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I knew it was coming!! I knew it was coming!!! It was not even an if, but a WHEN. So to watch it happening slowly, but surely...sorry, Mia...has been a thrill. Well-played GIZELLE.


I think we all knew Gizelle was not going to take the slight of being second chair at the last season reunion without some lick back on Mia at some point. And First Lady that she is, she was just sitting back and binding her time working on course correcting her image until she could pounce on Mia. And Mia has made it too easy for her to be pounced on. She came into this season with a big head. While she still has her moments with me, she has lost some of the goodwill of the audience with this whole tale of two dads and paternity mess that Mia has officially fallen below in popularity than Gizelle. So you know what, spin that web, Gizelle! And spin it good. Cuz that CEO, classy lady, businesswoman, stripper seriously needs to be humbled. Judging from this episode and next week, she's about to get it, too. And I feel nothing for her. 


Outside of that, I felt RHOP has lost a bit of its momentum. That's fine for now because the ladies still gave good moments and there's more to come. And what really sets them apart from everyone and continues to do so (outside of debatably SLC) is that these ladies gave interesting individual stories on top of the group events. Now, I didn't care too much about Ashley's storyline outside of seeing one of the show's recurring characters her uncle, but it was interesting to watch La Dame with her court drama, Stacey having to deal with more of her man's drama, and of course Wendy's issues with her mother and Eddie's family. This season started off with some of these stories, and I love that rather than the stories falling away for the feud du jour this year, they are being carried throughout the season. I hated that last season had interesting stories that was started in the first few episodes...and then forgotten until the finale. No flow. This season has flow and showing it ain't all just shade, catfights, and events. We are getting a show again. God bless Production. 


LA DAME. Honestly, my feelings are again mixed with her. Yes, she focused on the court case this week. And it was a story that the audience and myself wanted to see. But hunni what is this? I felt Ray and the lawyer were being more open than she was being. I have yet to watch this season of OC, but I know/heard Shannon told a lot more accountability for her DUI than I feel La Dame is doing and that made me feel a way. Because I'm a fan of her and still am a fan of her. But I cannot help, but feel her actions surrounding the case this episode left me cold. Granted she's not running around like Terri Dimarco, but I need La Dame to come across with a little more accountability for her actions, and I'm just not seeing that in this episode. If anything, she is just hiding everything and thinks it is just going to go away once the case...moved to September aka THEY CAN ASK ABOUT IT ON THE REUNION, KAREN...is closed. All I want to do is shake her or just shake my head.


GIZELLE. THANK YOU, GIZELLE. She did it so smooth, too. From the first moment where Mia sat down at the GNA event throughout the episode and then the coda, Gizelle does what she does best...starting to poke at Mia and her storyline. That it was well-timed with her recent comments online was the cherry on top. Because the OGs are OVER Mia and her mess. So is a good amount of the audience. I don't think Mia is ready for how subtle Gizelle works. And Gizelle also has such goodwill on her side, too. I was cheering Gizelle on because I knew it was coming. All Mia had to do was hang herself...which she did because the majority of the audience is on Gee's side. Meanwhile...we all know how I love when POTOMAC's recurring characters show up like the forthcoming Matt scene (RIP) and Ashley's uncle this episode so...KAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


WENDY. I know everyone here has not been enjoying Wendy's subplot with the story of Eddie's family, but I have. So I do admit that I was happy she was able to get his family to her birthday party. However, I was disappointed that we didn't get any major scenes between them all. But...a work in progress. Meanwhile, her mother sure is trying to go for Mama Joyce's crown of being the messiest HouseMama. lol. I did holler at her for her talk with Mia about the bird scene last season. And Wendy was a hoot with the boat entrance. I also thought she had some interesting looks when Mia was taking potshots at La Dame early in the episode.


ASHLEY. GIRL, BYE. Do not get me started on that 'singing.' And her individual scenes (outside of seeing her uncle again) are giving nothing. Or worse...too little, too late. And her birthday or not, Ashley tried to get attention and no one was caring.


