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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Nice mid-season preview!

Okay, so in my continued nitpicks of Angie, I don't like how she's always seemingly smirking, no matter the situation. Like in that scene with her and Mary, it's like she's still too aware of the cameras and as such, is always "performing."

Anyhow... looks fun! 

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Yeah...Bravo DID heavily limit where it would show...but by now I want to say it's been shared enough on Twitter that you might be able to find out that is not limited by location. My apologies. 

Yeah...Bravo DID heavily limit where it would show...but by now I want to say it's been shared enough on Twitter that you might be able to find out that is not limited by location. My apologies. 

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Like I said last week, I figure whether this was going to be a good season or a bad season was how they handled the bombshell from the S2 trailer. The scandal of someone being pregnant outside of who they were with. And...? 


In a word: backlash.


This show was already on a slippery slope with OG NY fans. Not to mention fans who liked the reboot. Not to mention those fans who watch RHOP and KNOW Eric. So the very idea of a whole storyline that was and has been promoted as MAJOR for this group being a FAKE storyline? Oooooo...even Andy Cohen was pissed on WWHL afterwards. 


Worse on worse for me...it was all of that on top of what I said last week. The individual scenes continued to give. Jessel with her mother and talking about Pavit. The growing Abe/Mel friendship and Abe being comfortable as a straight man to discuss on camera his exploring his sexuality...I gasped cuz...I do think he's cute. I admit it. lol. But good radar.

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 Seriously, though we even got to see Ubah walking about her life finally. And the mini-groups are really where this particular group does fine. Because the running joke of what Brynn does for a living or Sai's hunger or Erin's events having little food will never get old. 


But HERE'S my issue...


1) So the person pregnant who has been a non-factor since she appeared this season.

It would be something if Rebecca was giving. But she hasn't. And Brynn has been trying with her since the season started. But...she gives nothing. Funny since she was FINALLY sassy this episode, but too little, too late. Add on the fact the trailer made it seem like it was one of the ACTUAL girls and everyone that cares about this show...feel cheated for even trusting the narrative.

2) The filming of a whooooooole event where this all took place that was shown AS A FLASHBACK.

That's what REALLY made me livid. It looked like a fun event. Everyone was dressed to the nines. And in the narrative on the show it would have fitted because Brynn has been pot stirring with everyone. And she had been digging into Rebecca already. And Rebecca finally showing sass meant there could have finally been some conflict. But...the whole event was off camera, and the audience found out secondhand. AGAIN. So the audience feels cheated. AGAIN.

3) Did I mention that this episode was a big prank...unless next week continues from this week's TBC and reveals it was a set-up to expose Brynn as the pot-stirrer she is.

And revealing that it was a potential prank with the quick cut at the end??? After all this maneuvering throughout the episode...yeeeeah NO. NOW if this was Erin's way of exposing Brynn...a good theory since Production clearly did not have her back this episode with all the rollbacks they did on her lying...then that might be the ONLY saving grace and sets up Ubah vs Brynn. But sadly, this episode successfully destroyed ANY grace the audience was giving these new girls by these games. I mean...people are actually LIVID. And it does not at all seem like it's in a controversial fun-got people talking-gossipy good way. 


ERIN. Well, I guess announcing you're pregnant ahead of the episode where your husband is going to lay it all out on his sexuality is a shrewd move indeed. I shouldn't be shocked, but I was still shocked he was so candid about that because that does happen when you are in your 20s and in college. And I really love how Abe and Mel are bonding which allowed Erin and Raquel to bond as well. I found it cute. Now as for her stirring the pot by her telling Rebecca's 'business'...that's the thing. It does not surprise me coming from her. She's been doing this. So Rebecca yelling at her was accurate. But if it was all another one of her pranks...poor taste.


UBAH. They are going to wind up proving Ubah right about pigeons. Because look at this whole episode. No wonder she did not feel like being a part of the game and stayed on the sidelines cuz why? Outside of that, it was good to see her out and about.


JESSEL. One of the only people giving us a storyline. Her and her mother are always fascinating to watch. And now those signs of issues with Pavit last week appear to have started to grow. I did not like she believed Brynn's lie about Jenna though. Hopefully, the slight rift between her and Jenna now is a fixable one.


SAI. Still giving me all the comic relief that I could ever need. I did not like that someone Eric took the rumor drama between seasons when Sai did the interview where she called Rebecca boring and condensed it down to two minutes of dialogue. But at that point if I remember the interview correctly, she had said that no one was doing anything on film that was anythng. This episode being a case in point.  Now that I think about it...could this being cut out and the party with Rebecca vs Brynn being cut out be because of Rebecca's status as a Scientologist? Hmmm.


RAQUEL. I loved watching her and Mel's rapport with Erin and Abe. And I would love to try one of those slutty punches. lol.


