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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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So the other day, it was RHOP. And now...it's SLC's turn.


But a little tea...


It sounds like their reunion was one for the books. I'm definitely curious to see the fallout. Mary mentioned in her Teddi Terri Dimarco interview that everyone was against Monica, but Mary had her back. Which of course means Mary is at the reunion!!! lol. But also...that picture above with Mary makes me wonder about her status as well as Monica's status with Meredith. It appears there was an edited out part of the Mary/Little Girl dinner and Little Girl did eventually apologize to her so they might have made up?? I think that is true because there are pictures of Mary with Little Girl. I don't know how I feel about that. But I am happy to see all of these pictures of Mary interacting with people (like even with Kyle from BH of all people). Things that make you go hmmm.


As for the season...I'm up to this past week's episode and...I'm still liking it. It has definitely mellowed from the start of the season. I haven't minded it much. It has been like a nice calm before the storm that will be their cast trip (which is the last four episodes apparently). It definitely has allowed for more family scenes for the ladies...for better or for worse. 


But...the focal point has been Monica. Well, the feud between Lisa and Monica. What has started as a petty feud (Lisa losing the ring) to a feud with some substance (is Lisa too materialistic that she's self-absorbed/is Monica just jealous of Lisa's money) has saddened into silly, not nice high school drama and trying to ice Monica out. And I don't like it. Monica, for me, has been a breath of fresh air. And the fact that she has Lisa's number and calls it CONSISTENTLY has Lisa pressed as heck.


That was clear at the sound bowl event. Something that happened because Lisa was jealous that Monica did and has done since the season started...Monica can own up to when she's wrong and apologize so she mended her friendship with Angie K. Lisa clearly sees Angie K as a minion so she was butt hurt and causing a scene. A scene she started that Monica FINISHED. 


And that was clear again at the Churning. Heather played peacemaker and Monica was game. And she did apologize. But Lisa started it again. Not that Heather helped with that pointed game. And Lisa did not need to say it the way she said it and not expect Monica to defend herself. Monica keeps Lisa TRIGGERED. 


Last time I mentioned SLC, I explained why I liked Lisa aka Fabulous Ice. I was happy she found a balance between the two persona she showed on this show. But playing catch-up, I'm very NO. I would rather see her being Fabulous Ice. I have been enjoying the drama with her son and his mission and how it makes the other cast members feel as well as how it humanizes Lisa herself in a way. Because right now, she AIN'T Fabulous Ice. And if anything she's acting like Jen Shah with all of those outbursts she has been having and getting in people's faces constantly. Lisa has deluded herself into thinking she's the Queen of SLC (when we all know it's Meredith

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 ) and the truth is that is not the case. Worse, an upstart is upstaging her so she has no choice but an ice out. 


Good luck with that. As for how the ladies are looking going into the cast trip...


MEREDITH. After a roaring start with the rivalry with Angie K, she has taken a backseat to Lisa vs Monica. If anything I felt she's been giving comic relief with the middle parts of the seasons. Her dynamic with Seth (mmmm Seth) continues to be quirky fun to watch. The scene with her trying to set up (and failing) her podcast. Bath continues to be a running joke. And her at the Churning was a hoot. And her friendship with Lisa is back on track. She has been being a housewife at least. Best of all...none of it avoided her son.


HEATHER. Well, I can say this much...her latest book event was soooo her. Lisa singing (that Monica shaded). The choir from last season. Heather bringing her humor. That said...it just looks like she's throwing anything at the wall to see what sticks this season. It's clear she is not the fan favorite anymore. Either that, or she is really just boring. At least she is still giving scenes with her daughters. But...she's too insecure. Talking about Lisa's son's mission in one breath and then getting upset Lisa has not involved her in any part of it in another breath. Being such a Pick Me for Lisa's attention still...and that was clear at the Churning. Just ugh. 


LITTLE GIRL. Could the wind be turning? Could I actually LIKE Little Girl? Uhhhh...NO. But I thought it was interesting during Meredith's podcast that worked that Little Girl came across as someone that was looking for Husband Number 3. Poor Justin. Like Heather, she also appears to be throwing things at the wall to see what sticks. So while all this marriage drama appears fake, Justin's feelings about it do not appear fake. So...things that make one goes hmmm. And we know I live for any moment where Mary drags Little Girl...whether it was edited or not. 


ANGIE K. Someone says around the Sound Bowl event, Angie K must have found out she got a snowflake due to the fact she calmed down. I happen to believe them. In the middle of the season, she has only had ONE scene with Meredith directly. Other than that, Meredith and she do not acknowledge each other Almost like the first third of the season hasn't happened. But the thing is...she continues to give. The middle person in the Lisa/Monica feud has given insight for sure on who she is. And her little date night with her FOINE husband also explained things a little more...as well as brought up more questions for me about them. So she has grown on me.