MIA. YOU'RE IN DANGER, GIRL!!! LOL! Gizelle has gotten the scent, and she's circling. And...Gizelle is right. Right now, all this stuff with Mia has become too much. What I liked about Mia is that you knew who she was...a liar. But she used to do it in such a tongue-in-cheek way that it was hilarious. And even with all of the lies, you would still get nuggets of truth. Now so much has been going on...one doesn't know what's right or what's fake. However, one does know what is wrong...and that has been just about everything Mia is doing in terms of her child, her relationship with Inc who is just as thirsty as her, and manipulating Gee on camera. And now we have that video that Gizelle started to use to stir the pot. And no amount of deflecting onto La Dame will save her from Gizelle's battle to get that first chair reunion seating back.


STACEY. 'She put forth such an effort to hit those notes.' Hahahaha Stacey with the nice nasty on Ashley's 'singing.' Stacey continued to be a good addition, but we finally saw some cracks in her relationship with TJ. I was happy that now he wants to be filmed. But him starting a fight with her out of nowhere because she was mingling as he was, too??? And then the 'don't touch me' scene? What is going on?


KEIARNA. I was shocked she agreed to have a scene alone with Mia since they keep getting into it. lol. But she was being La Dame's lapdog basically. Good for her because she (like Wendy) does have La Dame's back. But as an overall housewife, troubling. 


A good episode. And looking forward to more Gizelle vs Mia next week.

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To clarify the difference between Shannon's situation and Karen's situation:

When filming started on OC, Shannon's case was over and she had already accepted her plea deal. The case was closed. She could take accountability because there was no longer an active case against her. 

Karen is not in the same position, either during filming and presently today. Her case is not closed. She faces trial in December. Her lawyer will have advised her, very strictly, to not admit anything, especially on camera, because it can all be used against her at trial. Karen is simply following legal advice and she would be an absolute idiot to do otherwise. 

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It is STILL going on? Well, there goes the reunion...


But seriously, thank you. That really does make it clearer to me. It also makes me side-eye Mia who has clearly done her research so should know what you just typed. I know Karen has mentioned it enough as well which is why I was taken aback at her dinner with her cousin that he was involved in the crash as well. She's doing a great job then of not talking about anything that could be used against her. 


Knowing this for me does make me see La Dame in a different light watching the show. Hopefully what's it is done, she will mention it in a remorseful light. 

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It was a nice BounceBack episode. Thank God! lol. 


Perhaps it was the fact that this episode was basically just individual scenes with little mini-group scenes. Both are things that this show does well. Any time things shifted/circled the prank, my eyes glazed over. 


I would say it was Erin's episode if it was anyone's. I was so confounded. I spent the first half of the episode hating on her because her continuing to stir the pot and getting overdramatic when the group came for her was annoying. And then...she flipped the script with her personal arc about her abortion in the Glamour interview, her feelings on the Roe v Wade overturn and how it impacts women, and then having to sit down with her father and let him know before it shows up on the show. It was more bittersweet that I had completely forgotten her father passed away before the season started. She came out of the episode...dare I say it...a more well-rounded individual. 


So it's a shame that she appears to be targeting Ubah. But...that's for NEXT week. That and the POSE/Paris is Burning party.


UBAH. She will always be a ki-ki when she is hanging with Sai. I can't believe how much they hang out when when this reboot started it was all Erin/Sai. So it's interesting to see how not the same the friendship between Sai and Erin is now. Meanwhile, I could watch Ubah and Sai have girl time all day. I was so envious of their food, too. lol. Meanwhile, I felt Ubah was the most chill of the girls when they were confronting Erin at the pigeon event, so I don't get why Erin appears to be stuck on hating on her all of a sudden. Moreso since they were ki-ki-ing with Andy (and Kyle and Garcelle) on WWHL afterwards. Odd. Ubah also went to see about fertility and the possibility of having a baby with her man. What a difference a year makes cuz she is finally opening up. 


JENNA. Speaking of opening up...Jenna talking about her abortion and bonding with Erin. WOW. And then the scene with her son and her having to deal with him going away to college was so relatable. And some of the looks they were giving was such a worried mama. And not her being flirty with Raquel and her girl giving her permission to have a crush...and it's NOT BRYNN.

