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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Ranking the BH housewives from realest to fakest.

Realest - Sutton - even though she is TOO much and very offensive this season, this woman is so crazy, she can't be scripted. She still has the potential of being my favorite but so far this season 13 she is making me mad.

Real - Dorit - I can't believe I am saying this for a woman that was as fake as it gets. BUT this season she is way more normal and actually is the voice of reason in a lot of moments.

Real-ish - Erika - She seems like she is finally showing her real face now - sex-addicted material girl, but she is kinda fun single and a breath of air in comparison to some of the other girls.

Fake - Crystal - that girl is thirsty for storyline, but it will just no happen. 

Fake Actress Moralist Pseudo-Truth-Teller- Garcelle - I loved her on her first season, but every season she gets more and more scripted. Her whole persona is too contrived and controlled. This what we see is Far from the real woman I am sure. I want to see her real face. Hopefully this will happen.

The Grand Dame of Fakeness, fake-Divorce-always putting hernose in other people-s stuff - Kyle - Goodbye Kyle.


It's too early for me to judge Annemarie.

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Monica OWNED that reunion. It cracked me up how she gathered these women at ease. I gotta tip my hat to Meredith and Whitney as they sat back and allowed the other sofa to catch all of Monica's wrath. 

Angie K. is cringe to me. Benchwarmer was the perfect way to define her role. She is literally warming the bench until Bravo finds someone better to fill that slot. I cannot wait for Mary to dig into her next week. 

Heather busting out recordings was weird. At the end of the day, your hair stylist is immersed in the blog too. The hypocrisy in this group is astounding. 

And Angie K. saying that Meredith got activated thanks to her was such a dumb comment. Meredith has been the hardest working cast member outside of Mary and Jen, who carried previous seasons. Meredith is always in the mix. That should've been directed to a Whitney or Heather--two people who have gotten a free ride thus far. 

I don't care about Lisa's ring. I don't think Monica took the ring at all as it'd be traced back to her by now. Moral of the story, don't take jewelry that expensive on a trip. That was dumb on Lisa's part. 

And these women don't like each other. They only united b/c Monica became the start; however, it was painfully apparent that many of these women loathe each other in the packages that didn't pertain to Monica. Whitney & Lisa still have hatred toward each other. Meredith & Angie don't get along. Lisa took mini, subtle shots at Meredith at times. Yeah. Bring Monica back as she's the one person that'll force these ladies to be truthful. 

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It's amazing to me how differently we see the reunion @NothinButAttitude because we usually agree. 

I don't think Monica owned the reunion at all. When she lied about the email she sent to production, which production instantly corrected on camera, it showed that she's a chronic liar prone to constantly exaggerating. She lies like a rug. 

I think Heather playing that audio showed what a creepy stalker/fan Monica is and how she systematically set out to become a part of the show. The whole thing with Monica feels so gross. I don't know how Meredith can stand sitting next to her. 


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I thought that was a good start to the reunion. 


If I was honest...I would say the ones who came out well...or perhaps the word I should use is performed well...was Monica, Meredith, and Angie K. Yes, I'm sincere on that last one. Ever since this morning when they dropped the Meredith clip, I knew she would do well. She was the heroine of this show after all. LOL. But I just giggle at how these ladies keep forgetting she has a LAW degree. So they have to aim correct in order to get her. So watching Meredith wiggle out of their attempts to bait her with verbatim wording AND the receipts to back it up is hilarious. Even everything Monica said so far tonight has tracked as well and so far she's not flinching either...even with that lame attempt by Gizelle...I mean Heather...with the recording...I'll get into that in a sec. And then Angie K...honestly...for all that was dished at her tonight...I have to give her her due that I felt she at least was putting up a serious fight and explain herself well except for ONE thing...that really blows her out of the water when one things of it. 


And I'm already looking forward to Monica activating Mary next week. 


