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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Yeah the preaching is a bit much - and I say that while still agreeing with her 100% and while having thought for years that Ramona's shitty politics deserve to be called out.

That being said, I strongly - VERY strongly - suspect, nay know, that it is the producers who put her up to this AND are choosing to include every single of these conversations in the edit.

Everyone can decide why they want to do that - overcompensation, much? - but I am not yet at the stage where I think this is Ebony being *that insufferable person* and more the production using her to make points but not knowing what a light touch is which in turn makes her look like that's all she is about.
They film a LOT of material, no doubt a lot of which is redundant. They are making a choice here.

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I can't believe I am going to say this but not nearly as meh as NY was this week for me. 


It was still a filler episode. Production knew they were wrong for that cliffhanger. On the other hand, they know that Erika's storyline is their lynchpin this season. And once it is over, people will move on. So they will milk it for as long as they can. And Erika trying to manipulate the camera throughout...As Yolanda would say...NOT CUTE.


On the other hand, I think what made this episode not so meh for me was that...I saw the BH that I used to see. Back in the days of LVP and the haves and the wannabes. Of course it is more about who truly has money and them showing it. It is also about alliances. And I felt that was on full display this episode. Crystal has money. Sutton has so much of it, she can rent out a whole dealship to spend time with her BFF Garcelle. Kyle and Dorit might have an alliance, but Kyle suuuure was trying to lord her Wannabe Queen-ness over Dorit. And Kyle has an alliance with Erika, but she was throwing soooo much shade at Erika...almost like she was already setting up for Erika's downfall and being able to play the injured party who has to cut ties with her to protect her own image...because we all know Kyle is all about her image. 


And then there is Kathy...a beautifully quirky wild card who is the very definition of true wealth WHISPERS


So I loved all the moments when wealth was on true display. There was some drama. Kyle's recurring problem of interrupting people came up AGAIN. While she might not have been in the wrong on the plane, she was in the wrong at the election party with the subtle threat she gave to Dorit. Attempting for that Queen Bee crown again, Kyle? Meanwhile, another round of Crystal vs Sutton is coming and Crystal IS NOT looking good this time around since Sutton is moving on and Crystal wants to keep it going to the point that her husband...who had a conversation with Sutton and liked her since they have Jen Tilly in common aka SUTTON KNOWS PEOPLE TOO...had to give her a look. But I myself am used to nice guys being with bitcas.

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 And then there was of course...the Erika storyline...that really will start next week. Until then, there was just light surface chat...cuz you know these ladies will gossip.


KYLE. And I thought Erika was transparent. No. Kyle is slowing but surely putting people on notice in the Coven. A sign of her Producer credit showing. After all, she would know what's coming. And someone online did point out in the flashback to the Erika announces divorce scene that we only saw Kyle's SCREENSHOT OF THE MESSAGES, NOT THE ORIGINAL TEXT MESSAGE!!! Given the released documentary of Erika and like I said before Kyle's feeling about image, I feel she has enough sense to see that Erika is about to have a big fall and best to protect herself from the fallout just in case it goes down like it did last season when the audience was mostly on Denise's side and not her. The fight on the flight might have been innocent, but her talk with Dorit over something Dorit (and Garcelle) had brought to her attention already was not. It was completely about her attempting to let Dorit know what time it was. And Dorit...was not having it. Then there's the light shade Kyle has started to throw at 'her friend' Erika. Yes, very transparent indeed.


DORIT. I liked she decided to walk away Erika style, but she has to know going forward that if there is about to be a line in the sand, she cannot just walk the fence with the Coven. I liked that PK came out to play a bit and stir the pot a little bit. Not to mention hang with the husbands. Still Dorit better watch herself. She may appear to be the fashion plate of the group, but lest we forget...they know she's a WANNABE. And without LVP to have her back, I am sure Kyle will have no problem throwing out her skeletons if push comes to shove.


EX SOAP OPERA STAR. Surprisingly not bugged by her this week though she was being the ultimate social climber by trying to cuddle up to Crystal by relating her daughter's eating disorder issues with Crystal's own. And look A HUSBAND SIGHTING!!!! 


SUTTON. She came across so much better this week. Having an awesome friendship with someone like Garcelle will do that. And their friendship was on full display this week. And how can one not love that feeling and the feeling of wealth they represent. Chatting up Crystal's husband, throwing that party at the end. Closing down the store for Garcelle. Giving a private showing to Kyle and Kathy. Meanwhile, she is trying to be civil to Crystal. Which brings me to...


CRYSTAL. Ugh. She is totally going to make drama for the sake of it. And it is not even seriously drama. It's petty drama. A shame really since her family life is interesting.


GARCELLE. Was there to be fabulous and threw a little fun shade at Erika. But hey, we were all thinking it, right?


KATHY. Was also there to be fabulous. And LOVE what she wore to the election party. Yes, every once in a while she will let her money show, but not tooooooo much. lol.


