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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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$400 wouldn't have been worth it and I think Jill and Alex were right to turn it down. At the same time, I don't think Bethenny is that big a show that it would necessitate paying out big bucks to guests. This seems more like one of those situations where you'd go in to help a friend out and it not be about the money, but then again Jill and Bethenny aren't friends. With that being the case, not sure why Alex would refuse unless Simon advised her against it and again, I wouldn't blame him

I also think ego played into it. Jill got fired and Bethenny is thriving. It probably would have killed her to have the reunion on Bethenny's terms with her being the boss.

Edited by Cheap21
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Yeah, it definitely seems like she dumped Alex on her way to the top. Alex was the only HW to appear on Bethenny's spin-off as well. I think Bethenny should've invited Alex to talk about her new kitchen products and then used that as an opening to later do a reunion show.

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It's crazy! I understand that typically you don't make much from doing a talk show appearance, but you have to offer them SOMETHING. Like Alex said, if you won't even showcase her products and you aren't paying her, what is she doing it for?? With that said, I wish Andy would call Alex up. She would handle herself well on Watch What Happens Live and she was an asset to the show.

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Yeah the offer was dumb and especially if she didn't call Alex personally to ask it as a favor. Jill I can understand but for Bethenny to do that Alex was just plain wrong and she should apologize to her...

That being said Alex McCord is just making my life with that video. Love her read on I Dream of Nene and it makes me want to watch the show. Especially given all you guys have said bout Marlo and this "Diana" lady. What's it gonna take for Andy to wise up and bring Alex back to RHONY? I mean toss back her and perhaps Bethenny and you've got a ridiculous next season.....

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Looks like Nene and Marlo have had a falling out. Weird since they were JUST hanging out Tuesday and Nene was sending out tweets in support of her during Tuesdays show. I think Nene listens too much to things other people tell her and doesn't listen to her judgement.

  1. U are NOT their brand REMEMBER? Back 2 the dating websites

  2. I learned a lot 2nite! U will NEVER b a housewife boo boo

Entertainment Weekly:

Who was the most difficult person to deal with during the wedding?
The most difficult people were Marlo Hampton and Diana Gowins. When I say difficult, it was unbelievable that they could not step outside of themselves and say that this is a wedding for NeNe, our friend, and let’s just be here to support her. They argued most of the time, they were never really satisfied. They were very difficult in different ways. After working with Marlo on the show, I could see why she was not a housewife, because she’s super difficult. She’s super extra.

I think Nene is wrong and I don't say this just as a Marlo supporter, but Marlo was quiet until other people started with her.

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Maybe Nene is changing tack with regards to getting Marlo on RHoA. Instead of pushing the friendship angle, she's pushing the "we could be a really great rivalry" angle to get Andy to bite.

Alternatively, maybe Nene and Marlo did have a real falling out. Maybe Marlo got too thirsty about possibly joining the main show and it got to Nene. Maybe Nene watched back the IDoN episodes and is jealous at how much good editing Marlo is getting. Maybe she's jealous of all the buzz Marlo has been getting recently. Who knows. The outcome is still the same -- Marlo needs to come to RHoA to stir [!@#$%^&*] up.


For some reason this morning, I watched the first episode of the first season of Real Housewives of Vancouver. THIS show was what the RH was all about. The luxury cars! The clothes! The houses! The locales! What an amazing show it was and what a shame it had such a messy nervous breakdown in S2. Getting rid of the sane, down-to-earth Reiko was a big mistake as she would have anchored the show after Christina's departure. Plus she would have had a great SL in S2 -- divorcing her husband and falling in love with a female DJ.

Jody was a great bitch before she went full-on psycho sadist, Ronnie was the stunning Queen Bee, Reiko the emotionally together can-do HW, Mary the sweetie pie and Christina the raucous, hedonistic good-time girl. The fact that Mary and Christina became such good friends (on paper you wouldn't think they would) was even better -- it pissed Jody off so much. And the Ronnie-Mary dynamic was a psychiatrist's wet dream.

I liked how they had so many events, travels and we got to see their families as well. This was the creme de la creme of the RH 'franchise' and unfortunately, its demise serves as a lesson to Andy Cohen about not letting the in-fighting on these shows get out of hand. I wonder if he's even aware of this show.

And Christina -- one of the best HWs ever. "Vancouver's a gold-mine. And I love to go digging." wub.png If she ever showed up on RHoNY or BH, oh my god....

Edited by Cat
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Whatever happened JUST happened because even yesterday Marlo was tweeting that Nene was just speaking her mind when Nene said Marlo's attitude is why she wasn't a housewife. I think Nene probably did get jealous of all the buzz Marlo got and that allowed her to entertain the "opportunist" claims. Of course they may have a smoking gun, but I just don't believe it. Marlo is back because Nene knew she'd be good for the ratings and people WANTED Marlo back. Why else would your press release focus on the fact the Marlo was returning? We didn't hear a word about the other ladies, including the popular basketball wives in the cast. Every press release and article mentioned Marlo.

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Well that seals her fate. If Nene doesn't want her as a housewife than its most likely not going to happen.

Marlo is not making money for Nene. She already has this spinoff. She already has her contract and money per episode. That Bravo check is secured with or without Marlo. Her pockets are not resting on Marlo to spice up her show and it could have been a flop and it wouldn't have mattered. Nene doesn't need Marlo
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