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GH: July Discussion Thread

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That's what's pissing me off the most about this whole thing...forget Kate(yes being respectful today) and Olivia: they are obviously building to something with Skye/Jax/Carly, (whether you like it or hate it) Sonny/Claire, and hell, even Jason/Spinelli. When Brenda comes back, all of these men and God knows whoelse will be pushed aside or sacked for the princess. They haven't even mentioned her name on a daily basis on the SHOW to get viewers geared up for her return, there are no promos on ABC promoting her return. Brenda returning is sure to come out of left field, at least for me. Have they even mentioned Brenda's name since Michael brought it up earlier in the summer?

They better hope she's worth all this.

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I don't even really know why they need to go back to Brenda/Sonny. That ship sailed a long time ago. Almost 15 years ago.

They should remember what happened to their ratings when they threw all their plots up in the air to showcase Franco.

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That's one of the problems with GH stories, they have some good moments but the pacing of the stories is getting worse and worse, along with the fallout. You can't just have Kristina go boom in a car explosion and then a week or two later she's with a study buddy, uninjured.

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Thats what they did last time. They had just spent 2002 building Jax and Skye up as a couple, with a nice romantic courtship leading up to their wedding. When Guza came back, he had Sonny and Carly reunite and remarry. Once Brenda came back, Jax tossed Skye to the side and Brenda kept insinuating herself in Carly's marriage. The romance that Jason had going on with Elizabeth was dropped rather abruptly as he married Brenda and the show spent her time back on the show revolving around the 3 men and the hell with the stories that they were doing with them prior to her return. I already see the writing on the wall which is why Im trying not to get sucked in with Jax and Skye again bc I got burned last time

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I forgot to mention this. Its beyond stupid. If Franco is visiting people he targeted before, why arent ANY of these people under surveillance? Its beyond ridiculous how he is walking up to people undisguised in broad daylight and public. The cops really are idiots. Jason too

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thats bc she isnt Michael's aunt, at least not really. She has no prior relationship with the boy. When she was on the show before, Michael was a kid and was nto allowed to have contact with the Quartermaines. He doesnt know her and she didnt really know him. Im not finding things odd here and she has a stronger relationship as Jax's ex wife, than some aunt thats back in town.

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Loved, loved, and floved Brook Lynn's performance at Coleman's. I typically can't stand when soap stars sing. She's redeemed daytime's reputation for putting the worst warblers around on air. Clearly the writers never expected much from BL (or AL) to have cast the character as Carly's henchwoman. Ridiculous. She's 1- A Quartermaine, and 2 - quite capable of being this generation's Tracy Q... It was perfect for Tracy to remind her that there's nothing BL could do to surpass Tracy's own youthful indiscretions and misdeeds. Pitch perfect all the way around.

Why not revive ELQ as a major player and let Tracy and BL run the place? Wouldn't it be just desserts for Carly to bring BL to town and after reuniting with Jax have to worry about losing their entire fortune to the Quartermaine women. Edward worried so much about his MALE heirs, how sweet would it be to have him owe it all to the women he ignored while he groomed his sons and grandsons? There's Skye, once again torn between family loyalty and the man he loves, even if he's with Carly. Would she join Jax in defending his conglomerate, and become involved in a love triangle to boot?

Mya and Monica could be the face of the Qs in the hospital, again.

Shucks! I forgot. There would be no mob connection, therefore, no storyline for the Qs as a prominent family once again! :mad:

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thanks for proving my point bc nothing will change if she continues to be written as such. She can go back to being a character in her own right if they dont have her flip personality and motivation to suit whatever story needs to be told.

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