MONICA. I'm just going to go ahead and start with her. They haven't really even touched on the finale yet, but but I felt she came across well. Why? Because she did what she has done (outside of the RVT reveal) since she started...be transparent. Her revealing she emailed/auditioned Production to be on the show...and Production backing her with the rollback word-for-word...was telling...and TRUE. Cuz did anyone like Season 3? Also she said what she said about Jen's case at the start of the season so her correcting Andy tracked. And yes, she lied about the video recording Gizelle...I mean Heather played about Kim K. But...she OWNED that...and didn't even flinch. No one...and I do mean NO ONE...has a moral leg to stand on in any HW group (especially that one) when they are in it for the same thing...exposure that can (hopefully) lead to fame and fortune. If anything, she did it BETTER than anyone in that group and simply put...creepy though she may be...that is truly the REAL reason why they seem bothered....when they should be bothered by 1) the lengths she went to and 2) that she IS NOT the only one. I mean...Gizelle...I mean Heather...still has her hairstylist. So...*shrugs* I loved she gathered Angie K throughout...so much so Angie K aimed at her kids. And I did not like that when she was actually being sincere, owning and apologizing to Lisa for misunderstanding the ring incident, everyone tried to jump on her. I was like...she was having a real moment and you all were mad that she was not giving you all one. Then you are going to be mad when she checks you all. She is darned if you do, darned if you don't.


MEREDITH. Heroine until the last. I thought she gave a good performance as well. I thought it was interesting that they were trying to attack her for her responses to things. And she was being forthright about her thoughts. And that resonated to me. I spent most of the last year dealing with fake friends and unnecessary drama. And what I learned from it was that the real friends are most likely going to pull you aside or (in the case of a show) will pull you aside for one on one. The point Meredith made was the real ones did try to talk to her. The fake ones...did not. And that made all the difference in how she engages or disengages. I would (and have) do (done) the same. Sometimes it's about your own truth and your own peace. Moreso why I hollered when she corrected Little Girl on perception and reality. And Meredith displaying that law degree with her wordplay with Monica's background commentary was chef's kiss to me.


ANGIE K. She was dragged right and left, wasn't she? Outside of the false note of bring up kids, I thought she did well. And going back to what I said above...there was the one thing. She said tonight that the husband rumor started 30 years ago. So that means that EVERYONE had talked about it. As in the whole group. So why such a reaction during the season at all? After people have talked about it for so long, it should be easy to navigate it at this point or give it no air at all. I thought that was too telling. 


LISA. Honestly? Irrelevant. I am glad Production did the rollback of her talking to Heather about the ring. But here's my thing...a lot of the Lisa vs Monica mess could have been solved if she had explained that to Monica as well in the same way she did tonight. And yes, my Fabulous Ice, you DO make everything about you. Little Girl was not wrong on that. Just own it. The fact she does not anymore really is why I no longer like her like I used to. Speaking of Little Girl...


LITTLE GIRL. I can't believe I'm saying this, but for all of her nonsense, I felt she came across well. And she was STILL nonsense. But I've been feeling that for the last stretch of episodes. Could I (like Mary) be finally liking Little Girl for the first time since Season 1? Hmmm. That said...she WAS looking for a moment with Lisa. 


HEATHER GIZELLE LITE. Heffa can't do a reunion to save her life. smh. It feels like a lot of the dislike and shade I use on Little Girl is now on her. Because...what was that? Really...what was that? You went into the finale with loud voice with her whole chest and now she's doing that very annoying thing I don't like in normal people where they say little catty comments and then get mad when I in real life gather and drag with the quickness. Technically she has the high ground so she should be able to speak up for herself. But I was annoyed at her talking about how Jen was 'toxic' when she was Jen's ride-or-die for FOUR seasons. She was whispering comments to get Left Couch stir up to attack Monica when she could easily do it herself. And her recording moment (and it was as much a moment as Meredith's receipt, but Meredith's receipts LANDED) was a lame balloon. Monica was unbothered. And...it aims at the core of why HWs would even do shows period. So it screams more hypocrisy than 'Monica is a stalker.' Sorry if that offends, but Heather cannot say anything when she's been playing a role for four seasons herself. Season One...the Mormon breaking out. Season Two...the BFF. Season Three...the Betrayed Friend. Season Four...Brainwashed Friend. It's all a mask and as Ms. Mariah Huq said herself...she showed her slip at the Season 1 reunion. And one...who knows better...can't unsee it. In fact, her whole reunion performance for me is giving Gizelle, but less polished. 