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 I loved that she was answering Raquel's questions about the group and the history with them to date. Not pot-stirring. Not hiding hands. Just real talk. It spoke volumes when she explained how Brynn works, and Raquel trusted her words since Jenna/Brynn are a thing. 


JESSEL. She was a little light this week. Great confessional looks. And we saw her family though. 


SAI. Was it here that someone mentioned the rumor of how Sai met her husband? Perhaps it was online I saw it cuz I hollered when that came up this episode! I guess Sai has heard it, too. lol. She really was our Greek chorus this episode. And watching her when everyone was confronting Erin said so much about how their friendship appears to have fallen off. Is it just me? They really don't seem as cool as they used to be. 


BRYNN. So now Brynn is lying that Erin told her about the prank? Even I was Team Brynn on that. It sounded like Erin was trying for semantics, and that was not going to work here. Brynn still figured out that Erin and Rebecca were pulling a prank. If Erin had not said anything, yes, Brynn probably would have still stirred the pot. Or not. Erin saying anything guaranteed that she would. So...whom fault is it, REALLY?? Meanwhile, it WAS Brynn's fault that she was stirring the pot with Rebecca (who continues to open up more this episode, too). After the pigeon event, Brynn vanished. 


RAQUEL. There wasn't anything she did this episode that I did not love. I didn't expect to see Raquel vs Erin, but I did enjoy it. Raquel is new and wants to know the lay of the land. She is also upfront. So her voicing everything out in front of everyone versus the game of telephone this group likes to do was refreshing. After all...was not the reason for this stupid prank...the game of telephone these ladies play? I did not like Erin being so dismissive of her, but I love Raquel did not back down. And everyone was on Raquel's side. And I really loved her scene with Jenna where she was asking honest questions about the ladies to get a feel for them. She's a newbie and that would be a realistic way of doing it. And do I even need to mention how much I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE her theme for a party. If you have been in the POSE thread here, you know.  


ERIN. No, I was not here for her victim meltdown a la Bethanny Frankel when the group confronted her on telling Brynn about the prank. I didn't like her backpedaling and saying she did not tell Brynn. I really and truly did not like her being defensive or dismissive with Raquel. Am I surprised? Nope. Production even did the rollback on the last time she was confronted by this group. As much as Erin wants to be the HBIC, she can't handle confrontation well...something a HBIC can do with ease. So not a good look for her. What was a good look was everything after the pigeon event. I didn't like her at the event because it was such a backslide to the Erin of last season who I did not love. Erin has been pretty good this season. And this episode continued to bring out the best. Her story about the abortion, her interview, her conflict over whether to tell her dad, her TELLING her dad ON CAMERA, her spilling family tea. She put it all out there. Her talk with her father resonated with me, reminding me of when I came out to my late father. His words...the same as Erin's dad. So respect for her restored. Until next week where she goes back to pot stirring.


A good episode if you love their individual stories and a very personal one. 


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Ive always been a Mary fan but last night she solidied herself as a top tier housewife. The final moments with her son was the most riveting scene in housewife history for me. I really felt for her and teared up. Kudos to the editors bc they've been foreshadowing this by sprinkling hints along the way without directly telling us whats wrong with him. Mary was so well rounded. She gave us comedy, drama, good reads, fashion, vulnerability and an emotional moment all in one episode. There are few housewives across all the franchises that are truly as well rounded as she is. This is such a shock considering how one note she used to be. LOVED her

And F Meredith and turning her dinner into a Mary bash session. I loved that Britani at least defended her. Britani has also been putting in work and should have recieved a snowflake.  I like her

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That final scene with Mary and Robert Jr. was definitely the most real thing I’ve seen on housewives well since the feds came looking for Jen Shah. It was so real and so uncomfortable but was exactly why we watch these shows. These real moments used to be the norm before everyone began self producing.

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So everyone knows, next week, SLC moves to an hour EARLIER to make way for SoldonSLC. 


I fully expect it to increase the ratings since the majority of HW shows are 8 pm are doing better than the 9 pm HW shows.


