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Hehe. Not Vocal Fry!!


Brynn a WHAT?????????? And yet lol that explains sooooooooooo much. 


As for Jenna, I feel like she said it in passing or I found out in passing...cuz I want to say we have the same birthday...hehe I went to look...YES, WE HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY...so it fits in terms of how she's been acting...even her little 'diva' moments. Now I'm looking at her in a whole different light. 




Hmmmm I'm not too sure of Stanbury though when it comes to her money. And it's funny that's her tagline given I was missed LADIES OF LONDON last night. I agree that she married into money, but I do believe she did come from old money because she did go to all the good schools growing up if I remember the show correctly. And it's part of the reason she could ice Caprice out since Caprice was not true old money AND American Season 1. 


I agree with you on Ayan as much as I like her. Someone made a comment yesterday that when housewives began to do press ahead of a season, they are usually doing it because they are trying to get ahead of the drama that they themselves caused. And what has Ayan been doing? Meanwhile, Milan has not said a thing. So more reason for me to feel that whatever happened with Milan (and apparently has worsen since they seem to mend fences and are back to not talking) I feel she was the cause of it and not (or partly) Milan. I cannot wait to see the mess.

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Kenya is an alpha Acquarian to me so that's why I was surprised about Brynn. But yeah, now I see it. And Jenna too, after @Taoboi posted.

Caroline Stanbury has some old money behind her, as @Taoboi said. She went to all the posh boarding schools, and those are expensive and difficult to get into without the right family connections.

Your point about Ayan vs Lesa is very good. My worry for Lesa is that the person with the loudest bullhorn controls the narrative. Look at the discussion about Bethenny we've been having today ( @Gray Bunny ). Not so long ago, Bethenny's voice filled the entire void. No other voice could get a look-in. Kelly and Jill were psychos so she proved her point there. We all know what happened to Jules and Carole, though. It wasn't til OG RHONY was removed from the schedules that Bethenny had nothing to throw rocks at. The emperor has no clothes, and she unravelled. Her RH union flopped and now she's stuck trying to blackmail Chanel out of free purses. Her loudmouth dominated for a long time, and I worry Ayan will be able to do the same to Lesa because Bravo loves Ayan. Only if producers give Lesa room to express what went wrong will the audience have a true understanding of both sides. The good news is that the taglines suggest both momentum and personality, a certain tightness and cohesion. 

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See? Now that you mentioned Alpha and Kenya, I HAAAAD to go look. And sure enough, her birthday...lol. Unlike He Who Shall Not Be Named, I still like Kenya. hehe smh. Well-played, Universe, well-played. 


Thank you for the verification on Caroline Stansbury's pre-LoL history. It's been sooo long since I've watched, I was afraid I might have misspoken. And her tagline was soooo reminiscent of the old LoL Caroline. Dare I hope that THAT part of her comes out to play? 


In terms of public opinion in regards to Ayan vs Lesa, it really and truly seems to be 50/50 (with a 1 percent just rte cuz it's been a year literally this month since last season). It's going to be interesting to see what caused the breakdown between the friendship...a friendship everyone loved last season. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how the audience's favor is going to fall by the end of the season. Right now for myself, as much as I like Ayan, I'm Team Lesa. And I think I've mentioned how I'm a sucker for friend breakups on shows, fiction or reality tv. This one appears like it will be as much a doozy as THE HILLS Lauren vs Heidi. 

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@Taoboi & @Cat, thanks for clearing it up for Stanbury; however, I still don't think she's that wealthy because Lesa did Caroline S. could not get a mortgage in wealth part of Dubai. But whatever. 

That aside, I think Ayan isn't as savvy as Bethenny to control the narrative fully. Ayan gives me Nene/Jill vibes at the most. She'll be loud. Bravo will give her the mic most of the time, but the fans, who have evolved from the early days of Bravo, will read between the lines.

I feel like Ayan is about to Jill herself. By that, I mean the beef with Lesa won't be anything too serious, but Ayan will want to make it larger. She'll overplay her hand, and the fans will be done with her. The audience hates it when one woman tries to turn an entire cast against 1 person.

The fans didn't like it when Caroline did to Danielle and later Tre. The fans grew tired when Phaedra/Nene tried to ice Kenya out constantly. Kyle used to catch hell when she'd do it LVP. And the SLC women are catching it for what they did to Monica. 

