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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Never have I EVER seen a spinoff show do so much detriment to protagonist as it has Porsha. Yikes! Bravo decimated any and all of the good "image" they created for Porsha. 


Finally! The fans with blinders have awakened to her bullsh-t. And Simon clearly is a fame hungry monster. How he spoke to Porsha's aunt was weird. 

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I’ve only watched the last two episodes after seeing all of everyone’s comments.

This show really had to be seen to be believed. It has destroyed whatever public goodwill Porsha had going into it. 

The last scene with Dennis was startling. He seemed very reasonable while Porsha was so antagonistic and nasty. 

And Simon came off…very poorly. 

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Loving Heather as ever.

Whitney was looking for a moment at that dinner. It didn't quite land for me. Like she's quaking with anger about Mary and Meredith when neither one seems to give a flying damn about her. 

Jen Shah has somehow managed to be fun on camera, in a way Erika Jayne has never been, when Jen is under legal fire for far more serious crimes. Do I still think Jen's guilty? Absolutely. But do I enjoy watching her in a way I didn't expect? Also, yes. 

What I don't understand is why Lisa is so desperate for Meredith and Jen to both like her. If Jen flipped out at me on a bus I would pay her no mind. If Meredith rejected me like she has Lisa, I'd be wary of her. 

I did enjoy the pool scenes with Jennie on the pool floatie when she can't swim. 

Meredith should get off this show if she doesn't want to appear at group events and expects the producers to film around her disdain for Jen.

The streets are talking that Mary's church is boarded up. I really do not understand how anyone likes her.

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Ya know, I was about to post the same thing about Meredith. After being tied with Heather as my SLC favorite last year, Meredith is coming off as hypocritical when it comes to defending one person and not defending another. Plus, the fact that she actually thinks her request that she and Jen not be invited to the same events is something that would actually stick when they're filming a reality show together, well that's just ridiculous.  It could maybe work back in the day (i.e. "Don't film with Bethenny" / "Don't film with Kelly") when there were more individual one-on-one scenes on Housewives, but nowadays it's all about the group dinners in hopes of creating another Dinner Party from Hell moment. Love her or hate her, you still gotta be in the same room as her if you want to remain on the show. 

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It’s just absurd. This isn’t even a long running franchise. They’re all literally on their second season. There is no top dog. None of them are bigger than the show. And if she says she’s traumatized one more damn time, I’m going to throw my remote at the tv.

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Yes, I really will need Meredith to stop saying she's been traumatized when we've seen evidence of nothing aside from the usual internet trolls. If she or her family received real concrete threats, she should highlight that and show them. 

Instead, she is actually giving Jen Shah a bit of a boost. While Meredith is shrieking about being traumatized, Jen was in the kitchen sampling some food and asking the chef if she'd like some help - which I found funny.

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Here’s the problem with Jen for me. She will come across as likeable for a bit, but her CONSTANTLY getting into people’s personal space because she knows she’s on a franchise where they won’t sock her in the face, is super annoying. It’s an intimidation technique as well.

I also don’t like how the cast feels the need to coddle her because she was arrested.

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Well, it sounds like last night was interesting. And I'm liking some of the clips I've seen so far (and that juicy one from next week...Little Girl really trying to get everyone coming for her). 


Sadly, I'm still on last week's. I think that news of Mary not being at the reunion...and the fact that the weather here has stopped being cold and rainy and started getting warm and sunny again...has kept me from watching. I did think that it was a good episode though. Though part of me has been thinking about what Andy said about how there is some bombshell coming and the cast found out what it was right before they filmed the reunion. And I couldn't help but wonder if that bombshell was in connection to who told the Feds where Jen was. And I thought...what if it was Little Girl...or dare I say it...Heather? Because that would be juicy given how they have been trying to stir the pot this season...especially if Heather chooses to go with the 'Betrayed Friend' arc for Season 3.


So it begins...


While part of last season was built around the rivalry between Jen and Mary, part of it was built around Jen vs Meredith as well. And coming into this season Meredith has not been liking Jen and it's been putting this group (outside of Mary) in the middle of their drama. So it was a matter of time before sides were chosen. Or as I liked to call it...Season 1 Jen returned. And she returned all right. But Mary is the villain. Uh...Okay.


This episode had Seth's party. And it's been a hoot watching the men interact. Outside of NJ and POTOMAC, I don't think we really don't get to see the Husband group. Though I was side-eye that vibe Meredith/Seth was giving off to Little Girl/Justin and Jeannie/Duy. Uh...but I don't know how swingers work so..*shrugs* Still, it was nice to watch all the tension that was going on there. I also continue to be sad that Mary/Meredith are done because I love them as a team and it looked like Meredith called Mary out on her comments. And dare it if these girls can't be happy for anyone. Whatever, heffas.


And the van...well Utah Lydia should have known that her riding the fence was going to blow up in her face at some point. Especially since Heather is always carrier pigeoning what she does back to Jen. Just...mess.


JEN. Well, the tables are turning, aren't they? I would say this is a misstep for her to be honest. Regardless of the fact that it is a sure thing that she did what the FBI have accused her of doing, Jen was coming across as sympathetic throughout the season. Rarely this season have we seen her explode like she did all the time last season. Perhaps she was feeling cocky...or confident enough that she could pull this now. My Fabulous Ice got her at that one lunch so perhaps she knew she needed to get her in line going forward if she was going to sell being the victim. We know the Blond Duo has her back. And Jeannie is still too new to be a threat. So she brought out Season 1 Jen. And there she goes again, spilling tea on Meredith and think that's okay. And yet STILL more fascinating to watch than EricFake.


LISA. How that explosion treat you?

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 I cannot believe how far she has fallen to be honest. She has really been riding the fence and this episode really showed how badly she's been doing it this season. And speaking of bad...Giiiirl, that was totally bad acting in the van in the 'fight.' I can't.


HEATHER. To stick to my motto from last night...thank you. NEXT.


LITTLE GIRL. Darn at her look (and Heather's) when they saw Meredith and Lisa getting along. Lord, the jealousy. Not everything is about you. Sad but true.


MEREDITH. Awwwww. I live for when I see her and Seth happy. I could live without seeing Brooks though. And I continue to like her alliance with Mary if it is making everyone see red. And yet they could still sit there and have fun with her. And yes, while I agree with the above about how she cannot ice someone out since she's on a reality show...well, Seth's party was at HER house...so I do believe that is totally understandable. Now the cast trip on the other hand...yeeeeah nope. 


MARY. I hollered at her paying Jeannie dust. And I liked her dress. It's the Goth in me. 


JEANNIE. She had some funny moments.


Well, I'll probably watch last night's later after work. But I liked that there is some new momentum going with the resurrection of the Jen/Meredith rivalry and the return of Season 1 Jen. 



I remember when they introduced Bershan by flashback last season on NY. How about SHOWING the whole dinner with Ramona since we know Bershan would be around a good amount of the season so the audience can get a full picture of what she's like.


Just smh. 



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Absolutely right. Jen is totally inappropriate with her physical intimidation of the other women. I imagine she's warming herself up for The Big House.

The coddling is just...*shakes head* All of these franchises seem to treat criminal behavior with kid gloves. Hell, RHONJ's wives still can't plainly state that Teresa is a convicted criminal who went to prison. For years, she insisted on calling it 'camp'...Jen is no better or worse when it comes to the need to be coddled. She sees herself as a victim against whom others are conspiring. It's a farce, of course, and it will blow up in her face when she's convicted. 

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