I hate to say it, but I did my rewatch of the SLC Dinner Party from HELL and you know what...same. lol. I always pick on her and never call her by her name, but I think I actually am starting to like her thirsty tail, too. lol. I mean...coming for a whole cast is MAJOR. And I like her taste in men.

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And unless Natalie when she auditioned on RHOA S6, Britani did not fade into the background at the end when the cast came for her.

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This episode, and possibly this season, belongs to Dorit. Poor Kyle pales in comparison next to Dorit's rocky personal journey. So often the secondary HW behind LVP and Kyle, the 'other blonde one' behind Erika, Dorit has finally stepped into the limelight by dint of real-life events happening around her. A little like Shannon on OC this season. 

Dorit has long had a contentious relationship with Kyle where she supported but also trolled her, and bristled at being ordered around. She wasn't an obedient little minion like Teddi. Dorit wants to be a Faye, a Kathy or an LVP -- Kyle's peer. But as Watch What Crappens pointed out on a recent podcast, Kyle cannot exist without a triangle in her life, usually a drama triangle where someone in that triangle is at odds with someone else. Kyle-Kathy-Kim. Kyle-LVP-Faye. Kyle-Dorit-Teddi. Mauricio-Kyle-Morgan. Dorit-Kyle-Morgan. She thrives on pitting the important women in her life against each other. 

Kyle may be falling back into her usual victim caricature, but "Grace time is over, Kyle", not just in Dorit's mind, but also, perhaps, in the audience's. I've watched since ep.1 S1, and this is as bad as I've ever seen Kyle. When she said that Dorit was trying to pretend that Kyle had done something to her in order to play victim, all I could think was 'Uhhh, isn't that you, Kyle?' Not only does she lack any self-awareness, but she is openly gaslighting the audience. And the audience now cannot unsee it. My prediction: unless LVP and Kim return next season, Kyle will be gone from the show. That raises questions about whether the show could even continue without her.

Dorit may have triumphed at the top of this episode, but the last 10 minutes with PK were a PR exercise which went left. The narrative she is driving is that she and PK will be divorcing and co-parenting amicably. PK has a different narrative in mind. It's quite clear that PK is a spoiled man-child who cannot wait to live the Mauricio Lifestyle, partying his way around Aspen and Cancun. He is also deeply jealous of Dorit for being a RH on this show. As he modeled his Single PK wardrobe, it just made him look insecure. What was a burn was when he said they couldn't call each other anymore. While Dorit was more than comfortable to play the put-upon wife in that scene, it also seemed like she was just realising for the first time how much her husband hates her and wants to publicly embarrasss her. Almost like he's in cahoots with Kyle! This guy is going to break the hearts of his children when he fails to pick them up every other weekend.


Amazing season. Pretty good reunion. Except for that random "36 HOURS LATER" epilogue tacked on at the end of Part 3. What was that? Something happened with Katie, so i think Heather called up producton in order to decimate her rival. But instead, we got this weirdly stilted event where everyone pledged their devotion to Shannon. Weren't these the same people cackling about Alexis bringing down Shannon at the beginning of the season? Talk about misreading the audience and trying to backtrack at this late stage. I still don't understand how Tamra and Heather didn't get called out on how they openly encouraged Alexis. Literally nobody confronted them about it.

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I was surprised at how much Karen showed this episode, with the lawyer and going to the courthouse, and the trial getting postponed, and her tiredly walking upstairs to her room (but not before -- ever the old-school manners of a housewife hostess -- asking Ray to respectfully walk the lawyer out). I agree with @DaytimeFan that she simply could not talk about the trial throughout filming because it was ongoing and it would bite her in the ass legally. Not much different from Erika or indeed Teresa way back in the day.

Which makes Mia's constant references to 'drunk Karen' and how she might still be drinking all the more spiteful given the ongoing case. Mia showed her ass throughout this episode, whether it was bragging to the other HWs -- look how much organic drama i have in my life compared to you, Ashley and Gizelle! Gizelle's reaction in the VT was glorious. Mia's drama really is too much, and no-one can trust anything she says. Then there was Mia cackling about 'grandaddy' Gordon with Inc. And then the "fathers of my children." Mia thinks she's winning, but she just looks cruel and selfish. 

