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Heh my mom and I use to joke about Emma's small ancient refrigerator and how on earth she could keep something that small for a big family like the Snyders.

Thanks for those photos Paul! Kim actually had two big stories that year, the first one was her heart surgery that overlapped with the Who Shot Diego story. I have a couple episodes I taped from back then, one with Kim's surgery while Holden and Lucinda were locked in the wine cellar while another is about a week after the wedding Lily's arraignment taking place, Margo having blackouts, Mike and Lucinda trying to convince Pilar to stop changing her mind about her dead brother, and quite possibly Allyson Rice-Taylor's last ep as she tells Cal she thinks Mark killed Diego in revenge for T. Jones' death.

Diego! T. Jones! Actually the increasingly horny teen I was I thought Diego was hot, too bad they transformed him from the town's super shady guy into some supervillian terrorist extraordinaire. It was the most unbelievable stretch to make Diego be really Umberto himself, and the of course the story ended so badly as well.

Edited by soapfan770
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I do apologize to you Paul as I was mistaken in who posted those photos. Thanks!

I nearly made a snarky Susan Batten joke there... :ph34r:

I actually enjoyed Dunphy and I think she was better than Schulenberg. Dunphy worked well in my opinion as the funny, clever yet airheaded schemer. I do see your point though about the absence of vets, which why I did like the story of Nancy helping Alison out to impress Chris to woo him back.

Edited by soapfan770
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The problem I had with Dunphy was that the character they gave her should have been more than just a bimbo schemer who was misunderstood underneath. She consistently seemed to throw away opportunities, although the shocking performances from Kaba and List probably didn't help matters. They trashed Susan's character for what amounted to the most generic "bad" girl possible.

FMB based the heart story on her husband. While it was a good story, it only seemed to last for about two weeks and was then almost totally forgotten, aside from one episode where we saw Kim at WOAK dealing with the constant ticking. I always felt like the episode with Jennifer was a response to how criticized and unpopular most of FMB's first year at the show was...although looking back, that type of attempt to appease fans was better than just sneering at them, as Goutman did.

Edited by CarlD2
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I was reading a mid-1993 soap magazine and they praised ATWT's for Duke's return, and said the show needed his good-natured obnoxious personality again, and he told John he had quit med school, etc. I don't remember any of this. How long was he around? Was he already split with Lien from this time?

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This episode has just about everything - Emily perjuring herself (great work from Melanie Smith), lots of juicy drama simmering with John and Lucinda, and some light relief with Duncan and Shannon, complete with some cheesy singing from Duncan - I miss romance on soaps. The best part is midway through when Lucinda and Susan go at it.

There's also a cheesy little ad heralding a local newsperson being on ATWT (she's in the Orient Express scenes).

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Thanks so much. I've never read this recap. Nice details!

I didn't know Kim was so naive about John up to this point.

So this was the start of Valerie, who should have been a much bigger character - if only they'd kept her around.

Tina of course was played by Trish Hollen.

Nice to read more about Natalie's schemes.

Who played Dr. Endicott? I never knew he was actually a character on the show.

Did Howard Strassfield ever have stories?

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Thanks for the feedback Carl.

Actually this Tina was Tina Richards,who was played by Toni Bull Bua.The later Tina,played by Hollen was Tina Cornell.

Howard Strassfield was actually Jim Strassfield played by Geoffrey Horne.Maybe the mix up on his first name was a typo or SOD got advanced info before the name change. That character was on for a couple of years with no real story.

Will try and find out who played Endicott.

I'm sensing some major Val/McConnell love here. Did you see her as Miranda on AW?

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How odd they had two characters named Trish within a few years. And that they didn't put Toni Bua in a larger role, considering that the show had few younger heroines at this time.

I have only ever really seen Judith on SB. I haven't watched a ton of SB in recent years but always have a soft spot for her because when I was younger and watching "real time", she and Eden and Kelly and a few others were the ones I was fascinated by.

I tend to go back to her ATWT run because it seems like such a case of right soap, wrong time. She probably would have flourished during the Dobson or Marland years, and even after Marland passed away, ATWT could have brought her in as a foil for Lucinda, Kim and Susan - what if she bought up part of Worldwide, or WOAK, took an interest in Larry, or it turned out that she had had a child with Dan Stewart. Who knows.

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