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Oh, best believe Vyle's undercover moves have not gone unnoticed by me. Kyle brought her 'workout friend' on the show and set her at Sutton and Crystal with a one-two anorexia whammy. She barged her way into Sutton's fridge to try and show its contents (or purported lack thereof) to camera. What she did not anticipate was Sutton's newfound ability to deal with the accusations and gaslighting coming at her. She's been cool as a cucumber this season. And Flopmarie has spectacularly combusted. I'm sure at reunion, Kyle will say that Sutton brought up Kyle's marriage issues (although nobody has been doing a better job of that than Kyle), and tried to drive a wedge between Kyle and Kathy. Why else would they bring Kathy back for reunion?

Given how hard we have seen Sutton try and make it up to Kyle, and the way they supported each other in Barcelona, Kyle's words now seem especially b!tchy. Why the sudden hate-on for Sutton? Maybe it really is jealousy.

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And now...to the Monica of it all.


That was...A LOT. Monica started out so well in her first reunion performance in Part 1. And Mary carried Part 2. But she fumbled here for me in Part 3. It was clear that Lisa and HeaBitca got together and had a strategy going on to be so in sync. What irked me about it was they kept saying she was not apologizing when she was. They were similarly talking over her. And worse...not listening. It seem like people missed that in a willfully defiant way which made me think of S7 RHOA 50Cynt v Shady Phae Phae. DON'T say she did not apologize. DO say you don't want it. People mention gang-ups and how distasteful they are in the HW shows, but usually from the ones I've seen (RHOA s10 &12, RHOP s5) the person getting it deserves it. This one actually seem distasteful for once.


Still Team Monica. Why? Outside of the FBI story...which from someone's comment online MIGHT be true...and the contradiction I missed about Monica's interview and even that MIGHT be true since Monica had more than one interview...Monica has been nothing, but truthful. And more importantly, she OWNED it. I felt she showed remorse. I think the only thing honestly she did lie about is being part of Reality Von Tease. And again...she was one of six (?)...one of whom is HeaBitca's hairdresser. Meanwhile, even the flop burn book reveals that what HeaBitca was accusing Monica of was comments that JEN said. Or someone else. Not Monica. She just reposted it. 


And that was another thing. HeaBitca was over there on Couch Right saying these little catty remarks and accusations along with Lisa. With NO receipts. Everything Monica said in Part 3 in response came with a receipt. The fact that they had to discredit her by aiming at her kids was disgusting. They knew this and used it as a trigger. And that was so clear so no I ain't Team Leather Weather. And don't even get me started with the hypocrisy of HeaBitca's overdramatically Karen, not to mention rehearsed monologue. I loved Andy getting her with her and the black eye lying and how it could hurt Production and compared it to Monica's actions because they were the same. I even can give credit where it's due cuz Heather pivoted back to Monica which was what led to Monica's downfall in Andy's eyes because Andy hates Production being made to blame whether it's true or not (RHOA/RHOP fans know what's up though).


I knew for sure it was curtains for Monica when Meredith turned on her. I was saddened. But I knew. Game over.


And then for HeaBitca to be on that reunion and how she was so scared for herself...after showing her slip with the reveal that Jen sent a cease-and-desist to Monica back in 2021 which of course means SHE KNEW about Monica more than likely (allegedly)...to then go on WWHL after and ADMIT she came after Monica for sending Jen off to jail, the one who frauded elderly people and was caught by the FBI...and then to see her AND Production online on some kind of apology tour...I mean...clearly everyone knew who Monica was. So it was a matter of just exposing it out.


Which honestly is sad. Season 4 was the best season of SLC since Season 2. And if Monica was right and she came in to show that fan (something HeaBitca confessed to being herself pre-Season 1) can come into a HW show and make it watchable...1) mission accomplished and 2) this is just a case of Heather again being jealous of someone doing it BETTER than she could ever be. Monica was good tv with gifs, actions, one liners, a clear storyline, HW feuds, and fashion. She GAVE. There's nothing that was not connected to her so Season 5 has its work cut out for it. Cuz the aftermath would have been messy, but also AUTHENTIC. And it's a first for Housewives so it would have been nice to see how that group navigated. 


