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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Karen won't open up, Ashley has nothing going on, Wendy is too busy telling us she's 40, and Mia has basically eaten the show alive. It all DOES feel like it's for shock value -- and the women always react with shock, surprise, and/or disgust, so it gets an on-camera reaction. If they just stopped reacting, it would probably die down.

I find Stacey to be good casting, and her outlook on life is strange in a way that I think could work for a HW. But she's a quieter presence and is getting buried under all the Mia chaos.

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RHOP could be salvaged if we had at least one housewife show the level of transparency and accountability that Mary has on SLC this season but they arent. Everyone is hiding stuff


Wendy. We had her come to amends with Eddie's family but they NEVER addressd why they fell out in the first place. His family did a quick cameo but they didnt really speak about anything of substance

Gizelle. We learned that there is an issue with her father's will but she did not xplain what the issue is. Did he remarry? Is it her sister and other siblings, whom we now nothing about? What is sh currently fighting?

Ashley. Michael is still very much involved in her life but since he wont film, that kills her authenticity. Instead of dragging this divorce out and giving us half truths, she should just come out and say she isnt pushing through bc it doesnt benefit her financially. She's alluded to that but she needs to stand onbusiness so people can stop questioning her

Karen. She has an open marriage but wont ever admit it. She deflected and lied about her case all season. Nothing about her was authentic and she knows what she needs to do to change that

Stacey. This TJ relatioinship is a scam to deflect from talking about her marriage. Exactly why is she divorcing? They didnt just grow apart. Did something happen? What did ya'll fight about? Thats even if they are divorcing bc there is a rumor that htey are still together but he chickened out and didnt want his business on display

K. I actually think she is being her authentic self. The problem is that's boring and she doesnt really have much going on besides that lawsuit against Sesame St

That leaves Mia who has been the most transparent. The problem is she lies so much, exaggerates as well as gives us half truths in order to manipulate her narrative and that makes it difficult to connect to her. She has the most interesting story but she does too much and all this extra sauce she kept throwing on her situation did her a disservice

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I wanted to love it, I really did. It's just so lifeless to me. And I agree with the comments unthread about Brynn. She is doing too much and it feels forced and fake. 

@Cheap21 -- great assessment of Potomac. There's so much potential in this cast, but everyone is shrinking away from telling their authentic stories (even Mia, whose story is out there but then keeps adding a million things on top of it).

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BH are having their best season since the Erica coming on the show for the first time season. Which was it - 6 or 7. Finally a season where some moments look at least HALF-real. And there is suspense and wanting to continue watching. Something this show was lacking for years. And the editing this season is spot on. It flows beautifully. I was beginning to get annoyed by the ultra-fast montages from previous seasons.

NY is a complete failure.  Season 3 would have to get a real shake-up with new women joining. It's just impossible to go from the franchise's most iconic city... to a show that makes you fall asleep pretty much every episode. Season 2 was supposed to deliver what Seasons 1 was warming up to... but we were left with our plates - empty. The drama is petty and nothing really substantial. And the cast lack chemistry. 


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Great assessment. All these women are trying to control the narrative, and the show seems unable to get them to talk honestly about whatever is really going on. A good RH show always has secrets, and the hook for the audience is that you get to gradually uncover them. But these women are conspiring to keep their secrets from the viewers (with or without Production's help), and so we get a season which started well but has dovetailed into a mess.

Mia is the worst of it. I guess she is showing us 'the most', but at some point the accumulation of grubby details is too much. She clearly doesn't care if this will affect her kids, as long as it helps Mommy become a reality star. I never thought she was fit for RHOP, and I still don't. Even amidst all this openness, the woman lies like she breathes. It's somehow different from the other women hiding their secrets, in that this feels compulsive. She'd say anything to stay on TV, and as a viewer I just can't connect to that. Why believe anything she says?

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Ubah and Sai's looks are the best IMO -- Both look incredibly elegant and fierce. Jessel's dress is a little fussy but her hair is incredible. I even like Raquel, Erin and Jenna's look. But Brynn flopped bigtime with her look. She was going for 70s sexy but she looks like Mrs. Roper.

As for RHONY the show, I know it's been a tough slog for many.

