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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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When she was going on about all her one night stands, all I could think about was Shana constantly saying she slept with every man in LA. Im sure she will throw this in Brandi's face at the reunion. That should be interesting. Hope Brandi is able to shut her down if she does
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Ronnie....LOL! I love how she just came out and called Amanda a little bitch and was unapologetic about it. I hate it when girls like her get so catty and badmouth others behind their back. It seemed very HSish and I loved how it turned Ronnie off

Amanda: "Well thank you Ronnie"

Ronnie: "You're welcome, you little bitch"

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Amanda was OUT of line with the comments she was saying. She came across very childish and way too bold. Ronnie handled her perfectly and Amanda was stupid to try and start drama with her. How dare she throw the little bitch line in her face without saying WHY Ronnie said that. She didn't bother telling Ioulia all the bitchy comments she said about her behind her back. Of course Jody would love her...lol

LMAO at Ioulia refusing to do the spray tan bc Amanda pissed her off


"I was as nervous as a mare at a starting gate"

"Honestly? I felt like a broken down mule"

"This audition was eating at me like a starved armadillo" or whatever she said there through that accent

I really don't think Robin is a great singer. She was going on and on about the producer sabotaging her but I didn't think she was that good when she was singing live


I love to hate Jody. I cant stand her but at the same time, I love her lines and bitchy commentary. She's like a 50 year old 9 year old princess

You mean, Mia right? Edited by Cheap21
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Jody is like an evil pixie. Wanna know what happened to Tinkerbell after she got old, drank and racked up a few bad marriages? Look no further.

Amanda -- OMG, what a basic bitch. A basic deluded bitch who thinks she can play ball with the big girls. I loved Ronnie (and her giant lip-glossed lips!) calling Amanda out on being a bitch. To her face. And not in a violent or initimidating way either. Amanda thinks she is all that and a bag of chips, and when another woman shows up with a bit of confidence and strutting her stuff, Amanda is all "What about meeeeeeeeeee? Why is nobody paying attention to meeeeeeeeeeee?!" She is the Alexis Bellino of RHoV.

I believe that if that scrawny, ferret-faced twit hadn't outwalked :rolleyes: a nervous Ioulia on the catwalk, there is no way she would have gotten too big for her boots and decided to piss on Ioulia and Ronnie at dinner afterwards. She really thought she was hot stuff after sashaying around in a bikini in the cold, huh? Ioulia really dismissed her outright and was far more interested in the food. Jody siding with Amanda was a surprise but as Mary :wub: said "Promises, promises."

:lol: at Robin's face when Ronnie told her that she used table butter as well as olive oil to soften her dry skin.

Ioulia's stepsons are cute. But Ronnie's boys are cuter, lol.

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For next season's RHOBH, I can see Lisa, Brandi, and Kyle staying. Even though she's two-faced and needs to have her comeuppance, they center a lot of the show around her and I think she's one of the "faces" of the show (then again, Jill Zarin was a "face" of NYC and see where that got her...). I do agree that Kim has been riding on Kyle's coattails since the beginning. Without Kyle, no Kim. But I could see Kyle on the show without Kim as a regular housewife.

Camille could easily be brought back as a full-time housewife (I think Bravo could start doing this with a select few ladies on various shows, from NYC to OC to NJ (Danielle!!!!); bringing back former castmembers as full-time again) but at the same time, she also fits well as a "friend of".

Taylor just needs to go. She's learned how to instigate and stir up chatter amongst other people's dramas, but her own drama is just a big ball of depression. It's actually kind of disturbing; she needs to get off reality TV and raise her daughter. It's pretty telling that most of her storyline this season was cut due to it being too much of a downer (and like I said, probably disturbing too).

Buh-bye Adrienne! Nice save, saying that you're leaving, before Bravo can boot ya. Vile creature.

If Kyle stays, I would welcome Faye as a housewife (I don't think that'll happen, she's already not a fan-favorite, but I think she'd be good at providing drama), as well as Marissa. Marissa doesn't have a dynamic personality, but she'd be a good filler to round out the cast, much like Taylor and Kim have done the past 2 seasons.

I hope Yolanda stays and starts attending more parties, as that's when the claws come out smile.png

As for NYC, I'm sad to hear they STILL haven't begun filming the new season yet, especially considering they're already ready to begin Season 4 for Beverly Hills! I really grew to love this crowd of NY ladies in reruns (season 3 is just epic; season 1 was such a chill relaxed "Manhattan Mommies" docudrama; I still have to watch the full run-through of seasons 2 and 4). I'd still welcome a return of Alex for season 6.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Ronnie. I can understand why JackPeyton thinks Ronnie is vile...but I find her intriguing, when she's sober she is so in control and zooms in for the kill with whoever has wronged her. The way she handled Amanda was epic: "And I'm a lady and I'm doing everything in my power to not come over there and kick your ass. You're a little f*cking bitch is what you are. You are."And the truth of the matter is Ronnie called Amanda a "little bitch" to her face because she WAS being a bitch talking smack about Ioulia.

Amanda is a basic, silly bitch who is out of her depth. The minute she feels the heat from Ronnie she flees and phones her boyfriend, she is pathetic. The way she complained about Ioulia at the bikini fitting was also pathetic...while Amanda proclaims herself to be "easygoing" she moans and bitches about anyone else taking attention away from her. And then to say of Ioulia that her husband married his own child and that she shouldn't drink so much because she has responsibilities at home? This coming from the chick who justified making her kids scrambled eggs for dinner? What a weak minded fool. What a loser.

Ioulia. Love her. Love her fun relationship with her stepsons. She's very no bullshit. She knows what she wants. Typical Russian. Fabulous.

Robyn...well the poor woman clearly couldn't hear her own voice because that demo wasn't tampered with at all. That's exactly how she sounded. At the same time, I think she's terrific good fun and a nice lady. Yay Robyn!

Jody. I thought she was hilarious in tormenting a hungover Mia. Otherwise, she showed her usual colours as she gleefully chucked Ronnie under the bus with Amanda.

Mary, not much of Mary this episode, but she looks great. And it's a reminder that it's a shame she and Ronnie aren't friends anymore because they seem happy together and Mary clearly knows Ronnie like the back of her hand, she absolutely read Ronnie right on in terms of Amanda.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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