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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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i didnt catch an age but he cant be in his 40s. There are screenshots of him from Sister Sister playing Lisa's love interest from almost 30 years ago. He had to be in his 20s when he did that episode. The twins are 46 now and he definitely was no teenager

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Another good episode with a nice cap to the cast trip which yeeeah I admit would have worn out its welcome if it went beyond this episode. 


That said...I see you, Gizelle. lol. She made it back with the quickness. And it's interesting that once Gizelle got back, there was barely any talk about La Dame. Though Gizelle played it sly by bringing her and Jacqueline up barely before she deflected all things La Dame onto Keiarna.


The good news...Keiarna handled that like a boss. Round 2 of Mia vs Keiarna was giving me life and Keiarna ate Mia up this time. We even got a brief Round 3 of Mia vs Keiarna at Wendy's official birthday dinner, and Kiearna won that in the end, too. I didn't even realize actually how shady Keiarna really was to Mia until I got online later (see what I mean below.

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 ), but she gave.


Meanwhile, Stacey got a little bit shady, too. First, her concern for La Dame over the DUI. Though I believe that was more out of genuine concern. And then later on, Stacey threw Jassi under the bus. And that whole timeline with Jassi and her man 'who never been in a serious relationship' was giving Shady Phae Phae's baby lie a la her first season RHOA. Cuz...uhhh.


Gizelle kept it moving. Right on out of the episode. So well-played, La Dame. Gizelle did you a solid.


LA DAME. Hehe...the fact that she made it out of this cast trip unscarred. LOL. Meanwhile, there was La Dame using every opportunity to take potshots at Mia. Mia did start this so La Dame is definitely on the warpath heading to Potomac. 


GIZELLE. Asking all the important questions AND still being likeable doing it. I can't believe she is reallly turning a corner. Even her little speech for Wendy at Wendy's birthday dinner. That does not stop her from pot stirring though. Cuz she kept that focus on Mia vs Keiarna as much as possible. Okay, she actually was aiming for Keiarna vs Ashley by Jassi's tea. But aiming Keiarna at Mia was a bonus. I've been saying and will continue to say...Gizelle is aiming at Mia for the reunion chair slight. So she will do anything to bring her down.  And I loved her putting the screws to Stacey because we all have questions about her and TJ. Cuz...who doesn't test drive the car before we buy it?  


ASHLEY. Sorry @Gray Bunny...your girl ain't got nothing left to give. She could be focusing on life after the divorce...or SHOWING the divorce. She could be showing her business line with Gizelle. Instead...we get her left field decision to work on her music career. And POST-Candiace, too? GIRL, BYE. Outside of that, this episode was just more of everyone ignoring her presence...most clear when everyone was at the swimming pool having a kiki. Every time a new girl popped into scene, they fit perfectly. Meanwhile...Ashley..was just...there. Too bad so sad.


WENDY. As someone who did his 40th milestone in San Fran and was out every night that week, the next day look/slump on Wendy at the table...was accurate. lol!!! I didn't at all like how Mia tried to make this birthday trip about her. I wasn't there for Jacqueline trying to have a moment at the birthday dinner. I WAS there for everyone having a little speech for Wendy. I was there for Wendy in the white. And we know I was there for Wendy being THAT drunk. Gizelle's speech is still shocking to me and that 'it's grown stale' and Karen's 'oh' still takes me out. I was awww at Eddie sending her a birthday gift. And I hollered at her saying Mia clap ass for forgiveness...cuz accurate.




I swear to God we about to fall out with each other like Fabulous Ice and I did!!! Smh. I know Mia Be Lying, but this was a little too much. The visit to the Joint...back when she was CEO. Allegedly. She still has 22 stores. Allegedly. She even lied about the fact that she and Jacqueline had indeed had sex...something we all suspected since Season 7. Because how Jacqueline does act is very...jealous ex at times. So...is she still doing her, too? JS. Meanwhile, her growing feud with Keiarna IS giving. And while last week she got good licks in, this week...hmmm...perhaps. Round 3 and the potential that she and Keiarna might have been with the same NFL player? Hmmm. And even that...when would Mia had had the time with Inc and being married to G and rolling around with Jacqueline her representative?? And if it ain't Keiarna eating her up, it's La Dame...who is now spilling all her secrets since Mia wants to sit there and do the same. Which IFY...Mia and the addiction is true. While I believe she did mention it briefly in Season 6, if you need confirmation...she said it on a news show (link is floating around rn) circa 2006 (?) so it IS out there so no lies from La Dame. Meanwhile no one has proven Blue Eyes. Yet. JS.


