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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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When Brandi made the black people dont swim remark Kenya tweeted that Brandi was ignorant and not all black women dont wear weave. Then Brandi tried to play the "Eddie cheated on me" card by saying Kenya was a whore and didnt respect marriage and theres been no love lost between them since. Kenya had a interview and was asked if she disliked any housewives and she immediately said Brandi.

Kenya was hanging out a lot with Joyce and Joanna too and they both cant stand Brandi.

It says a lot about Brandi that housewives from other franchises cant stand her ass. I dont remember this being the case with any other ladies. Even the most hated girls on their respective shows like Teresa and Jill are cool with other casts. SMH

Edited by Eric83
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Last I know, Kim and Sheree are still cool. Knowing Sheree, she's gonna shade the h*ll out of the four (Nene, Cynthia, Kandi, & Phaedra) that were there when she was there. She doesn't talk to any of them and left on bad terms with all of them. I see her snatching Nene and Phaedra if given the chance. Kim, on the other hand, will shade only Kandi and maybe the new girls b/c she's cool with Nene and now Cynthia.

Yep. She called her "ashy face," which caused a ruckus on Twitter (Brandi got dragged that night), and called Kenya a man. She later went on to say in a magazine that she fears Kenya, which she should. Kenya will gleefully mind f*ck Brandi WAY worse than what she feels Lisa did. As I stated before, I wouldn't be surprised if Kenya reached out to Lisa AND Joyce during CA (if her being on the show is true), and getting them to donate on her behalf. Kenya is that calculating and knowing how pissed they are at Brandi, I could see Joyce and Lisa doing it.

Besides the Umansky/Richards, Camille, Gebbias, and Fosters, Brandi really has no friends I can see putting up money on her behalf in this competition (i.e. Celebrity Apprentice). Lisa would've been her biggest donor and gotten her friends to put up money (i.e. Mohammed) had she not burned that bridge. I see Brandi getting far like Nene but not winning and only being kept for drama. Kenya, on the other hand, could get far, raise money (as she has old friends in Black Hollywood), and possibly win. Kenya is cunning.

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I was going to write a long appraisal of the bust that has been this season...but then...I decided I'd just say this:

Lisa and I appear to have something in common, a motto by which we live our lives: it's best to leave before the party's over. Lisa knows when to hold 'em and she knows when to fold 'em. She's walked away. She's checked out. And good for her. I'd do exactly the same damn thing.

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But I was looking forward to what you had to say, Daytime Fan. :(

Are you at least going to comment on the reunion episodes?

And thanks, NBA. I thought Kenya did that night. Brandi's comment really, really, really rubbed her the wrong way.

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Sigh...okay...you've guilted me into it!

Kyle: THIS BITCH has the gall to say, with a straight face "I don't hold a grudge" to the very woman (Lisa) against whom she has the biggest grudge in the world. A grudge that her star was eclipsed by a British restaurateur who lives in a much nicer house than her. Kyle is the perpetual victim. And so she shall remain, the realtor's wife, conditioning her hair in her average house in that part of Bel Air that's a lot closer to Sherman Oaks than it is to Beverly Hills.

Kim: she fails to realize that Ken and Lisa just don't like her. They don't like her because she's a deluded whiner, loser and boozer. Ken's reaction to her half assed apology was classically British: no sh*ts were given at all. Kim is irrelevant to Ken and Lisa and she is filthy in her thirst for some kind of revenge against their unwillingness to validate her pathetic mess of a life.

Brandi: she was drunk the entire episode. And pilled out too from the looks of things. Given that Jen from 'Sober House' is her bff it is disturbing that nobody seems to check her in terms of how she's mixing alcohol and medication. She was not sharp, on point or sober at all. And it's all one big contradiction: she wanted Lisa to be her protector, yet when she acted on that, Brandi threw a childish fit and then tried to smooth things over with "I love you! We can work this out with an apology from you! You've hurt me! You've pulled away! I need you!"...what a psycho. An utter liability.

Joyce: beautiful smile. Her husband makes me laugh. Brings nothing else to the table.

Carlton: irrelevant aside from the fact that she didn't join the pile in on Lisa. God Save The Queen, may the British always stick together.

Yolanda: she made an ass of herself this episode. The "My husband would speak to you?!" to Ken...oh, what an unflattering light. The "Don't touch me Ken!"...talk about blowing things out of proportion. The "Are you my real friend or my Hollywood friend?" nonsense as she talked smack about Lisa the last two episodes and then greets her with an air kiss and helllloooooo crap. Bonding with Kim over their daughters leaving home for college? The same woman she lambasted at the S3 Reunion? Bizarre. Crashing Ken's conversation with Mauricio? Ken's right, she is stupid.

Lisa: she came into this episode with the greatest weapon of all: total disregard for these women. She just doesn't care anymore and it was hilarious that Kyle couldn't grasp that Lisa basically dumped her. Brandi of course didn't make any headway as she slurred "I don't care about your feelings, this is about ME"...what a mess. No wonder Ken and Lisa just left, as if that situation was going to go anywhere, I think not.

The reunion looks good only because Lisa looks well prepared. May Brandi, Kyle, Kim and Yolanda all get raked over the coals for their bullshit.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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