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It was such a dark, dark story. And, they wrote him so eccentric as to be weird, off, something off kilter about him. He never smiled. I think they played him as ethnic and that otherness was to his disadvantage. I never had any doubt that she had been raped. I mean, this was DOOL. You couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting a rape victim. NBC pushed violent stories claiming that it garnered ratings. I always wondered if they had any idea what they were talking about. But, she was so full of doubt, dread, uncertainty. I was glad they did the scenes they did in the therapist's office, thinking someone in the audience might get help if they needed it.

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Thanks for responding!  Did the show effectively backtrack on the rape in an organic way through therapy or was it re-written as a 'seduction'?  I guess my question is was it believable in it's execution or just a weird story that never made sense?

Edited by carolineg
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From what I've read, Susan had blocked out the experience and just assumed it was rape. Through hypnosis, she eventually realized that it was consensual and that she was the aggressor. It was said that she visualized Eric as David Martin. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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She visualized Eric as David after the encounter, which is when she freaked out. I remember @saynotoursoap describing it probably over a decade ago on this board, amongst other stories from the 70's, and with the mix of trust between his recollection, respect for his taste as a viewer and Bill Bell's penchant for well written psychosexual dramas, I actually think it was probably very fascinating.

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Yes, I thought it was credible. I did believe it. I'm sure they cold have spent more time in therapy. But, they did it. No one tried to rewrite it. And, it seemed like therapy, like whoever was the doc believed her, with no one trying to undermine her, but there was something in the way they shot it that was creepy. We saw that she was distraught. We saw him, sitting in his room by himself looking morose. I didn't know at the time if we were supposed to feel sorry for him. I'm sorry I don't remember a lot and I was a kid. Probably a naive kid.

Adding: And, apparently I don't remember the whole story.

Edited by Tonksadora
Apparently I don't remember the whole story.
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Thanks for the replies everyone.  It really does sound fascinating, but it's very hard to picture just reading the synopsis.  Again, it makes me curious why the show never tried to bring Susan back even with a recast throughout the years.  Although, I guess her character might have been a difficult fit past 1980, but at the very least perhaps her daughter Annie could have been brought back as a rival to Hope.

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That scene of John and Sami watching strippers together... 
That is not canon John nor is it canon Sami.  That scene is from the noncanon Christmas movie.  The entire Christmas movie was something from Will's imagination about how he would write a Hallmark Christmas movie using Salem characters.  Dead Nick (Blake Berris) is dancing because Brandon Barash got COVID right before they filmed the movie, so the powers that be decide to have Nick be Gabi's love interest in the movie, since none of it is canon.

This scene says more about Will's imagination than anything else.

Maybe they'll eventually have the regular daytime show characters make a comment that Will once wrote a stupid Christmas movie, but the plot within the movie won't be canon.

Right now the only thing that's canon is that, in 2014, Will wrote a movie script about Sami's life, which was never filmed.  In 2021, Johnny and Allie read a paper copy of that script.

Edited by janea4old
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1/1/73 is available to watch in person at The Paley Center in NYC. I watched a few years ago and wrote up this recap. This is a month before DeniseA left the show. From this episode recap, I'm guessing that Susan still thought it was rape and the hypnosis hadn't happened yet

Isn't this a week or so before the couple of eps where we meet Eric's "roommate" and it's implied they are more than friends??

= = =

At her apartment, Susan tends to her baby in a bassinet. There is a little Christmas tree. Her fiance Greg calls from a hospital room, where he is with a sleeping Eric (Greg’s brother). Greg says his mother is in the chapel and his father went home. He says no change in Eric's condition. Susan feels helpless. Susan hangs up, and talks to the baby. She notes that the babys father is Eric. Susan hears an audio flashback of Eric requesting to see the baby. Susan has an inner monologue “dare I let Eric see the baby? What will people read into it? Maybe its too late… maybe Eric will die before he can see the baby. If Eric dies, all of my problems will be over. Eric did a horrible thing to me. Will I feel guilty if I dont let him see my baby?” Tom Horton arrives. He notes that babies are usually not allowed to visiting sick patients, but he said he got an exemption.

Mary Anderson enters Bills office, and is surprised to find her dad Bob Anderson. Bill had let Bob wait in his office. Mary reveals she said no to Burts marriage proposal. Bob says Julie Banning told him that Mary had been having doubts. Mary said Burt was very upset, and wants her to think about her choice some more. Mary reveals she may have feelings for Bill, but that she sees no interest from Bill. Bob says Bill hasnt shown interest because he thought Mary was off the market.

Eric and Greg in the hospital room. Eric wakes up. Greg tells him Susan is staying home with the baby. Eric has inner monologue “Susan wont bring the baby. Shes not trustworthy. Greg is too good of a guy to get stuck with Susan. Greg has to know the truth.” Eric says to Greg – “you have to know the truth” but then passes out.

Bill walks in his office and finds Mary. She fills him in on turning Burt down. Bill is surprised but hopes the best for her. They review how Eric is sick and Greg is worried. Mary notes that Bill was just as concerned when his brother Mickey was sick.

Eric wakes up and cant remember if he told the truth to Greg. Greg is asleep. Susan walks in with the baby. Susan admits she is surprised Eric wanted to see the baby. Susan said she named the baby Ann. Eric notes that it is his mothers name as well. Eric says that was very clever of Susan to name the baby Ann. Eric asks if Susan is really going to marry Greg, and really going to keep the baby – she says yes. Eric asks if shes only telling him the truth now because she thinks he’s going to die.

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Lol!  You know Will spent hours wondering how he could make a Christmas movie that included EJ stripping plausible and nothing about plot.

This is fantastic!  Thanks for that.  I appreciate everyone filling in the gaps.  I have never been that interested in 60's and 70's Days, as I often found it a little dull when I watched, but the 1966 episode really moved quickly and was interesting to me.  I definitely will have to see what else I can find.  Most of the 70's stuff I have seen is Marlena related and even some of that plods along for me, so I am going to see if there are other rare 60's/70's gems out there.

I have always been interested in the Brooke Hamilton/Stephanie Woodruff stuff as well.  It seems interesting, but then the character is killed off so soon after the reveal.

Edited by carolineg
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80's/90's Days is just flashier and an easy watch.  I can get lost in those stories, but the more psychological, character based 60's/70's are probably fantastic.  I think the problem for everyone is that era is almost impossible to find and it's bits and pieces but the 80's/90's you can find edits, full episodes, storylines so easily.  If I could keep watching the Susan/David/Julie story after the episode you posted I absolutely would.  Maybe someday.  That's why I miss @beebs amazing 70's recaps.  They were so interesting and also hilarious.

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