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AMC - Tuesday 7/20/10

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I like her too--and while Hall isn't brilliant, IMHO she has grown into the character and is better than the past two (don't forget the first Colby also, reportedly, had issues playing opposite a gay guy).

Enjoyed today's epoisode--but I do agree that Emma sure gets spoiled. Her dad couldn't stay ONE night? He abandoned her for weeks at a time the past few years and she hasn't even seemed to have noticed...

Oh and the quickness they'd travel from NYC to Pine Valley seemed insanely fast even for AMC. :D

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I thought it was orange juice for some reason.

Wow I've been out of it--had NO idea Brown and Ssnsten were rejoining he show in any capacity. hrmm Everyone on here knows I liked their work on City, but after that, not sure they ccan bring naything to the show-0-it was an ok script I suppose.

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I thought that too even though I've made that trip (well, not to Pine Valley proper :P ) several times and it's pretty short (little over two hours). But my question was, how were they traveling? Car, train? Rule out plane because the time it takes to get to a NY airport and check in and out is hardly worth it.

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Yeah, The City (and Dynasty) is exactly what came to mind when their names were mentioned in this thread and I really have no hate whatsoever for TC. Granted, I was often wowed by style but I don't think the show was lacking in substance either. But hey, I wasn't exactly thrilled by Labine OLTL, so, sometimes you're just not a right fit.

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Maybe B&E are better scriptwriters than headwriters. I can't think of any lines that stood out, but nothing made me cringe either.

I loved the Annie/JR/Colby/Scott scenes. Colby is quite the insecure brat who thinks she can guilt people into making her life easier, which I'm sure will backfire soon enough with both Damon & JR. There's no way JR will let Annie marry Scott.

Emma was acting awfully immature, but it seemed to me that she was more upset about losing the Cinderella dress Greenlee bought her than that her dad was out of town. Also, it seemed off for her to worry about adults arguing now, given how many times Ryan screamed at Annie, Greenlee, et al. in the past while she was supposedly sleeping.

I'm still enjoying Ryan/Madison while they last. This was a great episode for them up until Annie's phone call, but even that showed that Madison cares enough to take a backseat to his daughter when she needs him.

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Radison has the 2nd best chemistry of the young couples on the show, JMO.

From what I've been reading in other places

Jannie #1, Radison #2, Jamanduh #3, Frandi #4, Damon/Colby #5

BTW is it me or Scott & Annie have literally a more non-existant fanbase than even Rylee ever had. Like literally JR took Scott's steam away. I just keep on wondering what other stupid shyt they are going to attempt w/ JR to make Scott seem better or put him on equal footing.

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