The mask that fell from TJ's 'nice Christian guy' persona was unexpected. I don't know why Stacey is dating this guy, or has a contract with him to be her Plus One this season, but he gave me red flags in that scene.

Erin is someone who annoys me with her spoiled, manipulative ways (Sai called her a tattletale which sums her up well). And yet she also drives narratives and pot stirs in an adept way AND also gives us personal story. Whether it is her and Abe, or her and Ubah next week, or her and her parents, I appreciate that Erin gave us a total experience this episode, and that people can be complex. You can dislike them one moment and feel empathy for their story the next.

I also felt sad seeing her dad not his usual gregarious self, but clearly straggling health wise. He was also introspective and spoke sagely and honestly to his daughter about his own experience with a girlfriend having an abortion, and how she hated him afterwards.

I am really liking Jenna, Sai and Ubah this season, and this episode illustrates why. Sai has done a complete 180 on me -- without fundamentally changing her personality or trying to kiss up to the audience. 

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I too love Erin's complexity. Some troll was already on me this week online for me liking the episode given her political leanings. Which I kindly said...was NOT the point. Two things can be true...as Erin proved this episode. Now if said troll did not have receipts (re: who she voted for this time) then my current opinion of Erin STANDS. And I am judging her on what I see ON THE SHOW. And what Erin showed was EVERYTHING. 


You're not liking Raquel? 

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 But I am happy to see the turnaround on Sai. I feel so less alone.  And I'm surprised that I am not disliking Ubah as much as other people seem to be, but I do feel she has been opening up more this season. Definitely showing more of her life for sure. And Jenna is always going to be Jenna...though I think she might have to cut the cord from Brynn. 


Very. I'm looking forward to Gizelle's fight to regain her first chair at the reunion. lol. All the OGs looked like they were finally over Messy Mia.


After watching TJ last week and his mask slipping, I can't help, but think of this YT influencer I follow who was talking about this actor from the 90s who claimed to be single and was looking for the right woman, but he manipulated her into meeting him, claimed to want to do web content cuz she was beautiful, intelligent, and etc. They went to events to keep him relevant and for show and she tried to network, but the 90s Actor was hella of controlling. She finally broke it off. Makes me wonder if that was him since clips of him on various 90 shows popped up online...and were very quickly taken down. 

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We may have our issues with Gizelle but the one thing everyone can agree on is that she is a good mother and did right by her daughters. For Mia to go after her kids is a new low and I feel like Ive been using that phrase with Mia every week but she just cant stop it. It makes perfect sense why Gizelle has been coming for Mia in her interviews. Mia was feeling herself after last season and it feels like she is going after Gizelle bc the audience disliked her last season and this would make Mia the HBIC. Wrong. People are on Gizelle's side this season and Mia is destroying all good will she had going into this season. Im sick of her and yes I do now agree that she is declassing this show. She's a trollup

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Not you singing my song! The single: HBIC lol Don't forget Gizelle know she want that first chair back.

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But seriously, if anything Mia going after Gizelle's kids when we all know she's a good mother guarantees that when Gizelle goes after her which she practically said at the end of the episode...everyone EVEN people that don't like Gizelle (like us) will be firmly on Team Giz to take out the trash. 


And sorry to say it since I'm her biggest fan here, but Mia IS being trashy. And I need her humbled. But like you said...Gizelle in interviews (along with her sidekick Ashley)...is already starting...



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I was big on her too after last season but she let all the hype get tot her head and is doing way too much.

Gizelle on the other hand is having a fantastic season. I dont know if its bc production is giving her a good edit or she genuinely has improved but this has gott to be one of the best redemption seasons any housewife has had. I dont have a single negative thing to say about her and she used to be one of my most hated. You are right in that when Gizelle comes for her, she will be justified. Mia played her cards all wrong

I know she wants that first chair back, but I dont think she'll get it this season. Based on how things are at this point, I see the seating list going:












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