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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm pretty upset Gretchen isn't back. She's my all time OC fave. I loved that she would actually call Vicki out on her shot as she pulled it and not just let her get away with it. I think she and Slade were clearly in love, tho I don't much like him, so he didn't bother me.

Vicki/Tamra didn't want Gretchen back. They got their way.

Bravo is weird with ratings. They clearly didn't care about last season of ny basically flopping.

Lisa made the private convo no longer private, and Yolanda was involved in the issue. Yup.

Between the lies, the blowing issues off and the running away I see a pattern with her.

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This issue with the Vanderpumps, Umanskys and Brandi has nothing to do with her. NOTHING. She keeps interjecting herself in it though. Its not her fight and she isn't personally affected this. She needs to shut and stop trying to stir the pot and throw her two cents bc they don't need her input. She showed her ass last night as she had no business in that convo
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Yolanda was a tool at that party. We saw a thousand Yolanda VTs where she talks about how Lisa acts like a Hollywood friend, not a real one, but what does she do at the BH celebration? Goes up to Lisa with air kisses and "How are you?" Like nothing even happened. Kim pulled the same trick after badmouthing Lisa and Ken. She apologized, Ken accepted it and walked off. OMG how dare he treat the star of Return to Witch Mountain in such an inconscionable way?! EVIL Ken!

Then we had Yols inserting herself in Ken and Mauricio's conversation (which Ken had to take Mo elsewhere to properly finish), then had the nerve to jump all over him again for 'butting into the womens' conversation.' Worse, she tried to make Ken grazing her hand seem like a violent attack upon her person. She was bending over backwards to make Ken and Lisa look like the bad guys. It was clear that nothing Ken or Lisa would say or do was going to satisfy anybody, especially Yolanda, revolutionary leader of the peasants' uprising. At first I wondered why Lisa didn't just come out and say "I wasn't involved in Tabloidgate." Maybe because she couldn't get a word in edgewise. The others didn't want to hear it. Brandi told her to shut up, she didn't care how Lisa was feeling. And just when she started to get warmed up about Scheana, before Lisa can explain her side, she's all "I'm a stronger, happier person without you in my life so this falling out is the best thing to happen to me." Well, ok, then. Good for you. In that case, as Lisa pointed out, there was no point in Lisa defending herself. More importantly, Bravo doesn't want to hear it. Lisa already told Kyle she wasn't involved in Tabloidgate in PR. I kept hoping they would cut to that clip of her saying it, but they did not. Why should they? Because that would end the argument right there and this waste of a season would be exposed for what it is -- a whole bunch of nothing. The taglines at the end showed that no woman has any story going. OMG Kingsley hasn't passed dog obedience school! Portia wants to be a child star! Yay the Hilton gene! Brandi hates Boyce! Boyce is still trying to make her budget pageant happen! Carlton is doing nothing in particular!

Kyle running after Lisa sort of made me want them to patch things up again, but at the same time, her constant need to paint herself the victim, to have Lisa acknowledge that victimhood and flatter her accordingly was exhausting. And why would she want such an awful person in her life if she was so hurt by Tabloidgate? it kind of undermines her whole argument. Lisa was so quiet and muted in this episode, she is well and truly over all of it. And this Reunion is going to be more of the same [!@#$%^&*], different day. I wonder if anyone will call Yolanda out on her [!@#$%^&*]-stirring. It certainly does not seem so in the previews.

Finally, Brandi's "Checkmate, BITCH!" line was nowhere to be seen. Maybe because production realised that after the way it all went down, "Theckmate, bith" would look a damn fool.

P.s.: Yol's hair at that party was the best I have ever seen it. Lisa's ass looked phenomenal in her dress. God knows what Motorboating Kyle was wearing. Kim and Carlton looked like hot messes. God help me but I am really starting to enjoy Boyce's husband.

Edited by Cat
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They were mid party and after seeing Kristen around and heather talking to her husband josh, who she used to work with, Sonja's child boyfriend was talking to Kristen and Sonja asked who she was. Then they cut back and did her image in front of ny between scenes like they do and we met Kristen and her husband and kids and whatnot then they went back to the party scene.

