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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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And let us not forget that this empty headed bitch was turned on by the zombie fighting when she first saw it.

BTW, we didn't discuss 2 important things from last night.

1. Michonne and Merle's talk - well, really Merle's talk because M didn't say much of anything. I thought it was really hilarious how Merle was doing his damage control with M. Let bygones be bygones? Translation: I'd appreciate it if you didn't kick my ass while I'm here.

2. And most important was Rick letting Daryl know that he is happy that Daryl is back, but there would be no "bending over" for Merle to keep Daryl happy. I was especially pleased with that! Rick told Daryl in no uncertain terms that if anything jumps off with Merle, it's on Daryl! Super super pleased with that!

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Good points, Chit. I liked that Rick made it clear that Daryl was responsible for Merle.

I was also glad Rick stepped up at the end and did step aside as Carl suggested. Rick has got to realize that without him leading, they are lost. I hope that he, Michonne, and Carl find gun and food stores somewhere.

I was sorry that Tyreese and Sacha hooked up with Phillip, but I think as the fight progresses, they will see his ruthlessness and change sides to help Rick's group.

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Unfortunately for The Gov, Tyreese unknowingly gave him some flawed information. The Gov thinks that Rick is completely off his rocker, but Rick has pulled himself together. He's got some work to do, but Rick is no longer a wreck.

And you know what, the conversation between Merle and Hershel wasn't that bad. It was just Merle's delivery, but that is the way he delivers everything.

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Yeh, but Tyreese and his group and direct Phillip to the entry point that they used to to get into the prison. I hope that Rick has had sealed up that area of the prison. The good thing is that there are quite a few walkers roaming around there so it would be difficult for Phillip and his people to get in.

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I get what you mean Cheap. I didn't mind her last night tbh and for the most part I've come to loath Andrea. But I'm also trying to see it from Laurie's perspective since she'd know her character better than anyone. I do get that this girl is unfortunately misinformed when it comes to this guy what with not having all the facts for why everyone hates the Gov. Michonne didn't tell her WTF happened and Maggie/Glenn and a few others could have told her on his attempted assault to get her to open up her eyes to the side that she doesn't see. Granted people do run the risk of that person also choosing not to believe them but that's for another day.

I'll rewatch the whole thing later since I missed about 35 mins of it due to the Oscars going over and all that jazz.

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I think so because they showed the difference between T/S compared to B/A. B/A don't appear to be loyal and will screw anyone over. T/S are good people who just want shelter and will work hard to earn their keep.

I did, however, think it was a bit odd that they would have T disclosing prison info w/o a second thought. Perhaps they will get to that.

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I guess Tyreese may have just been happy to have shelter and food, since they'd been on the run for ages, then Rick went nuts.

You could tell Allen and Ben were going to be shady, but I do wonder about whether they should make other characters a little more sympathetic, as the group seems to be fairly thin at the moment, even if Tyreese and Sasha return to the prison. I know Milton is probably going to die, but I wouldn't mind seeing Andrea take him to the prison with her - I like the actor, and the character is someone that would bounce off different people in different ways (I can imagine Carol patiently dealing with his babbling, while some of the others would tell him to just shut up and learn to shoot). He's always been sheltered from the worst so that would be a big culture shock.

Edited by CarlD2
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It's all a little vague for me at the moment because there are so many nebulous forces in the group. Michonne still isn't close to anyone, and I doubt Merle ever will be aside from Daryl, Daryl is torn, so that leaves Maggie/Rick/Hershel/Beth/Carol/Glenn/Carl, and I'm not sure where Glenn is going to be mentally. The main core group is full of cannon fodder (I'm always half-expecting Hershel, Beth, and Carol to die, every episode), so I end up wondering if they're going to try to build them all up a little more. Andrea would be an outsider if she returns. I don't think Tyreese would be, I think he'd have fit in perfectly if Rick had been sane, but now he might be seen as being with the Governor. I kind of wish they were bringing one or two Woodbury people in, although the Woodbury people seem to be dumb assholes.

I miss the dynamic they had at the start of the season where everyone was tight and close.

Edited by CarlD2
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I cannot imagine Merle making it to next season. I see him redeeming himself by having a noble death that saves others in the group.

I am enjoying the strife and angst that has changed the group dynamic. It feels real. They live in a nebulous terrifying world, lurching from one crisis to another. I always remember that one day in the prison where Glenn looks a walker and says something to the effect of "can't we even have one good day" and the answer is clearly, "no."

Edited by Ann_SS
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I see Merle and Daryl having a showdown and Merle leaving in some dramatic fashion, possibly to return working with the Govrnor. Or in some other capacity. I don't think he'll ever be able to be in their group (probably wouldn't want to either). I do like seeing him try to adjust, because I find this more believable than the beginning where he was this hardcore bigot, beating on people. I guess Daryl calmed him down a little back at camp but it's tough for me to imagine him in day to day life with that group. I think Shane would have shot him in the head.

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