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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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Sorry to hear you're getting angry e-mail. I may not buy the DVD but I know a lot of people loved Carjack and it's a nice choice for them. Just as, if there's ever a DVD release that is more about the 70's to the mid-90's, I'd buy that, while many may pass it up.

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Oh, it's no problem. Everyone needs to say what they think. I was surprised at this particular mail was from a CarJacker who said they hadn't even heard of some of these episodes. We could all debate which CarJack episodes should be included but I thought these were at least familiar to their fans.

As an old school fan myself, I would love to really focus on the oldest material and rare episodes but the market and feedback is mostly going to determine the themes of the discs. With so much material the DVDs and streaming could go in all kinds of directions. It's going to be a great year!!

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Not a carjacker myself and I didn't watch ATWT for years, but I was familiar with the majority of those episodes...

I'd love to see some of Annie's other breakdowns...

That said I'm a the older the better club for a lot of it. I just have a curiosity and it is fun to watch things I don't know much about. For me it was the opposite I think since I am more GL familiar than ATWT familiar, that I got more entertainment from the ATWT set. Part of it is due to having high expectations and with 20 episodes that would be nearly impossible to reach.

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And if they are doing a carjack dvd they must do a Lily and Holden one too excluding the last years without Martha.....I wouldnt mind seeing the Holden/Lily wedding..2 parter with Heather Rattray in the role...just sayin....hint..hint...Roger....lol

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Thanks again Roger! I have loved what you guys are doing and I was previously more into the ABC soaps but familiar with ATWT and GL. I have loved most of the released episodes.

I have to ask though, are there any plans to get anything more from the Willows storyline with Lisa? I would love to see the episode where Lisa faces off with Hester at the mansion from 1979. I was so grateful to be able to see the one episode from that storyline on the 20 episode set.

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I don't understand a Carjacker who "isn't familiar" with these moments. They're some of the most iconic moments in their story. Maybe they're thrown off by the short synopses. Maybe they expected more of the proposals-weddings kind of highlighty-thing.

Psst...I would have paid to see Bryce's Craig mix it up with Carjack. PAID. Instead, I had five years of JabbatheCraigHut slobbering over Carly any chance he got, and two years of pussyCraig making her into a drunk and stealing from Parker. UGH!

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I hadn't watched either, but I have more of an affinity for the ATWT set, I just poured through those discs and watched every episode, while I admit to getting bored with GL. And of course ya'll know I'm not buying the Kim Zimmer set, but that's the first one I didn't want.

I definitely want the CarJack set, though I wish it was a Maura West/Carly set instead. I would have loved to have seen a couple episodes from her initial run and continue through her major moments until the end. And it still could have included the MAJOR CarJack stuff. Perhaps we're getting a Maura West addendum, like we did for the original ATWT and GL sets? Hint, hint Roger... ;)

But I'm not complaining at all. I'm grateful we're even getting this stuff at all and I can only hope that some of the other classic soaps will follow suit and start doing these DVDs, which should have happened YEARS ago!

It sure is! Thank you SO much for this! Though I did watch intermittently in the 90s (mainly Maura West's first run), I really became a fan of ATWT in the 2000s and it surpassed Y&R and DAYS as MY soap (though I have more history with DAYS, I admit that I was far more hooked on ATWT/Y&R in the 2000s until Y&R fell apart and I started watching DAYS more again).

This has been a real treat though, getting to watch all this stuff for the 1st time, since I was an NBC fan in the good ol days.


Agreed on Bryce and while I enjoyed Block's Craig (he was like a mix of SB's Mason and Keith), I think I enjoyed Carly's storyline with Lindstrom's Craig far more. Never thought I'd say that.

As an aside, I can't believe that in one decade of ATWT fanhood, I sat through 4 Craigs! Obviously I favored Bryce because I realllllly liked his Craig when I tuned in the 90s, but I HATED how he was written and the characters he was played with. Hell, I resented it, so I can't even begin to imagine how the longtime ATWT fans felt about it.

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By default, I "enjoyed" Lindstrom more than Block, simply because Pissy made it clear "Craig" was nothing more than a loser and took away any and all pretense of his omnipetence. Sheffer had such a man crush on Block, he made Craig into an unrecognizable mess to play into his "strengths".

Bryce was completely wasted in the Paul/Meg vortex of suck. The talent it took to make a near baby-killer the sympathetic one in the triangle is off the charts. Firing him was a major WTF decision I will never understand.

I'm down with an all Carly dvd. There were lots of Hal-moments I loved. And natch, there'd be lots of Jack in it. ;)

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