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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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OMG Yes!!! I've been enjoying his think pieces an awful lot and this might easily be my favorite. I think you know I was not really planning on watching, but his piece is really making me see it through a different lenses and I am finding the power plays fascinating because I really do think it's true. 


Remember when Garcelle gave an interview and said that she told Production that she wanted to sit down with Kyle and Ex Soap Opera Star to discuss the Denise fallout at the start of Season 11? And they AGREED. A year later, she's at Upfronts. Oooo...the power. So her and Kyle there really says so much.


They can stay pressed. They should be scared.


I feel like that promo was an editing trick and that one of those scenes Crystal was calling out Kyle, not Sutton, but we will see.


Hehe. I caught myself humming it at work last night. It really has caught on, hasn't it?



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OK, so Chanel Ayan is already winning me over before this show has even started! She already has the best tagline, and now this:




Eagle-eyed viewers caught the passcode for the invite. Twitter sleuths have already breached the passcode perimeter, and it turns out it shows who is going -- the entire RHONJ cast, apparently. Including Margaret. And that probably means that Bravo cameras are going too.

Never change, Ramona!

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Crystal lost points with me tonight. If she ain't gonna say with Sutton allegedly said, why bring it up after a year? I feel like she is dangerous. 



I freaking LOVE this show. The cast dynamic is good and I see lot of drama coming from this bunch of women. 


Ayan and Lesa are my faves thus far. Caroline B. (though I like her) is VERY messy. She is gonna keep the pot stirred. 

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Ahhh...the last part of this cast trip. And it...was a wild kinda of chaos!!!


Larsa's jewelry launch. Lisa's bday celebration. And Julia...sweet Julia...and her 'illness.' *cough*Hangover*cough* And lest, I forget...Nicole vs Marysol. 


It was good clean fun...perfect for tonight's BH and DUBAI launch. 


And to think...Larsa and Nicole started the season with interesting side-stories, but little group interaction. Now...they are in the thick of it. And it's fun to watch. 




Okay. I confess. 


I have never seen Season 1 of RHOM all the way through. I've seen it in parts. And I remember not being around to tell Larsa and whatshername apart. So I have very little opinion of her. 


So it was nice to see her about her launch. It was nice to see her daughter again. She really has a nice relationship with her, so different from how self centered I felt her to be. That said...I wished she had been a little stronger with Adriana being messy, but I understand why she would not. She had to have a good game face for those investors. 


Speaking of Adriana...her wardrobe this episode. SMH. I cannot with her. Everyone else is bringing almost always and our former diva...is looking like some weird bag lady. I can't.


I giggled at Guerdy just taking charge like THAT. You can get the woman from her business, but not the business out of the woman. I LOVE that. I have those moments even though I'm currently out of the restaurant business, if not the industry.






I liked this. Just like at the launch, these ladies, even with drama going on and events, really and truly come across as a real group of friends. And that was clear here when they put aside their beefs to give Lisa a good time. And even Larsa made the time (and currently right now...a little tea...they have been bonding during S5 filming

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 ) outside of her event to do this. Cute.


And YAASSSSS at the shade. I side-eyed at Nicole too saying her crush was John Mayer, giggled at Adriana's crush on Brad Pitt, and all the ladies trying to guess Larsa's crush. MJ? That could be anyone. But I agree with Guerdy. Is it Michael B Jordan? Because while I love him...just from articles I've read and things I've heard, it did kinda sound like him...though as far as physicality...well...we all know it ain't...uh...small.  And I liked that Larsa played along with the girls. Dare I say it...she seem...human and not as fame hungry as she appears to be?




Hahahaha!!!! Larsa you ain't wrong!!! I do the same to soooo many people. In fact, I take a look at them and say 'Diet Coke.' And they don't get it. Inexperienced drunks. hehe.


But that was craaaaazy!!!! They were all concerned and Adriana was a regular mama bear. Meanwhile, you had Nicole being a doctor and they were not listening to her. So Miami...


Speaking of...




It felt weird to me. More in that Nicole was arysol in the old days while Marysol was being very Lea Black to me.


On one hand, I cannot fault Nicole. Marysol started it. She owned what she said. And she gave a logical reason for why she thought Marysol did it. 


On the other hand, is Marysol wrong? Is Nicole starting mess? Or is Marysol just trying to stay relevant? I guess time will tell. I am curious to see where it goes.


Good fun episode. 




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I thought the Dubai premiere was super boring until the last 10 minutes.  Not that I need fighting to enjoy housewives, but these ladies were pretty boring in the personal lives during their intros.  Maybe it was production/editing?  I'll keep watching of course haha... and hopefully it heats up for me!



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