiosity was Scott and Olivia:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vy2gql8g1hk (skip to 2:23)


I feel like they had great chemistry. Which makes me wonder if Sheila was never thought of (That breaks my heart to say btw) if Bill would have done a Bi-racial romance between Scott and Olivia.

Its too bad that their screen time together I assume wasn't played up as much onscreen, as it was as first, as both characters got caught up in their own spheres. Its funny though that i read that Olivia pretty much diagnosed Scott of whatever made he die, but afterwords no one ever says to Olivia, "By the way, Scott Grainger passed away" just something that always seemed weird to me.

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That's a very touching line from Katherine. I think a lot of people don't get the Kay/Esther relationship - like LML making a thing of Esther no longer wearing a uniform.

I hadn't thought of Scott and Olivia. They would have been dull but it would have given Olivia something to do, since by 1992 or 1993 or so the show seemed to have lost interest in Nathan.

Did the show ever have any plans for Paul and Hillary?

How much was Sheila's story on Y&R extended due to her popularity? I wonder what the original ending would have been.

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Yeah, I was running my mouth a little when i talked about Scott and Olivia romantically. I think them being friends is more suitable, but again its sad that besides that one scene i read about where Olivia learned what Scott was sick with, They probably didn't have anymore hospital scenes together where they talked about their problems. Its also Sad that as Peter Barton was leaving, they could have at least given him some more to do than just sit back and watch Lauren grow bored of him. I have no idea why Bill didn't make him (or Olivia for that matter) the doctor at present, for when Nikki was going through her labor and Jill was having Billy. All of that duty went to that Dr. Laski fellow.

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I think Scott's problem was that he did become a third wheel between Lauren and Sheila, which is why im sure Bill did struggle on where to take Scott before just killing him off. Plus even though he and Lauren had good chemistry Tracey probably had better chemistry with Don and Doug.

I wonder if another reason why Scott was so isolated throughout his last run was anything to do with how Peter Barton was offscreen. Its not really fair to judge but ive seen those old episodes of Family Feud hes on with other Y&R cat members and he did seem like he had somewhat of a perverted sense of humor. Victoria Rowell looked as though she wanted to hit him at some shots (it could have been a joke though) :D

I wonder what happend to him anyway, I know he had a role on Sunset Beach, but he just never acted again it seems like.

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