Personally, I have enjoyed it despite its flaws, but this last episode was kind of a mess. Brynn has got Ubah in her crosshairs and it's not nice to watch. Ubah holds her own, though, even if she is a self-righteous and acts like she's above everyone. I'm not even talking about "Naomi wishes! Gisele wishes!" I'm talking about Ubah thinking she's a bigger and better human than everyone else and has to let everyone know it at all times. Having said that, I DO think when it cones to Sai, who she really cares about, Ubah is,a good friend whose heart is in the right place. I'm not sure Brynn's heart has been in the right place all season. She is Production's plaything, ready to toy with anyone in order to up her screen time. The nasty comments about Jessel were especially cruel. Even as Jessrl told her she cared about her as a friend and couldn't they put it behind them.

Erin is that annoying HW who is the head of the clique, participates in the b!tching behind someone's back, yet blames others for it, but she's also the one who drives a lot of story. The relationship dynamics seem to happen with her and around her. Brynn is anxious to win her over to her side. Ubah was once close to her but now no longer trusts her.

Sai has been the voice of reason all season. What a turnaround for the books.

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As usual saying a lot of how I feel better in words than I. One thing I have liked watching the last few episodes has been...even when she has had some bad moments...Ubah has been a good friend. The episode before the last one had that as a spotlight. Which made her being all kinds of tone deaf worse. 


Same about Erin. Her and Ubah have definitely been shades of good and bad. And I might not be liking Erin on this trip, but I expect her to flip the script once they are back in NY and I feel sympathetic toward her again. Cuz right now, she's being the same way she was on the trip last season. 


I continue to love how much you are liking Sai.


Brynn is definitely making the trip bad, but the last two episodes for better or worse have not been boring. Jessel eating Brynn up at every turn has been a clear highlight. Jealous trick. 

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All shock value and no substance. I agree the transparency issue is a problem! I don't connect with the cast on a personal level not even the OGs. 

I don't understand why they're friends. Who is the glue? Who brings them together? Wendy is trying to play that role but it's weird because she was the outsider last season. 

I also think the overarching theme of the show is gone. 

I blame the production team because why aren't they sitting down with them to craft these storylines in an entertaining way? I understand Mia ended S8 being the “Hot Topic” but It wasn't smart business for them to drag this out. 

They have to do better in the presentation.  As of now, Potomac doesn't measure up compared to the other shows vulnerability, fun, lavishness, and community.


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Never! I always read your amazing episode analyses, even if I can't respond right away!

RE: Brynn, I would say that she is setting herself up as the villain just in time for reunion. Good! Ubah will come for her, Sai may also, I'm hoping Jessel gets it together because, as Ubah noted, sometimes Jessel doesn't have the backbone for confrontation. I think that's kind of harsh. Jessel does have a backbone -- calling out the harpies for gossiping about her marriage, for example. It's just that her personality is more ditzy and light, so she's not always looking for a confrontation for the sake of it. She doesn't like it. Brynn thrives on it. Jessel's weapon is humor.


By the way, I'm making my way through SLC, and last night I watched the episode where Robert Jr and Mary talked about his drug addiction. The whole conversation was heart-breaking and probably the most honest I have ever watched on any RH franchise. I'm shocked that Mary didn't try and hide this. Bubs, as she calls him, is Mary's most loved human. He was so honest about why he fell into drugs. When he admitted to feeling like he's not made "for this world," that the world is too painful, that struck home because I've heard someone who struggled with depression say the same thing. And maybe I'm speculating, but I wonder if Mary has had similar feelings about her life and place in the world. Mary seemed to connect especially keenly to this. 

It was a standout moment in the franchise, and confirms why Bravo keeps Mary on the show. She is THAT Real Housewife for this franchise.

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Sunday's RHOP was the best in a long time bc Mia was FINALLY exposed and called out on her lies!  The husbands were spilling tea! Gordon aired her out and Ray was the bone collector to give Karen the ammo. Plus its a to be continued so this mess will open up next episode. Here for it. We dont need Mia back next season bc we are seeing her  get dragged out now. I got so much joy out of the last few minutes. I need Gizelle to step in and get more of her licks. The two OGs tagteaming her will definitely be the season highlight

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Wait! People catching hands? lol. But that was a good finale. Not as good as last season (nice try with the speech, Heather, but that was no receipts, screenshot speech.

