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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Now you know I live for one of your flawless long post.

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And it really has been a minute since you done one like this. 


That said...I thought reports were by the end of ALL STARS 3 that Candiace and Gizelle are going to be in a much worse spot than they are now, no?

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I figured it was either one of the things Charrisse lied about this season, or was linked to her DUI car accident some years ago when her license was revoked and she might have had to do rehab in return for judicial leniency. However, apparently Karen has not driven since, hence why she used to be chauffeured around (a chauffeur with blue eyes, said Ashley -- see S3). Make of that what you will. It is interesting that nobody remarked on it at reunion, because Charrisse was plenty mad at Karen and was probably dying to.

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This is why I preferred the BravoCon trailer to the recent trailer. Cuz while it was brief...it was there vs the other one where they are basically ki-ki-ing and trying to center the drama on the SLC twins. 


That...I'm enjoying you all talking about RHOP in retrospective. I too have been wondering how I feel about S7? Would I consider it bad? Is it up there with S3/S4? Just a return to form after a transitional season like S6? On par with Season 5? Before the Robyn Juan Roommate reveal, I would have said it was a great season, BUT like Cat said...once that came out, one cannot UNSEE the cracks and what's behind the curtain? So it taints the season.


Something for me to think about.


Oh, yeah, La Dame has definitely been a lush and they used to show it before she stopped getting drunk around the ladies...leading to my favorite moment of her dragging Roommate for being the ditzy bitca at the table. lol.

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What makes it weirder is...didn't the GEB make Katie's skin their storyline Season 1? But now want to be obtuse? On top of all those etiquette lessons? So a case for colorism CAN be made and it's nice to have it on the floor. A first step at least, but they really should have had a moderator.


But I do feel yes, it's more about classism with these ladies. 


THAT...was sooooo much.


I know Las Cabanas are not turning on Lisa? No, ma'am!!!!!!!


And @kalbir will be happy to know that Larsa's new boy man was mentioned.

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But a 3 part reunion. I love the girls, but I liked last year's reunion being 2 parts. They hit everything they needed to.


Team Adriana. 


I hope Guerdy and Nicole take Alexia to the cleaners in words.

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Your comment took me straight to when Candiace told Gizelle at reunion that she was a garbage individual and had no soul.

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 Gizelle: "Thanks, Candiace."  The ICINESS with which Giz said that actually made my hair stand on end. All I could think was Candiace baby

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Gizelle is NEVER in a million years going to forgive that. 

In the RHUGT trailer, it is implied that somebody slipped drugs in another HW's suitcase which, given that they were in Thailand, was very serious. IF they had filmed that trip AFTER RHOP reunion? You know that would have been Grizzly. Revenge is a dish best served icy cold!

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I'm going to promote this RHOM trailer again because it looks pretty good! 

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Alexia is doing WAY too much to everybody. Pipe down, Cocaine Bear, and worry about your precious bebe Peter trashing you on camera to his convict dad.

Larsa hides her nasty behind this glossy-smooth, botoxed, Kardashian exterior, but when it seeps out -- "No-one's talking to you, you weirdo!" -- you can see the high school mean girl.

Julia talking about Martina. 

Marysol coming on with a megaphone again.  Kenya needs to put a copyright on that and sue!

Adriana pulling out a letter from godknowswhere and godknowswho. 

All the cast to Lisa: "Oh, yeah, girl, Lenny's been cheating on you for YEARS." 

Las Cubanas are literally raging at everybody, especially Alexia who is coming across very heightened. (Like, why would you pick on Lisa this year??) You know what makes people rage sometimes? Coke. 

SO who is that letter from accusing Marysol of abuse? Please tell me it's not Mama Elsa. 

The trailer kept Guerdy and Nicole surprisingly mute, which is so weird!

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Yeah..maybe a soft reboot of Miami will be in order for season 6.  The reunion snippets seem to indicate it's going in a toxic direction.

That's the one thing I always liked about OC...they never have the same cast more than a season...though I question the wisdom of Gina being on so long though.


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I want someone to slap the dogsht out of Alexia. I cant stand her. What she said to Lisa was so cruel. The way she talked to Guerdy was also disgusting. Saying the black woman is difficult to work with was so low and inflammatory to her business. Guerdy who is featured in Vogue and recognized as one of the best in her field and always booked is difficult? Alexia is such a hater and doesnt realize she is the dififcult one here


Marysol gets a question about her drinking and she plays it off as her branding for her line. Um okay drunk Jan


I wish Larsa would just admit she got her butt done so they can shut up about it. Its not that big of a deal


LMAO at Adriana said that Larsa was guilty of cultural appropriation by getting a Brazilian butt lift when she's not even Brazilian. Get a Lebanese butt lift! LOL


Guerdy looked gorgeous


I wish Larsa would have shut up during Nicole's segment about her father. She only was saying that stuff bc she hates Nicole. When it comes to personal issues like parents and siblings, the other cast member need to STFU if all they are going to do is throw salt on it There is history there that no one can begin to understand. I felt bad for Nicole when she started tearing up mentioning that she got hit by a car bc her dad was too preoccupied with others. She is still traumatized by that


Alexia is so insufferable that her downfall will be glorious and I hope the Bravo cameras are there to record it like her past tragedies except this time dont pay her as the victim. I hope Todd is cheating on her with a side baby on the way. Everything bad that happens to her is bc of her bad karma

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