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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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Yeah, I'd love to see Lucinda try and land some defense drafting and engineering contracts via the appropriate departments at WorldWide. Lucinda would argue how it would bring much-needed jobs and money to Oakdale, but Luke would spearhead a campaign to stop it (and maybe fall in love with an employee @ WorldWide in the process).

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I would have been interested in seeing Luke get involved with an older military man, perhaps someone fairly high up, who then comes out after DADT repeal and faces the various reactions and hardships. I think there was a certain "daddy" potential they ignored when they wrote out Larry Lau.

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Very cool. Jordana Brewster who played Nikki Munson, just had an interview in Brazil where she's promoting the new Fast and Furious movie. They asked her about her love of soap operas and she mentioned that she's doing Dallas. She said she already did a soap called "As the World Turns" and loves that kind of storytelling. I always find it interested when actors acknowledge their soap past. You never know what kind of response you'll get. I also liked that she acknowledged that Dallas is a soap and didn't pull some "drama" mess like some actors.

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Colonel Winston Mayer, as played by Daniel Hugh Kelly, was probably one of AS THE WORLD TURNS' biggest "wasted opportunities" in its final years. Here we had a quintessential, conservative military officer, who could not and would not accept his son's homosexuality - and who, in my mind, was so outraged by it, b/c it touched off similar struggles with his own sexuality beneath the surface - and instead of dealing with all that and maybe telling a real envelope-pushing story (yes, America, there are families where a father and son are both gay), they took their usual cheap and easy way out and turned him into the latest Psycho of the Month.

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They didn't even attempt to give any further story to a possibly complicated relationship between Noah and the Colonel, nothing at all. Heck they didn't have Noah meet his birth mother as played by Robin Mattson. Worse is that Colonel became a recurring VOM for the next two years.

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I loved Hal and Barbara. They balanced each other very well - he helped her calm down and she stopped him from being too hangdog. They were also a very believable couple, people who loved each other but never trusted each other, which led to many heartbreaks.

This scene sort of sums up what touched me about them:


I liked Emily and Hal quite a bit. The only time I tolerated KMH was when she was with men who kept her from getting into hysterics. Hal was such a kind man and he helped get Emily some self-respect and some peace. It was just what she needed. That, and Jef Hamlin, are the only two non-awful KMH pairings.

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I think it's something about the lighting in this episode. It's the best I've ever seen Scott look in this era of ATWT.

Did you get to watch the whole thing? How bizarre/hilarious was that with Heather as Tina Turner and Marie Kovac as Madonna.

The Marie death story is kind of clumsy, but the show was smart to center this around core characters, like Frannie.

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Sorry about that. The entire episode is up on Youtube now.

Marland wrote some campy stuff here and there, like with Lillith.

I do wonder if Marie and Kevin were already planned before he arrived, and he just fit them into the Doug Cummings story he had planned.

Steven Weber is really bad here...

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