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 ), but still was entertaining as all get out. Because just like with the SLC Dinner Party from Hell, the cast was already on their way to the last dinner 17 MINUTES IN...you knew you were about to get a show. And this...??? WOW.


The shockingly many times Mary had Little Girl's back against any and all gang-ups. Mary's conversation (in front of the group) with Angie K. Heather and the phone game. And Angie K's text message...not to mention the return of S5 Opener Whit with the bombshell that sent Lisa (and Meredith) spiraling. 


So well done. 


LISA. Heather wasn't wrong. Lisa might be allergic to themes, but she most def ain't allergic to a theme party that is all about her. RME. At this point, Lisa has become such an easy target. And how Little Girl made sport of her, in light of the fact they were getting along, should be studied. Now the stuff with UpAndAdam...did they forget that Whit had him on the phone in an episode at the start of the season? Lisa is the only SLC Housewife that has a liquor brand so...was UpAndAdam being messy to start drama on the show or...??? Meanwhile, how Lisa reacted to Whit's text message is EXACTLY what I meant when she broke down crying and it felt like a genuine moment with Angie K and Bob last episode and this just came across as performative. She knew Whit got her, and a hit dog will holler. And I didn't at all like her lack of self-awareness to bring Angie K's hubby into that mess when the fight had nothing to do with her. Weak sauce.


HEATHER. Again...nice try with the speech.   And she was not wrong about the Lisa theme party. And I actually did like she received Mary's text message because it was all true. Just looked at her text about her own cousin. She has allowed Production this show to go to her head, and it has shown for a long time. And now she has a thinner bod and is Lisa's BFF which she has wanted since Day 1. And like a scene from an 80s/90s movie, it turned her into a mean girl. Now...is it really about found self-confidence, or was she just a mean girl all along. Let's see if she proves Mary wrong. 


MEREDITH. smh. How the mighty have fallen. How is it that the show's soap heroine has fallen to trying to find moments? Girl, you were the moment. Well, she did her one solid by getting into the middle of the Little Girl vs Lisa fight by revealing the tea about UpAndAdam. And she's lucky Heather ran interference with the phone game because Mary was about to eat her and Lisa up. Defending Little Girl of all people. 


MARY. MVP. No question at that. She stuck the landing for her renaissance on this show. She still gave good moments as she revealed her vulnerabilities. How Angie K running to comfort Britini and how that turned into something bigger. Then her conversation with Angie K...in front of EVERYONE??? GROWTH. Because the Mary of Season 1 would NEVER. And the talk about abandonment issues and found family really hit home with me so I got in feelings given some of my own personal issues going on currently. And because I cannot say it enough...she low-key had Little Girl's back throughout the episode. LITTLE GIRL. The Mary of Season 2 would NEVER. Again...GROWTH.


ANGIE K. You would think these ladies would have learned by now to not talk about Angie K's marriage. And yet there was Lisa using it to deflect off the fact that S5 Opener Whit was coming for hers. Smh. Outside of that, I loved her fighting for her hard-won friendship with Mary. And her text message....ooooo. 


BOB. Outside of the phone game and her text message, she was a non-entity this episode for me.


WHITNEY. Girl, you earned me calling you by your real name. LOL!!!  Because she was giving Ashley Darby kind of pot-stirring and mess!!! I was hoping that she would stick the landing of showing off the Whitney we saw in the season five opener and she did not disappoint. In fact, they COULD...NOT...TAKE...HER. I'm still laughing at her sticking her finger in Lisa's face. The thing with the tags. Her not backing down...though she did fumble for words a bit...when Meredith ambushed her with the UpAndAdam tea. And then the coup de grace...her text message. Come on, Girl...you knew that would set Lisa off cuz you did the cardinal HW sin...talking about the husband. And set Lisa off it did. But unlike earlier when Lisa tried to snatch up Whit's wig, Lisa ran. Score one for Whit. Score two for sending Meredith (Whit's other rival this season) right after her. If she is like this for the reunion, I'll be right with her. 


Fingers crossed, my tv system gets fixed so I can watch. 

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