And what really gets me. That all of this attempt to run Monica off the show when she WAS the show. The fact that Andy said to HeaBitca's face that Monica was 'on break.' I hollered. Now there has been some backpedaling a la the apology tour. Meanwhile, Monica has been traveling all over as the latest Bravocelebrity. So...what's REALLY going on? 


And I do wonder if HeaBtica is going to get off scot-free, or if Production will pull a Juan's Roommate on her come next season and air her out like Juan's Roommate is dealing with currently on RHOP. Because it seems clear online that HeaBitca's family does not deal with her. And there's some skeletons in that closet. 


But sticking to the reunion...


LISA. RIP. For real. How the mighty has fallen. I was already over her during Part 2 with Mary and the religion stuff. But watching her come for Monica's kids? No, ma'am. Her passive aggressive jabs at Monica were transparent. And her self-absorption is no longer cute. Well, it was fun while it lasted.


MEREDITH. Awwww. That was my reaction to her turning on Monica. I felt she has been fair throughout and joking.


LITTLE GIRL. Pretty mute really.


ANGIE K. I admit that I liked her explaining herself and her business.


MONICA. She was doing soooo well. But Part 3. There were so many times Andy gave her a lifeline so she could save herself. But alas. You could tell when she gave up, too. 


HEATHER HEABITCA. Hades has frozen over because I liked Little Girl more than her. She was so fake to me. So phony. And that rehearsed monologue with the fake cry voice. I would never hate on people who have abusive relationships or been in them, but toxic ones...one where someone held something for a year and a half. Even Andy coming for her required her to produce some tears and use the words 'i'm sorry' because she was not at all showing remorse for the black eye lie 5 pages of monologue in. So immediately I found her suspect. But HeaBitca has been suspect throughout the whole reunion with only edited versions of video to make it appear that Monica talked on Mary (when Monica was really talking about Jen) and edited pictures from online. So again...she deserves some much side-eye leveled at her. And lest we forget...she was on WWHL right after basically bragging about how she took Monica down for Jen....the woman she was just 'crying' about how she was traumatized by. Uh...ok. Over her. Showing that slip.


Unless Mary comes back or Production wind up truly have Monica on reserve as a trump card to get the ladies moving...I will probably bow out of this show again. 




Well she has so much going on...and KANDI AND THE GANG coming back.

But sad to hear. 


Makes one wonder if that rumor Nene and Porsha are back are true.



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Pure tragedy. A total blow to the Atlanta show. Kandi is the anchor of RHOA. I always said that production was the issue not the cast. But I am glad to see what all she accomplishes outside of RHOA. 

And Phaedra is not going to return to RHOA. She has said in countless interviews that she likes M2M better. 

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Another flop episode.

Wendy and Happy Eddie's joint rolling party was super boring.

I don't like watching Mia and Gordon scenes. They are like watching a negotiation between a hooker and a john she's picked up on the street corner.

Speaking of which, Mia is not capable of handling Karen so she really shouldn't have tried to pick a fight with her. Karen annihilated her without breaking a sweat. 

Juan's Roommate tried it with Karen with that really stupid comment about the family photo that she noticed "years ago" in Karen's phone...it was such a non-event that Karen said she has a Juan's Roommate folder in her phone, which was unintentionally hilarious, and just goes to prove that Juan's Roommate has nothing going on. Even Juan's Roommate knew it was a stupid thing to bring up and dropped it as quickly as she brought it up.

Now that Candiace has triumphed over Demon Darby, I wonder what Ashley and her two inflatables are thinking since she has nothing going on either now that she and Gizelle are trying to She By Sheree themselves into relevance, which will fail. 

So Nneka literally had a party where the ladies helped her unpack wedding gifts from 2 years ago. The f*ck? Wendy really f*cked up this episode when she didn't turn up to this farce of an event, though, because that was the olive branch she should have taken in order to show that she's capable of moving on. Nneka is undoubtedly a total flop of casting, but Wendy will feud her way right out of this cast. 


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I keep saying this but they need to keep Karen and fire everyone else. Maybe keep Mia. But the rest can go. The remainder of the cast is cancerous to the show. 

And I am over Wendy v. Nneckbone. If Wendy does not make amends with her next week, Wendy can bounce permanently. 

With Kandi now leaving RHOA, anybody can bounce. Seriously. 


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