LISA. I just can't defend her in this feud with Monica. I could understand at the beginning when it was still a petty feud. Now? Nope. At the skating rink, she was too nosy. At the Sound Bowl event, it was her that started from the moment she walked in. And then on top of that, she pulled from Jen Shah's playbook and tried to step up to Monica's face like she was an ATL housewife named Porsha. Girl, NO. And then using Heather's game at the Churning to verbally attack Monica and thought she was not going to get some blowback. After Monica gathered her all the way together (Monica's intelligently sounding and worded mini-monologue on streetsmarts was GOLD, Monica's intimation of Lisa is hilarious) at the Sound event. When Monica called her out at the skating rink. I mean...why try when you can't keep up verbally with someone who can also keep up with you physically? She has been nasty. And self-absorbed in a not fun HW way. Even the mission storyline is starting to fall flat in humanizing her. Monica might be jealous of Lisa for having money, but I feel Lisa is jealous that Monica can get attention just by being...herself.


MONICA. THE STAR. Watching Monica have drama with her mom...AND made her walk home. Watch Monica with fun confessionals. Watch (and LOVE) Monica around Mary. Watch Monica gather Lisa effortlessly. I just been loving Monica. I am worried knowing that the last episodes are on the cast trip. And the cast trip sounds like it will be a gang-up on Monica. If the Churning is a sign...well...


So...still enjoying this season. But it has not been 'all fire go' like it has been since the start though. HOWEVER definitely a bounce back from that awful Season 3. 


Monica is totally giving Season 5 Kenya on RHOA. And Mary...is still love.

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Get it girls! Speaking of, I attended my second Countess LuAnn Cabaret show this weekend in Chicago (I saw another superstar this weekend as well... Mariah Carey), and it was another fun, boozy night of songs and laughter. No real tea to share, other than they're hoping Bravo picks them up for a second season of Crappie Lake in another town. 

During the audience Q&A (unfortunately I didn't get picked to ask a question like the last time), someone asked what Lu thought of the NuRHONY girls, and she turned around and asked for our feedback on each castmember. Jenna got the biggest applause by far. Jessel, Ubah, and Brynn got good applause. It was a mixed reaction to Erin. Sai got a BOO'ed across the board, to which LuAnn said she agreed with us. 

Seats in the front! Can't wait for the next one

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Thanks for the tea! I personally would love to see Lu and Sonja interact with some of the nuRHONYs. They have much to teach those little baby chicks learning to fly. On another note, Luann has amazing legs and a movie-star figure. I am always amazed at how stunning she looks.

Sonja's eyeroll was so perfectly, elegantly done, it was the highlight for me.

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Yasss!!!! Thank you for the tag, Cat!!! I hollered seeing it. The Countess...like Mariah Carey herself...the gift that keeps giving!!! And Sonja looked GORGEOUS!!!




I still can't believe this is the snobby woman you all have told me of and I've seen clips from the earlier seasons of NY. 

Yassssssssssss!!! I wondered how your second showing went. And great minds!! I had mentioned Mariah Carey (jealous of you! Said with love. ;P) above before reading your post. 


Sounds like another great time. 

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Alexis left right before Shannon joined so they dont really have a relationship so she isnt betraying her. Im interested in what the current status of Alexis' relationship with Tamra and Heather are though and whom she will allign herself with. I can see it being Tamra/Shannon vs Heather/Alexis next season with Jen and the annoying duo of Gina and Emily in the middle. We really need to bring Vicki back as a friend if not full time



This is SOOO messy. I fear Shannon is gonna have a full mental breakdown


Yeah but at least Quad and Greg had been divorced for a few years now (like 4-5) and had moved on. Shannon was just sleeping with this man earlier this year and still very much emotionally invested

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RHONJ "Friend of" Jenn Fessler: 


“I’m not afraid of Ozempic and I will tell you I have had an experience that was not good — and I’m pretty positive it was about the semaglutide — where I had to go to the hospital for an impacted bowel … and I’m still not nervous about it.” Fessler explained that one of the “side effects” of the drug can be “constipation,” which she dealt with for a while but decided to brush off.

“I was drinking no water, eating no vegetables because something that happens, a new experience for me, is being able to eat what I want even when it’s not the most healthy choices and still lose weight,” she explained. “So maybe for the first time in my life, I’m losing weight on pizza and bagels and ice cream." 

What an idiot. 

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