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Dare I say it but I am team Aviva. Yes, she is nutty and psycho but w/o her, this show would be dry. Plus, I feel that Heather and Carole (especially Heather at this point) have NO real reason to dislike Aviva. And I'm sure they'll edit Carole as the saint this season seeing as she's one of Andy's bosom buddies. rolleyes.gif

Kristen is OK but I grew tired of her repeatedly telling her husband in a restaurant that she was gonna suck his rusty ass d*ck when they got home because he got her some earrings. Really, lady? I know that Sonja is known for her crassness but don't join her. These women (on all the franchises) need to learn that being crass and sharing your sex life for the world is nasty unless you do it in a clever manner. A little discretion is a good thing. Leave the audience with a little mystery, people....

I'm glad that Sonja has let go of her hatred for Aviva and is advising Ramona to do the same. Aviva really didn't do much to Ramona except call her "white trash." I'm glad that Ramona is moving on and giving her a chance.

And I feel like there's gonna be trouble in paradise for Ramona/Sonja as they alluded to it tonight during Sonja's brunch....

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I don't mind Aviva. I liked her last season. She creats drama and does it well. But let's be real, the bitch is fake. She's trying to be friends with Ramona now cuz filming started and it's a story. That's fine, but it is what it is. I hate Ramona but I had no problem with how she dealt with Aviva. I see Carole's point and it's nice to see someone on these shows finally mention that the way other people treat others impacts how they see them and their friendship. I mean, if I'm friends with someone and they are treating other people like [!@#$%^&*], calling them names, and causing drama at events including mine I'm probably going to distance myself. If your talking [!@#$%^&*] to me about one of our friends I'm going to assume your talking [!@#$%^&*] about me to them too.

Sonja was refreshing this season. A falling out wig her and Ramona would do her wonders.

I didn't find Kristen crass. She is miced up and we here things a lout louder and clearer than people in the rest would have. It was refreshing to see a married couple actually joke about issues that are relevant in marriages such as blowjobs, life before kids, etc. I can see how she'd turn people off but I really like her, and him. It's cool that heather knows him from her puff daddy days.

Kristen commentary on Ramona and Sonja was killing me. Great stuff.

Heather is seriously the best. Like I just love her. I can't wait to see what she brings this season cuz it looks like she adds a lot.

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Man I love Carole... a snippet from her blog:

Unlike my friendship with Heather, which developed organically both on and off the show, I hadnt heard from Aviva since we filmed the reunion over a year earlier. Im not saying I was unhappy about that. Um, Im kind of not that into her (there, I said it!). But its all good because apparently she felt the same way. When I sold my novel the week after the reunion, I got calls from everyone on the show (including LuAnn and we didnt exactly end on the best terms), except Aviva. Not even a fake "congrats" text from her assistant. And although both Heather and I were very happy for Aviva when she got a book deal, and I offered all of my support, plus contacts, she never picked up the phone once, or sent a text. Nothing. So when she called Heather in this scene, we were both happy to Decline the call. (I love Declining. It makes me want an iPhone, again.)

Sometimes the more you get to know someone, the less you like them. Aviva is nice and charming when you are going along with her agenda but as soon as you disagree with her, or dont give her the support she feels entitled to (like a parade), she becomes a very mean girl. We have all experienced it.

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I can't wait to watch (god knows when)! I am ready to love my Carole again (she disappointed me at Reunion for some reason). I want funny, sharp Carole!

And Heather is love. Goes without saying. She ended up being my favorite last season. Her lack of patience with bullshit is the BEST. I also like how human she can be, too. It's not all "I'm perfect my marriage is perfect! Fake smile! Aspire to be me!"

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The more I think about it, the more I can see why Brandi has a point about the Scheana stuff (if we put aside the likelihood of Bravo's meddling hand in that mess). Lisa should never have pushed it. Even last season, you could tell Brandi was hurt by it. But then why does Brandi muddy the waters with the bankruptcy allegations she got from a pay-as-you-go website? It's like she sabotages her argument by bringing all this other silliness into it, then says 'I don't want you in my life anyway.' But then keeps saying how much she misses Lisa and Ken. Her emotions are all over the place. I don't feel hate for that, but it is messy.

I also think Lisa and some of the HWs have a totally opposite cultural approach to apology. Kyle Kim et al think an apology suffices to move on, even an insincere one. For Ken and Lisa, apology is losing face, a humiliation. And once something is done, so is the damage, they lose trust and don't go back. Kyle and Lisa's relationship has never been the same since S2.

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