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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Brandi video interview with OK! Magazine:

They brought up the Twitter, social media rage at Faye. Brandi said she kind of feels bad for Faye. She knows [Faye] regrets some of what she said. She's heard there's been death threats. She said Faye's a bitch. She doesn't deserve to die for being a bitch.

They asked her what she feels makes a person a lady? She said she thinks it's what in the inside. She said she helped some guy jump-start his car earlier in the day and that made her feel good all day long. Some people would consider that un-lady-like. She added, shopping at Target doesn't mean you're not a lady.

Reunion Tidbit? She said the girls go at Yolanda HARD and it's a little messed up due to Yolanda's current health issues. Yolanda is sometimes not remembering what she said a few minutes before. [brandi] says she steps up on Yolanda's behalf.

Who does she want to return to Season 4? Yolanda and Lisa. She adds Kim and Kyle, too. She thinks their love/hate dynamic is great. She said the rest can go for all she cares. She added everybody can't get along or the show wouldn't be fun so they got to mix it up in the casting.

Are Lisa & Yolanda setting her up with guys? Yes. She didn't seem hot for the last guy Lisa set her up with. She seemed to like the guy Yolanda set her up with BUT he's a musician and travels too much and she's not down with that.

Kyle? She, Camille and Kyle are filming a movie spoof of the Hunger Games and Hangover (Hungover Games) ... they play the Housewives Tribe. She said during the fight scene Kyle really started to choke her so she really pulled her hair, lol <-- I think she's kidding.

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Looks like I have some catching up to do on RHOV....

Faye may be generating buzz but I don't think its anything out of the ordinary for RHOBH. The show is still getting excellent ratings I believe and would still get them even if she weren't on this season.

Her delivery of the "Borrowed Chanel bags" line was so pathetic. She stumbled and paused as if she were some drunk high school girl at the Prom who couldn't remember her acceptance speech for Prom Queen. Her face and her skin is just so gross. Its like the hide of some kinda animal that's been left in the sun for way way too long.

Not looking forward to seeing Mary be humiliated but I'm so curious to see what goes down. It does make me wonder just what has Mary done to Ronnie and Jody to deserve such brutal hatred?

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It just hit me this last episode but Ronnie and Mary are the Nene and Kim of Canada. Their friendship is very reminiscent of those two. One minute they are friends, next minute they are enemies and then the next they are friends and so on. Mary is accused of being a big liar like Kim. Ronnie comes across very strong and overbearing like Nene. Its pretty eery just how much alike they are.

I loved how Jody delivered her "I loaaattthhheee Mary Zilba" line

I love Ioulia as a hard ass Russian not getting why these women are being so weak with all this breaking down and crying....lol. I will say it was wrong of her to call attention to the Ronnie/Mary drama at the dinner table.

Ronnie is so in denial. She's not an alcoholic, yet then why did she got to rehab and refraining from drinking? She sounded like she was taking some pills this episode, slurring her words and not making sense like that analogy in the car.

Amanda telling Mary to go F herself? Bitch, bye! She has no class and that was uncalled for. She's so desperate to kiss Ronnie's ass

BH gifs



I love their love


She is a BOSS!
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The ratings aren't really great in comparison to Atlanta and NJ especially now that they're ending the season with them up against DWTS. I don't know how these #'s stand in comparison to the other cities.

Combined ratings for latest airings:

2.514 (2 airings, 8-11), 1.3 BH

5.493 (3 airings, 8-11), 2.5 Atlanta

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BH's ratings are down a bit this season, but I do think a cast shakeup is what this show needs. I am honestly tired of this Adrienne drama, and think new HWs who have no prior history with this show will help a bit. That's another reason I am opposed to Marissa and Faye joining the cast.

:wub: The Duchess is so flawless :wub:

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How old is Jody? I love her with her kids, but that youngest one is giving me Sarah Palin's baby is really her grandkid vobes TBH. And is anything known about her childrens father? IDK why im so interested lol.