That said...a good start.

Bring on Mary.




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Just watched first part of the reunion. Monica is embarrassing herself and acting low class and psychotic. She and her mother are two of a kind. Mental illness should be taken care of. And for the person who said in other words that Monica owned that reunion... I don't know what you are drinking or watching, girl.

P.S Monica offended Andy and production a couple of times and said that the show didn't have ratings before her. We can now happily agree she will not be coming back. I am sure she knows this and that's why she is saying all this [!@#$%^&*].

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When they did wide shots of the bar, I found myself

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  I figured I wouldn't be on camera though bc I didn't hover around the girls during the show.  I was back next to the cameras so I could have a front view of the show and their runway walk competition.  The other ladies were sitting off to the side, to my right, which also gave me a good view of them during the show.

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Garcelle pushing that Dorit has been racist to her is kinda... disgusting. I just watched these 2 episodes and Garcelle really FELL from grace for me. To do this to a woman, who DID not have any racist intention and just used the word ATTACK which ALL THE WOMEN use ALL TIME time... to just PUSH this narrative in this day and age... IT'S Dangerous. It's dangerous to Dorit and her whole family. And THEN call her Karen - which to a white woman is derogatory racist remark. It's pretty shocking she said that. Why is this double standard tolerated? And please... her saying she was so hurt... nearly having a mental breakdown, because of what Dorit said... is over-acting and trying to look like a victim. People need to stop using race and victimhood in situations like this. In the end, because of people like Garcelle, the true racism will not get attention.  

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Monica lying (or embellishing) is nothing new to me at this point. All these women on all these shows lie. Why should she be the exception? I just find her to be entertaining how she makes these women squirm. 

And Meredith can't take a moral high ground as she was pro-Jen last year. Same with Heather. Same with Lisa back in season 1. Same with Whitney back in season 2. Mary is the only consistent woman of the current bunch that never bought what Jen was selling. 

 I think at the end of the day, Bravo loves Monica like they loved Phaedra. Or Brandi. Or Kelly Dodd. Or Kelly Bensimon. Or Trailer Sue. Or Leanne. Or Mia. They love chaotic housewives that'll bring about drama and lie. Again, I just enjoy Monica b/c she has these women reeling when they are well-known liars too. Especially, Heather, who had no issue with latching onto Jen b/c she knew Jen was gonna be a polarizing star on the show. 

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I dont think she lied.  She would have had tp have had multiple correspondence with production, especially since they moved forwad with her. Im not convinced that she never wrote the stuff that she mentioned at some point. The only showed one email and to me that doesnt really prove anything


Im with @NothinButAttitude. The reunion was kinda boring other than the parts that focused on Monica. She gathered the women and came prepared. Im interested in seeing how Bravo proceeds with her bc everyone is justified in not wanting her around but she is GOOD tv and saved a dying show. The little drama that the other women have amongst themselves is just petty and not interesting. Monica is a true force multiplier and I equat her to Tamra and Kenya, both of whom completely changed the game on their respective shows. She activates people and there is a genuine reason for the dislike. I need more of her

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Did she lie though? Mary pretty much said the same thing on WWHL when Andy asked her why she came back. Season 3 was HORRIBLE! Bravohas to know that and the ONLY reason anyone is talking about season 4 is bc of Monica. PERIODT! She and Mary put eyes on this show nad have been involved in all the viral moments

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