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Will OLTL, B&B and/or Days ever go HD?

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Right now they are the only soaps left not to be aired in HD (ATWT of course has already ended production). Will they ever make the move before they are cancelled? Im really surprised B&B never has since its so tied to Y&R, whichw as the first one. It also is a lucrative soap for the network and Id imagine they'd have the money to make for an easy transition. For a soap centered around high fashion and glam, it looks horible and an HD upgrade would help it immensely.

I dont have much faith in Days making it. It seems o be just struggling to survive as is and probably cant afford new sets.

OLTL would probably need to make a move like AMC did, but I dont think the network is as invested in it to do so. It sticks out there sandwiched in between AMC and GH, both of which are HD

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Agreed with the part in bold.

B&B going to HD would be good, but that would require a much stronger commitment from Bell-Phillip and the network. Be willing to take multiple takes of the same scene to avoid boom mic/camera shadows, shots of cameraguys in mirrors and in the background, etc. B&B has an excellent directing team, but they do almost everything in one take with little to no rehearsal time.

OLTL would likely be the next candidate for an HD upgrade, if any of the three remaining. Something's gotta change or give because, as you said before, OLTL sticks out like a sore thumb on an otherwise, all HD lineup. If they don't plan on going HD with OLTL, they should stick something cheaper in there that they can afford to tape in HD(i.e. another talker, news hour, or gameshow).

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To tell you the truth, I don't think HD does videotaped shows any favors. If anything, it exposes more of the shortcomings of the videotape format.. HD makes film look astounding, but video tape makes things look "too sharp", IMO... a magnified look that to me, is harsh.

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OLTL NEEDS to go to HD.

It really shows how bad the production levels now are compared to GH and AMC.

OLTL used to have the best production level pre HD out of all the ABC soaps. If OLTL went HD that should would seriously get a new look. It looks shinier, and everything really comes to life.

Here to OLTL swtiching to HD soon.

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There was some interview with the guy who works with Corday on soundtrack and he mentioned DAYS upgrading to HD as one of the new chalenges waiting ahead. I have no idea it they are already in preparation phase or just talking about it, but it seems the show definitely has some plans for it.

As for the budget/schedule, they could actually save some money with a complete switch to digital recording and production. From what I hear they still use videotapes for the taping, but digitizes the rough material before editing and post production. If they switch to HD digital cameras and immediatelly put all the material on HDDs instead of tapes they would save a lot of processing time. Besides, digital cameras are also highly sensitive and are able to capture things even with nearly natural light. So all that power consuming and hot bright overhead lights they use now could be put to rest.

As for the time needed for switch, they have so many studio darks it shouldn´t be any problem. The technology is really not new anymore and is actually much more user friendly and easily installable than the analog tech they use now. But I suspect they may be waiting with the switch till they have to leave the current studio which should be anytime now. And it´s quite possible the new studio will be already equipped with all the technology needed.

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OLTL doesn't need to make any move. They tape directly next door to The View which is in HD. All they need to do is upgrade the studio equipment so they can make the change. It costs about 3 million dollars to do it.

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The View tapes on one stage. You can hardly compare that to a show which utilizes multiple sets and scenery. OLTL recently moved into AMC's old studio which wasnt fit for HD taping, so Id imagine OLTL would have to shop around for a place that would accomodate that

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I just said they have to upgrade studio where OLTL tapes. That was the whole plan in the beginning, but they didn't have the budget. They can stay right where they are. ABC owns the studio. Why would they move? That was reason they moved there. AMC moving had nothing to do with them going HD.

Here is the article:

OLTL Postones HD

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