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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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My mistake! LOL I was think about last week being the end since we finally saw the final ratings -- that seemed like the shutting the door. Now that's it's two weeks. I can't believe someone hadn't opened this thread sooner! I think it would have been a lot easier for us to accept if ATWT ratings were REALLY bad -- like PASSIONS or PC bad, but they weren't and the fact the show didn't lose it audience after a NINE month cancellation notice is even more incredible. The has to be the longest notice in history of soaps, what a mess. I promised myself I wouldn't rant for some time.

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what did people think of Heather Rattray who played a recast Lily for 4 years in the early 90s? Would people have preferred she return when Martha left or did they end up preferring Noelle over Heather?

Speaking of Noelle, I know people would rather have had Martha but was Noelle herself as Lily hated? Did people eventually coming around to at least accepting her? From what I saw, she wasnt bad at all and I think some of the animositiy against her was simply bc she wasnt Martha. She seemed good as an actress and was a decent Lily to me

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I liked Heather Rattray. It helped that she was the first Lily I remember, but I thought she was believable as Lucinda's daughter. The coldness about her had some moments of vulnerability, and she had a striking presence. She wasn't the warmest actress but I remember feeling for Lily when she had the miscarriage.

Martha's Lily was often too weepy and hysterical for me.

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I liked Brooke Alexander much better than the second Samantha, Sheri Alexander.

I don't think people outright hated Noelle Beck, but I think there was a lot of resistance to her simply because of the way Martha's departure was handled. Personally, I stopped caring about Lily long before Martha left. Her Lily was a whiny little self-righteous hypocrite. I honestly think the show would have been fine without a recast Lily, period.

I actually liked Heather Rattray in the role too.

Interesting tidbit, Lindsay Frost is married to the actor who played Nick Costello (James' henchman who infiltrated the OPD and burned up in the Ruxton Hills fire).

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That's interesting. Nick was kind of hot though. I realize people weren't clamoring for Lindsay to return but I really wish she'd been there in the show's last weeks, along with Ellen.

I also liked Brooke, I thought she had a natural charm about her, and she worked well with everyone.

I feel the same way you did about Lily. I do think Martha was a good actress, but I think Lily was one of those characters who was too exposed for too many years. Then with Noelle they lost the history Martha brought, and I think this could have worked, but they kept her tied to Holden, which made no sense. They were going to lose viewers anyway, they should have tried something new and had her go into an entirely new direction. I guess at the very end they were trying this with Craig but that was sort of half-hearted.

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I loved Brooke Alexander as Samantha and found her to be a perfect cast as Lucinda's sister. She had a stoic, somber tone which matched well with Hubbard. Also, I thought she was very pretty. Was she fired or did she quit? She was hard to match with a male lover. I think she would have come off well paired with an older man like John Dixon. Either an older man or paired with a woman which would not have been possible, sadly, at that time. I disliked the recast and the lack of connection with Geogia was poor writing.

I really wonder what would have happened with ATWT had characters like Sam, Connor, Kurt, Frannie and Betsy been retained. Their children would have been scattered across the canvus and the show might have remained a bit more stable. The show had already been gutted by the time Goutman took over. By 1999, the core families and even Lucinda were MIA.

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I think the rumor was Brooke was fired because she didn't know her lines.

I was going to ask any of you who have a lot of knowledge about the show's history about a story I read in a December 91 SOD, where Lisa Brown and Doug Marland denied a report, I think from the New York Post, claiming that they went out to dinner, he told her she was being let go and Iva was going to be killed in a car crash, and Lisa spent hours crying and drinking wine. They also said that a casting call had been out for a woman around the same age as Iva, named Donna.

Brown said she was in tears because she was divorcing her husband, and she did not drink alcohol, and Marland also said it wasn't true and that he was probably not going back to that restaurant. He said the call for Donna had nothing to do with Iva and had been called off anyway.

Did you ever hear anything about any of this? I wonder who "Donna" would have been involved in a story with.

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