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We Love and Learn NBC:  June 28, 1948 to Mar 23,1951

 The plot of the new NBC daytime serial," "We Love and Learn," revolves around four permanent characters and the people with whom they come In contact. The principal character Is Mme. Sophie DuBellay, a former French peasant who became America's leading designer of women's clothes. The character Is unusual because in spite of her sumptuous setting and great wealth, Mme. Sophie remains as plain as she was before reaching her present position.

Paul Tracy, leading male character. Is suave, sophisticated and wealthy attorney who numbers Mme. Sophie among his clients. Laura Andrews, Mme. Sophie's manager and Tracy's ex-sweetheart, provides most of the program's menace.

The fourth, regular character Is Dixie Blake, red-haired, model who takes' all things, good and bad, as they come. Barbara Weeks plays Mme. Sophie; Arthur Vinton Is Paul Tracy; Sarah Burton is Laura Andrews and Ann Thomas portrays Dixie Blake.The current sequence of the series concerns a girl, a boy and the boy's mother.

The girl Is Susan Brown, who works In Mme. Sophie's fashionable costume and accessory salon. She is In love with Jim Carlton, struggling young attorney who has been convinced by her mother that his marriage to Susan must wait until he has established himself financially. Mrs. Carlton, long-widowed mother of Jim, harbors resentment toward Susan in the belief that she Is stealing her boy.

 Sue Read Is heard as Susan Brown, Joe  Helgeson portrays Jim Carlton and Charme Allen plays Mrs. Carlton. "We Love and Learn," which leans more toward comedy-drama than melodrama, has a continuing theme, but Is so written that each daily episode is complete in itself. This format makes unnecessary an opening synopsis or closing announcement to bring the story-line up to date daily.

The time thus saved allows for almost two minutes more of dialogue during each broadcast. The program is written by Lillian Spinner and directed by Chet Gierlach. Dick Dunham is the announcer and Herschell Luecke is the organist.

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I found this  on my computer for 12 years ago. It's a Guiding Light spoof of sorts. Various cast members are saluting Irna Phillips at the end. Does anyone know more info about this? It's at the end of the two year period TGL was in LA.

Also, does anyone know where I originally found it LOL





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