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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Yeah, Teresa was on WWHL after the episode that night, and Andy didn't mention it at all... I think Andy is either afraid of her, or loves her too much to bring up things like that. Hopefully in reunion Kathy brings it up.

You're right though - Teresa really seemed subdued and not happy on WWHL. She even looked different - and like the caller - I also thought she had a wig on.

While we've all been a bit bored of the OC this season, the ratings seem to have been really good this season. Sunday's show actually went up 0.2 and is over 2 million, which isn't TOO far off NJ's ratings (which went down just a bit Monday night). OC has consistently been over NYC so far. Just surprised, as I find NYC much more entertaining than OC this year. Although I am pretty excited to see the finale next week :)

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I'm glad the OC's ratings have been good, I absolutely love it, even when it's a little dull, simply because it was the first, it's the original, it's the standard. I have found this season, overall, sad, like, legitimately, sad. It's all a bit tragic, Vicki and Donn's marriage collapses, Tamra is still a wreck dealing with a divorce, Gretchen's over her head with Slade, Alexis is delusional, Peggy is living a pleasant life, nothing's changed for Lynne and Jeana.

I have to say, I've found it refreshing. Sad is real. Raw. Unedited.

It's having a natural life cycle, this year was a DOWN year. I thought Lauri's last season had a similar tone, all her dreams came true, but her son was a drug addict and it doesn't get much more real than that and Quinn and Tammy both saw their carefully constructed existences implode. The year after was more brazen, wild, it's bound to happen next season (should it be renewed) too.

They should really make an effort to bring Jeana and Lauri back to the fold.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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I felt so bad for Vicki when she was talking about her marriage and how she and Donn havent had sex in 2 years. He's only called her once in 4 weeks and they dont even hug. Then she sai she can exist in that. I blame a big part of their problems on her, but I still felt bad. That was sad to hear.

What a cold bitch, that Gretchen, saying Vicki was lying about bleeding out her ass (I know that sounds funny...lol). Bu seriously, she could have kept her comments to herself bc she was stirring things up with JesusFreak Alexis

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Last night was the first time I honestly couldn't stand ANY of the NYC ladies likeable outside of Alex...These woman, are sooooo vile and disgusting now. And what makes it worse is that they all claim this is the best season ever. I honestly don't consider women approaching middle age ripping each other apart in such catty and petty fashion to be the best season ever. Gayle King had it right when she said they've completely gone from likeable and relatable to playing it up for the cameras.

Edited by Antoyne
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I'm a bit behind in the Housewives world, by two episodes or so, but I just watched the NJ Season 3 premiere last night. UNBELIEVABLE. I didn't know how this show would create that "intense" drama without psychotic Danielle, but sure enough it proved to be better than ever. I find myself rooting for Theresa when it comes to this Melissa/Joe battle.

The women of NYC are becoming a little unbearable. I really can't stand Ramona's combativeness this year, Sonja amping up the bitchy behavior (which is fun, but needs to be toned down), or Jill being Jill. I actually really like Kelly this year, as strange as it sounds.

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Just saw it and Ramona was downright embarassing and quite offensive. I couldnt believe she was acting like her typical Ramona self in Morraco where that behavior was completely inappropriate. I didnt like how uppity and diva like she was acting.

and can they please STOP it with the piniot grigio. I know she has her own line but man EVERY single episode is turning into an advertisement for Ramona. Im sick of it. They have to have the wives talk about it and her obsession with the thing all the time. Enough is enough already as its overkill

IA that Alex was the most likeable. I hated the mean girl mentality that the other blondes had. I liked Cindy somewhat standing up for herself

I was surprised that this vacation episode happened so soon. I thought it would be later in the season. Also was surprised to see Brad, Jill's gay husband. He kinda dissappeared after the 2nd season

Edited by Cheap21
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Antoyne and Cheap - I completely agree. The ladies seem to really know the cameras are on them, and they need to provide something now that Bethanney isn't on. Sadly, it's becoming sad and annoying. Ramona is the worst offender this season. I love Ramona, and always will, but I think someone told her that she needs to start acting like a crazy b!tch this season without making any sense about it. Last year, she was completely renewed, and now it's like she lost all of that renewal from Season 3.

Anyway, for those keeping track, the ratings soared! They jumped up 0.3 in 18-49 and were up about 600,000 viewers, putting them over the 2 million mark for the first time this season. Wonder if people will stick with them next week, or did they get all the Morocco they could get?

Real Housewives of NYC (BRAVO, 10pm, 61 minutes)

- 2.292 million viewer

- 1.7/3 HH

- 1.1/3 A18-49

(credit: http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/)

Oh, and yeah, random Brad in Morocco! We haven't seen him since Season 2 - and it seemed like Jill wasn't as close to him anymore - almost like she was embarrased. He looked a bit cracked out too - very different.

Finally --- the OC finale is not this Sunday as I was expecting :( They are taking a week off for Memorial Day, and the finale is Sunday, June 5.

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I really liked Melissa after the last episode. The issue isnt Theresa vs Melisas. Its Theresa vs her brother. I liked how Melissa tried to help patch things up between them. Its so crazy bc theres drama kinda like that in my family with my aunt and her brother's wife. They also live within 5 minutes of each other's families and they simply do not go to each other's houses and the kids barely interact except for school. But in my family's case, the sister in law is a bitch and tries to put a wedge between the siblings

LMAO at Melissa immitating Theresa. She sounded JUST like her...lol

I commedn Kathy for what she was tring to do and didnt like how Caroline came at her but its no surrpise. Caroline doesnt want to get involved in that drama and I respect that.

I actually kinda felt a little abd for Ashley. We never heard anything about her father before this season. I thought he was a deadbeat not in her life at all. She has a whole other family and doesnt feel li8ke she belongs bc she rarely sees them. Still doesnt excuse her horrible behavior but a least sheds some light on why she acts the way she does and why Jacqueline spoils her.


BTW, I LOVE Jacqueline's new pose. That hair flip....so Erica Kane of her! Gif worthy!

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