JENNA. I'm so disappointed in her. I'm going to need her to let her other Gemini out and check Brynn. Granted, she does not know what Brynn said yet, but when she does, check her. Brynn is making her out to be a bad friend. And that's just not cool in this group that already have a bad case of Telephone. And then Brynn threw a ball at Jenna's face. NO, MA'AM. I know it's a game, but she totally did that purposely.


BRYNN. BITCH. lol. The telling Jessel that Jenna called her a basic bitca (and Production proving she did not). Her running around telling Rebecca's 'tea.' Her starting stuff with Rebecca period. Her and the spit. She was all kinds of disgusting. Second season curse has struck her, and I don't think she's ever coming out of it. 


Those are my thoughts. I actually am not sure if I want to continue to watch next week though I still want to see the catalyst of Brynn vs Ubah...in case this was not the catalyst. 



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Well, I finished last week. I thought the episode was okay. A good start to this cast trip. It was nice to have the husbands around to give some humor. And watching the ladies try to be mean girls before trying to mend fences was silly, but fun silly. And I enjoyed Bob gathering Lisa all the way together.


All Heather had to do was take some accountability and she would have been on the trip as well. But nooooo she's the HBIC, and can never do that. So out she was. And what was the first thing she did? She went to Lisa and Meredith and told HER version of what happened at Bob's...not the REAL version. 


It was just as disrespectful that Lisa even called Heather while on that trip. Well, she could have. Just do it in her room later on. I loved Angie K called out the double standard of it because it's true. If anyone of them had done it to Lisa on one of Lisa's trips, they would have never heard the end of it. 


So Bob gathered. Production rolled back the receipts on each and every time Bob mentioned that she's been there for Lisa. And now Lisa can't even have her old friend's back. I was with Bob when she said go with God if she thinks Heather is a better friend than Bob is because Bob is not a yes person. I really love none of Lisa's techniques worked on Bob so she had no choice, but to backpedal. Cuz Bob laid it all out. Did Lisa need a visual aid? lol.


Let me get into tonight.



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Mary has done a 180 and I didnt think we'd get to see her be so vulnerable and share this much of her life. Her storyline is heartbreaking and sad. The realness is riveting and offers much needed balance from the sillyness that was going on with the other women Prayers up for her family.


Seth calling Whitney a biyatch at the table was so cringeworthy and disgusting. I was more disappointed at Justin for sitting there and doing nothing. It wasnt just one line though as Seth repeated it. No man should be calling another women a b-tch in front of her spouse. Justin is a punk azz and had I been Whitney, Id have tore him a new one for not defending me. Later Justin is seen shading his ex wife and Meredith yet had no smoke for Seth. I cant express how much that boils my blood. 

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No, I  didn't know. Me and Terri don't confide in each other like that. 

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That initial IG post she put out there? "I'm filing for divorce... I'm prioritising my kids" made it sound like she was divorcing Edwin because he did something. If there's one thing that Terri lives for, it is playing the sainted victim. And indeed, now we have this blurb from (cough) "a source close to Teddi":


Now she has "the balls" to divorce Edwin. Shes no longer gonna live in fear, you guys! He cheated first! Yes, she had an affair with the horse trainer whose wife is pregnant, but she's prioritising the kids! The Mellencamps are family and faith-based! Just like Lori Loughlin.

I know one should never relish in the misfortune of others. It's bad karma. Moreover, that's exactly what Terri would do. Not so long ago, she was on OC, using her appearance to, once again, kick Vicki when she is pretty much already down. I know there is no love lost between viewers on this thread and Vicki, but that Two T's podcast is used often to settle scores with a bunch of different HWs. Best believe that if Vicki were still a HW welding big leverage on a show, Teddi would mind her words. And if any other HW were caught cheating, Terri 'Never will I ever tell a lie' DiMarco would be all over her with the moral judgement. As someone once described her on this very thread, Terri is that girl at school who would snitch on you to the principal, but do the same thing you were caught doing on the sly.

Thank you for keeping us focused on the big picture. They'd better not bring her back.

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Tell us how you really feel, Taoboi! 

I was all caught up in the story until the final 5 seconds, and then I was like... that's it? The whole trailer was predicated on a one-episode prank? Who do I blame for this? Erin? She's always pulling this ish. But ultimately the blame must rest with Mediocre Mastermind Eric Fuller, who just blew his fifth chance on a RH show. If Andy is pissed, well, then... the HWs will get the blame, but the fault lies with he who effed up a decent thing with this show.

And like you, I liked the individual scenes. Mel and Abe is the bromance I never knew I needed in my life. When he talked so authentically about exploring his sexuality in college, I thought the RH was slowly breaking new ground. Jessel with her mom. Sai with her daughter. Erin and Rebecca bonding. Ubah at the game. Ubah is really growing on me this season. I think she really likes Sai, Jenna and Erin and that's unexpected to see. Rebecca was even coming out of her perfectly put-together shell. 

I see Erin just announced her pregnancy, like she did something strategic there.

Brynn got caught in her own pot-stirring. She and Fuller are bringing out the worst in each other.

I continue to watch because still enjoying the show. But I am curious how they steady the boat from here.

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