Plus if you didn't watch Lesa on College Hill, she's used to taking on an entire cast, standing on her own, and still being one of the main stars. Her being quiet should rattle Ayan, which I feel is happening hence why Ayan is doing every interview possible. 

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And I feel Lesa was telling the truth. Which brings up a very good point of reference.


Looking back at Season 1 and what's been revealed online through pictures, videos, facts, and blind items. If we were to figure out how wealthy the ladies really are...and I feel they are all wealthy at least moreso than the BH ladies...the hierarchy I feel would look like THIS:


Nina (who I will miss and hope she cameos in)





And I do it like that because going by the reunion, Lesa and Nina were close before Stansbury and her were close. And one thing that was clear in Season 1 was that Stansbury was not the same HBIC in Dubai that she was on LoL. So it must have felt like a big fish in a bigger pool versus how she was the big fish in a small one. She would naturally have to start all over again forming connections. And Lesa already had that to have been close friends in Nina. And if Lesa has proven anything from what I've seen on the show...game recognizes game. That's why she didn't break a sweat for me at the reunion when Stansbury came for her. Lesa's rep preceded her and Stansbury should know...Lesa Milan IS NOT the one. 


I never watched COLLEGE HILL so what I know of Lesa Milan is from what you all have told me through the years and clips here and there. And for me, she lived up to her hype. And I know I haven't even scratch the surface. So Lesa having her claws out at the reunion...I believe everything she said. It's clear Lesa have those kind of connections in Dubai. I believe Stansbury is still wealthy, just not as wealthy as she was on LoL.


Which brings me to Ayan...whom even as a model...I feel her wealth is lower than Stansbury, but perhaps on the same level as Sara's. I want to say that Ayan would not be so foolish as to pull a Jill, but the fact that she keeps throwing shade while Lesa says nothing to very little...it looks exactly like you say it looks. And she's going to overplay her hand. 


Lesa said it best in the s2 trailer...no show is worth anyone's friendship. So Ayan probably did play herself. Cuz I don't see Stansbury having her back, either. 



Edited by Taoboi
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Stanbury will play along for now. If the show gets renewed for a third season, I see her flipping on Ayan, which'll put Ayan on the island. 

Lesa does still seem to interact with Brooks. I think she's OK with Taleen. I do know that Sara/Brooks and Stanbury have issues this season, so we'll see how this plays out too. 

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Just a final note on Stanbury's money -- I think she came from a family that was upper middle-class, connected and comfortably well-off. It wasn't crazy super-rich, but it was more than enough to pay for her private-school education, and it also paid for her socialite youth where she became a 90s It Girl.

The real money came when she married Cem, who is Turkish and involved in the Azerbaijan energy sector -- in other words, oil money. In Ladies of London, they lived in a mansion in Surrey, possibly a gated community near Richmond where a lot of Russian oil oligarchs had homes. The fact that she and Cem moved to Dubai, the centre of the oil world, says to me that he traded in big money there, far bigger than what she grew up with.

They divorced amicably, and she probably got child support, alimony and a settlement. But now she's married to Sergio Carallo, which is just Spanish Footballer money. I'm sure he made some, but he's not making any more. And the alimony from Cem has likely stopped as a result. So I think Stanbury is trying to carve out a life for herself in Dubai, the show is helping, but it's not Big Money. Big Money is Nina (who I will miss), Lesa, Sara (who has Family Money) and Brooks looks like she's making a good life for herself. Stanbury and Ayan are probably on similar socioeconomic levels below that.

Totally agree with you on Ayan, for me it is the biggest turnoff when a HW tries to turn everybody against somebody else. Witness Sai and Erin on nuRHONY.

Simone is SO thirsty and really doing the utmost to stay relevant. He is giving Joe Gorga a run for his money. I bet he tries to film with the new HW who is friends with Falynn, just to get some camera time.

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Thank you for the refresher course and all the tea.


I really and truly love the backup on the cast wealth. When I sat down to think about it from what I've seen on the show and online, it lined up the same and explained so much why Nina and Lesa were close and might have fallen out. I just was not sure about Sara and I had faith in Brooks. Interesting to see that Stanbury and Ayan are actually on the same level and all the other girls are higher than them. I'm curious how Taleen will fit into that hierarchy of money. 


Re: NuRHONY I'm two episodes into the cast trip and I'm side-eying Erin, waiting on Sai, and thinking poor Jenna. But overall...it's...ok? 


Lol. You might not be alone come end of season on the Ayan dislike.

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