Here is Ronnie right on cue to trash Mary to Robin and ensure Robin is on her side. How is she blind to Jody causing 100% of these issues? Ronnie has placed herself in the middle and thrives on it. LOL at her trying to tell the story of the wolves and Robin not caring at all. "I dont think jesus could help this" I love Robins lines.

This resturant that Amanda and Robin are at looks amazing. I just love Amanda "Iuloia thinks that was a total insult... it was" How would Amanda know Mary is evil in the 3 weeks she has known her?

I am still confused about what Ronnies new issue with Mary is. Ronnie just comes across as calculating and im just gonna say it - evil. And jesus please STOP with the plastic surgery. She looks atrocious right now. Ronnie sounds so rehearsed. Notice how Ronnie can not deal when someone dare stands up to her? She also looks blitzed out of her mind. Ronnie trying to say Mary is lying about sating she called her family members because she only called one, lol. I cant. What a desperate, basic move. I do think Ronnies calling of her family and telling them she is disturbed is absolutely unforgivable as it didnt come from a place of concern but of being vicious and malicious.

You can tell that Marys apology is legit but Ronnie is still planning on hurting her. Sorry to say it again but jesus its hard to even look at ronnie trying to emote with all that stuff in her cheeks, her lips, all over her face.

Why is Jody acting like she doesnt know Mary is coming after intuiting that she needed the seat by the door for that very reason. Jody is absolutely toxic to Ronnie.

"Well maybe we should all be on some adivan" LOL

Jody saying she couldnt care less about Mary, yet shes obsessed with her.

"Ronnie looks like ten miles of bad road... ive been there" That was a good line Ronnie. But seriously what happened in the course of leaving with her being solid friends again to needing a break? Ronnie is serious need of therapy - likely various kinds. Here comes Jodys waterworks to make sure to get Ronnie to be her pet again.

As much as I love amanda its a shame she wont even get to know Mary and only goes off what Ronnie and Jody and Mia say. This package of Ronnie obsessing over Mary and trying to turn everyone against her/keep them against her is not doing her any favors - but i am here for Amanda calling that bitch out on her issues.

"I think Ronnie and Mary is much more complicated that Ronnie and booze" LOL! OMG Ioulia is the best. "Its way too dramatic for me to comprehend"

OMFG here goes Mary again with her weird ass long story parallels to how good she is and cutting evil, vicious mary out of her life is just so hard. God, Ronnie cant even keep her eyes open! This is far, far worse than Kim on RHOBH imo.

Ronnie does need to take a break. In a clinic. This is seriously hard to watch.

I am here for Amanda standing up for herself and how she got into recovery.

Edited by JackPeyton
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I don't know if the same man fathered all her children but she is married and but I cant recall if her husband appeared at all last season. One thing I don't like about RHoV is the de-emphasis on the husbands. Like they aren't even supporting players. I like how in the US, the significant others help flesh out the housewives but on RHoV, you don't even get a sense that they exist unless they are talked about, which isn't too often.

I don't think Ronnie has a new issue. There is a lot of underlying resentment on both sides (which the show hasn't completely divulged) and one conversation the day before wasn't going to get rid of that. She should have just agreed to try and work on getting to a better place instead of acting like everything was okay only to come to the conclusion that it wasn't after she had time to think. IA, Jody is completely manipulating the situation and Ronnie cant seem to see that she is a trouble maker

IA on Ronnie's face. The scene when she was talkig to Mary was hard to watch bc her lips were not looking good.

LOL...I cant get how you love Amanda so much. She is so basic and tries too hard. She's the worst and acts like a little girl who needs to sit her ass down. Its for the best she and Mary aren't hanging out much bc really I don't think their personalities would match. Amanda is so shallow and Mary is not. I think Amanda would be bored with Mary and Mary would be irritated with her

Edited by Cheap21
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You dont think Ronnie is an addict or still drinking or on anything? Shes in ativan at least and id say if thats all shes on she is overusing it.... She slurs her words, stumbles around and cant keep her eyes open some of time. She looks bloated and her eyes are glossed over almost all the time. Watching her, to me, seems clear she has a seriosu substance abuse issue of some kind.

I agree about Amanda, but she entertains me. Plus, she doesnt bow down to Ronnie.

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