ERIKA. BITCH. Not bitca so we are clear. Bitch. She was manipulating the camera from the moment she came on frame. It is hard to get sympathy...which is her best bet right now...when you don't show anything that is sympathetic nor real. She was just really conscious of the cameras in a way that she has not been since the season started. So every look, every walk, every glance to the left, even her dramatic door shut, was very clear and obvious. Again a bit of fear to show would be nice if you are going to play victim. Anything other than that is going to end badly. And victim was going to be a hard sell, but after CHICAGO I guess I should know she's not actress enough to pull off even that since those cameras were making her uncomfortable. Whatever ho.


I look forward to the next week's commercial I am sure will be playing during WWHL that someone will post online.

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She is seriously going to try and Alexis Colby her way out of this mess. My eyes were already rolling to the back of my head when I saw this clip, and I haven't even watched the episode in full yet.


Did you see the preview with Mikey pretending he loves the little studio rental she's going to be living in? 

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@Taoboi BH preview for next week:



IN RHOC news, Rage Monster and The Narcissist are already turning on each other. Kelly is vile, honestly.



And In further Kelly Dodd's Worst Week Ever news...


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Quite frankly it was about time Kelly had to suffer consequences for her mouth.


Crystal dresses well, but has lousy taste in handbags.  And she, along with the other women, live in a bubble.


I'm curious if Eboni and Ramona are still on good terms..because next week preview showed both of them speaking without listening to one another.

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Because nobody saw her nasty Tweets, right? Including the one where she sneered that Covid was 'God's way of thinning the herd.' Rage Monster is shameless in her lack of accountability. It's always somebody else's fault!


Well, I guess this is Bravo's way of thinning the herd, Kelly!

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IA that BH was a more entertaining watch than NY this week. It helped that Sutton, Crystal, Dorit and (god help me) Rinna all came across better this week.


Sutton was a joy, not just with Garcelle, but in the gracious way she welcomed everybody (including Crystal) into her home. Did you notice, Garcelle didn't even knock, she just let herself in like she'd been there before? LOL. Kyle gave props to Sutton for the ways she decorated the old Sherman Oaks home -- it really does look fabulous.


Crystal talking about her eating disorder made her more relatable. I also thought her husband was ok. He's not checked out when it comes to the family. Crystal is very reserved and cautious, and that's very different from fellow Asian HW Tiffany who reveals many of her vulnerabilities.


Rinna. Obviously still Da Devil. But slightly less evil this episode. I like Harry Hamlin. I think he really does want to make a positive difference in life and is interested in learning new things. See, when Rinna isn't trying super hard to be another HW (the LVP-Kris Jenner replicant in Erika's wigs), we glimpse SoapTalk Rinna again. Also, I am fascinated by Rinna's crazy facial reactions in the previews with Erika! It was like the Muppets Take Manhattan!


Garcelle. We were all thinking it. Erika herself said "I was going to hold that man's will hand until he died."


Dorit. You hit the nail on the head. Now with Terri Cougar Avocado gone (waiting in the wings), Dorit is lower down the totem pole. Like the Avocados, the Kemsleys are dependent on Umansky largesse for exposure and income. Dorit needs Kyle to stay on this show. I understand Dorit taking a stand, though. As she showed with LVP, she is not a complete pushover and will switch alliances for self-preservation. She has chosen the Fox News Five (or whatever the call themselves) for now, but let's be real, that 'friendship group' is a nice little performance meant to emulate Taylor Swift's Girl Squad. Only Terri and Dorit have to hang with Kyle during the off-season, too. 


Kyle. Like Luann when she gets a piece of good news, Kyle lets it all go to her head. Having Kathy around has been a major boost to her standing on the show. So now she's confident enough to dish out orders. Only problem is, I'm not sure these women are as afraid of her as she thinks they are. They're more afraid of Erika's rage, actually. Rinna certainly would not put up with what Dorit got this episode. I'm still waiting for a Rinna-Kyle face-off one day. 


Erika. So, unpopular opinion. Part of me feels a teeny bit bad for Erika (though not as bad as for the burns victims and Indonesian orphans and widows who don't have a penny). Because she literally has nobody left in her life. Never have I seen a more isolated, lonely figure. And it's going to be even more isolated as fairweather friends dump her in droves. She is back to where she started, when she grew up estranged from her father, her mother (to an extent) and actual friends her own age. Erika's coldness and mistrust has prevented her from building up truly loyal, longtime confidants.


Right now, she's trying to act all Alexis Colby/Too Kool for Skool because she thinks that her fans will be all finger-snaps and YASS KWEEN. The problem is, not all her fans are Mikey. Acting the part of this 80s-esque character she's created is not going to be enough damage control given the scale of the fraud. Erika missed her calling as a Daytime soap actress. She always wanted to be that kind of star, and she lived for playing this persona so much more than embracing herself as a person.


No-one really knows how much she knew, but I'm betting she knew just about enough to tell herself that the victims would get paid back eventually; that Tom was just moving funds around because isn't that what all corporations do? Basically, she didn't want to know how gross it was.

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I continue to love how other Bravolebities continue to drag Kelly Dodd now that she's gone...


posted from Hannah former of BELOW DECK MED this time...


Kelly Dodd: ‘I never watch shahs and don’t know who GG is’


31st May 2021: ‘I’ll be watching!!’


DYING Face with tears of joyFace with tears of joyFace with tears of joyFace with tears of joy





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