STACEY. I stayed around to watch WWHL a little bit since she was on there with THE Countess LuAnn...and LuAnn had me hollering at asking the same thing I asked...you're not going to test drive the car before you drive? I Love LuAnn. That said...have I said how much I love Stacey and her quirkiness? Just look at her...dancing this episode. lol. Meanwhile, her and her relationship with TJ continue to be the storyline as Gizelle started in with some questions. But I do believe that Stacey was slowly starting to set Jassi up throughout the episode for the moment when she threw her under the bus over the timeline of Jassi's relationship with her man. Stacey showed her ability to be nice nasty with her shade in her introduction scene so is she only playing quirky and there's a little bit of shady shade in her? I guess we will see.


KEIARNA. MVP again. She has Ashley scared of her for Ashley to very quickly say she had already apologized as soon as Gizelle tried to stir the pot. Then I enjoyed her bouts with Messy Mia. Mia Be Trying, but Keiarna whacked her every time. 'cuz okay selling ass is fine' was a gag. And when she said...'okay. what's my current man doing? look at that security. while you're posting on the corner.' As posted above...the gag...Keiarna's man has money. Inc...only has a radio show and the tagline? 'posting on the corner.' Had Mia gagged with that sly shade. So...check that. Keiarna really do be standing on business. 


And next week and the teaser above says we got a lot of stuff coming. So yay!!!

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Great post and points. I really enjoyed watching Stacey on with Countess Luann on WWHL. They clicked right away and had a blast on the show.

Ashley Darby needs to go. She has no storyline at all and hasn't for years. She's been dragging out this divorce with Demon Darby for the last 3 seasons and she's apparently so stupid in managing her finances pre and post separation that she has to hustle hosting standup shows to support herself after letting Demon Darby sleep with her for years and years.

Deadline is now reporting it, so it seems legit: https://deadline.com/2024/11/bravo-the-real-housewives-of-dubai-pause-1236170556/

I never managed to enjoy it and the ratings were in the toilet.

I saw that shirt and the Kate Roberts GIF became instantly appropriate.

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I almost watched the whole episode. I felt Stacey and Luann had amazing chemistry together along with Andy surprisingly. I wouldn't mind seeing them all together again on another episode in the future. 


Yeah, I'm throwing in the towel on Ashley. Where's the woman who basically cameo in in S6 on the cast trip, cause a whole mess, and then went right back home? Cuz her being Gizelle's lapdog ain't it. And say what I want about Robyn (and do), but if Robyn was on this trip, I feel she would still have more presence than Ashley had. There's nothing left there. 


Yeah, that is a shame. re: Dubai. I guess Stanbury could cameo into the forthcoming REAL HOUSEWIVES OF LONDON. lol. But seriously, the potential was there, but like I've been saying on here, the 9 pm time did it no favors, the delays, and the poor promoting. 

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Ahead of tonight's RHONY,

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, has announced her pregnancy


On a related note, Garcelle just announced that she will be a grandmother again. Sutton allowed the baby shower to be at her house

  Edited by Cheap21
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HATED it! This show is so pathetic that we are now doing fake storylines and using that to try and generate drama for the women. I rolled my eyes when they ended the show on a to be continued for a FAKE storyline. This is stupid and production should be fired for that BS. This was a RH low to me. I dont even blame the women bc it could have been a quick cute thing but production allowed this to drag out and then center the episode on that silly prank


And thats not even stuff you play with. On RHOP, when they tried to throw out that Monique's baby wasnt her husband, it had real consequences that permeated that entire season. This show and Rebecca are so irrelevant that no one will care. There's no substance


Oh and in my earlier post I put that Erin is pregnant in spoiler tags bc I thought she was the one they were referring to in the preview. I thought the show was going to focus on a real pregnancy, not that fake BS with Rebecca

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