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I am glad I have stayed spoiler free. This season so far has surpassed my expectations. I was actually shocked they killed off Shane as he and Rick represented the good vs evil but I think this season has shown both good and evil to be fairly ambiguous in some ways. It's ironic and kind of brilliant how they killed off the righteously "good" group member one week in Dale and the righteously "bad" group member in Shane the next.

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Wow! What an episode! I knew Rick had to be the one to kill Shane but I didn't expect it to happen during this season! I figured maybe it would happen next season.

I was so confused when Zombie-Shane popped up. LOL But then I read the posts here. So the virus is airborne? And once you die, you become a zombie? Wow.

That is one of the reasons why this is show brilliant! I also have to give credit to the cinematography and directing on this show. The scenery of Rick/Shane's duel was beautiful - the green grass, the fog, the light from the moon.

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I don't think that virus is airborne. I think that it is in blood and when someone dies, it is triggered. This is why Jenner said that he found what he expected from their test results and this is what he told Rick. This really changes the dynamic. It means that the virus won't run it course. Rather, they will have to destroy the brains of everyone who dies and hope they die in front of people so they don't turn into walkers. However, there must be some people who are immune and that is where they will find the cure.

The final Rick/Shane scene was very well done. I also liked the shot of the walkers approaching from above. it was all so menacing and scary. I was holding my breath. I realized that Rick was stalling for time with Shane, but I though Rick was going to pull a gun from his pants and shoot Shane. Rick pulling the knife and stabbing Shane was shocking. What drama with a twist.

TWD rocks! I just love this show.

Edited by Ann_SS
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You are right, but remember when Rick or someone asked Jenner about their test results, he said that he found what he expected. Now I am pretty sure that he tested them for the virus and found it in their blood. If the virus was airborne, Jenner would not have bothered testing their blood.

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OMC, the walkers eating people, going after them. The whole group is split up now. I am freaking out. This crazy good tv! I love this show.

Ah, everyone is back together, well not everyone. Damn, Rick abandoned Andrea. Oh well.

All them shooting the zombies in the head is a bit unbelievable, took me out of the moment a bit.

Wow, Rick finally told them that they are all infected.

Andrew Lincoln was fantastic in the scene where he confessed killing Shane to Lori. Lori's reaction was so ridiculous. She is a piece of work. She had to know that it was going to be Rick or Shane in the end.

Damn, Rick. I loved his outburst. He sure told them. I loved how he challenged them to go, and then said, if you're staying this is not a democracy any more.

I am glad that Daryl told Carol that Rick has honor. How quick she forgot that he is the one who insisted they search for her daughter.

I had a good laugh at Hershel's line about God promising the resurrection and expecting something else. LOL!

I was glad that Glenn told Maggie that he loved her, but he did not lock the damn door.

Cop out with Michonne. They did not show us her face, means they haven't cast the role as yet.

I'm watching the Talking Dead with Kirkman. Kirkman said that Rick is done, it is the beginning of the Rick-dictatorship and that they have cast the character of Michonne is an actress from Treme.

Edited by Ann_SS
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I just watched the entire season over the weekend and am I the only one that hates Laurie? I liked that she finally apologized and kinda owned up to her role in the destruction of Shane and Rick's friendship but I still dont like her. I also dont like that borderline psycho kid of hers. They need to watch him bc he looks like trouble

I also hate that Shane is dead mainly in part bc of his infatuation with that biyatch. He was definetly my favorite character and its sad to see him gone

I was highly disgusted with how the group was out to kill Randall, especially Rick. He's upposed to be the noble one but there was nothing honorable in that at all. How sick to save the guy from walkers, only to try and blow him in the head themselves

Edited by Cheap21
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Their is a reason why Shane dies in the first comic and why he had to die this season..we will be intro to two badass and fan favorites next season.

Randall had to die for the safety of others. Its all about survival and Randall was bad news. I think they should have left him for walker bait.

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Rick tries to save anyone when he can, but he was wrong with Randall who was bad news, period.

And I am not crying for that crazy ass Shane. I am glad that he is dead. Rick should have put him down a lot sooner.

Edited by Ann_SS
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