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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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OMG, Kandi is spilling ALL the tea to the girls. It was one thing to throw it in Phaedra's face but tell the other women? Damn. She then went on to call Sheree who's messy ass told Shamea and Porsha. Kandi is wrong

DAMN, Shamea spilling tea too. After all the crap she gave Kenya, she was trying to holla at Shamea's husband! Who's the whore now?


Phaedra still claiming to be a Southern belle.....girl stop. Bitch you've been exposed

LOL....Joyce made Ace cry with her evil self

I teared up at the Peter and Noelle scene. That was very touching and one of the true real moments on this show.

Phaedra just said that Kandi and Todd both doing Shamea. The gloves are OFF

Porsha: "This is about standing up to the bully Kandi and what she has done to me and what she has done to Phaedra." What did Kandi do to Porsha? She pressed about the old Block tea from years ago. No one cares

Now Kandi is a lesbian according to Porsha. Damn, damn, DAMN! This is the MESSIEST episode of all the RH franchises ever!



I loved it as that came as a complete surprise. The blogs seem to have all the tea before the show aired but I hadnt heard that one. Given all the hell Phaedra gave Kenya for flirting with Apollo, she comes across as such a skanky hypocrite now. I love how she is being exposed and it has nothing to do with Kenya. The universe and karma is making sure to kick her in the ass

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Its nice Kenya left Phaedra alone...and the moment she did...all the tea has spilled...and Kenya had nothing to do with it.  Still...are we surprised about this tea?  Im certainly not....after all..  Pheadra has always tried to pretend she is something she isnt....Remember her lying about her due date..and Kim Z exposed it due to her nursing background....and even had the documents to prove she had a nursing degree lol

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You know she is. 

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I'm team Kandi, but this is her comeuppance in a sense. Knowledge is power and she sat on Phaedra's lies out of loyalty. She should've busted her a** a long time ago, which would've squashed the drawn out Kenya v. Phaedra rivalry. 


If I were Porsha though, I'd be keeping a close eye on Phelony b/c she has a history for tossing her 'friends' under the bus when they are no use anymore. 

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I hope Sheree gets hers too when it comes reunion time. I think everyone is so distracted by all this shocking mess hat came out that they arent focusing on her. Watching the tapes back though, its clear that Sheree instigated all of this and really helped spread the sh-t with her big mouth. She's actually tried to cause alot of fights this season and Im gonna need for her to be called out

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Sheree is gonna get called out, but it'll be by Kenya or probably Porsha. I doubt Kandi will waste time on Sheree as she knows how Sheree is. Phaedra won't either as she'll be in survival mode. Phaedra is gonna have to fight not only Kandi, but Momma Joyce & Todd too, who you know will be brought out to address the drama this season. 


I think Porsha is gonna get the worst beatdown at the reunion trying to play captain-save-a-ho. Kandi is gonna pounce on that ass, and you know that Cynthia and Kenya are gonna join in too in hopes of putting an end of Porsha. 


Oh Porsha...

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It's like Cat (?) that is how the reunion is looking right now...Shady Phae Phae also has her trump card by getting into Kenya and Cynthia's good graces, but Poorsha got no one after this.


She played herself.

Edited by Taoboi
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Kandi's blog!


Bravotv.com: Were you nervous at all about going with Riley to see her dad?
Kandi Burruss: No, I wasn't nervous. I just feel like it would be better for Riley to meet with her dad by herself so that they can really talk.

Bravotv.com: What went through your mind watching Phaedra make those accusations about you and Shamea?
KB: I was cracking up! First of all, what Phaedra said was some bullsh--, but what she did was just an example of what I was talking about. She's been doing shady things and saying shady things behind my back for years now. That is why I really don't mess with her like that. Although I shouldn't have said some of the things Phaedra and I had talked about in private to anyone (I especially shouldn't have said it on camera for the world to hear), but at least what I said was true. Phaedra is whispering made-up stories, telling them this untrue Shamea story, and her rationale is "we are close." Girl, you're reaching! If that's the case, Phaedra and I used to be close. So does that mean the same goes for us, and then Porsha's fake, hypocritical ass is going to sit there and co-sign that about her best friend (we had just watched them in a scene right before). And right after that Porsha's telling me I'm wrong for saying something about my ex friend, but she just co-signed a story Phaedra made up about Shamea, who is her current best friend. SMH... I remember when Porsha first brought Shamea around us years ago, Shamea said something about Phaedra coming at her ex-husband inappropriately. Phaedra denied it, but Porsha didn't have a problem with what Shamea said. Now all of a sudden because she has this alliance going with Phaedra she wants to pretend like she's bothered by what Shamea said. Girl, bye. This is not new news to you.

Bravotv.com: Were you surprised Porsha confronted you about what you said about Phaedra?
KB: I was just surprised she was acting like she didn't know why. As I said, she and I have had this conversation before. But now somehow it's brand new news to her? I should've known that she would be fake about it. She's the last one who can check me about friendship, considering the fact that she just dogged her own best friend while acting like Phaedra's puppet. They are Gippetto and Pinnochio...

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I know its early, but how do you think the seating arrangement will be for the reunion? I see


Cynthia, Kenya, Kandi, Andy, Phaedra, Porsha, Sheree


Kenya gonna get bumped bc her storyline and her in general isnt lead this season. The Kandi vs Phaedra fallout has dominated and there will be alot to focus on when it comes to them. Cynthia didnt have much going on so she's easily at the end. Sheee has done alot of sh-t stirring but her own material has been weak so I can see her at the end. She'll have less to contribute than Porsha in terms of the feud

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