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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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In all our Westen societies, for women especially, beauty is associated with youth. But because Miami is hot, humid and beachy, with a sexy-sophisticated LatAm ambiance, that beauty is perpetually on display in a sexy swimsuit.

Like Dr. Nicole, she is an anesthesiologist with a body that is the most gorgeous I have ever seen on any HW ever. Part of that is the weather and lifestyle.

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I wasn't sure how I was going to feel watching the premiere. Bravo has been quickly moving their stuff over to Peacock...which I don't have...so I wasn't sure how I would feel about it. Since I was halfway through last season and still had not seen the reunion. 

BUT...that was a pretty okay premiere with a nice recap. 


That said...did Hades freeze over? Are Production finally coming for Melissa and Joey Gorga? I definitely know they are playing one way on the show and another way off the show...but I don't think in my viewing that it has ever appeared that they are coming for them. But again...I didn't see the fallout at the reunion when Joey threw a diva fit at Teresa or if that is coming into play? Intrigued.


Teresa seems sooooo happy. And I'm here for that. And it seems like we have Namaste Teresa again because I was shocked as pot-stirring Marge when Teresa was civil, invited her to her house, AND APOLOGIZED. Louis for all his flaws definitely looking good on Teresa. I was just sad that it was wasted on Marge who immediately started pot stirring Melissa vs Teresa. But...good to see growth.


I liked the newbies. Most definitely, Danielle. She had me with that Staten Island remark. I hollered. Rachel seeing Demoted Jackie is trying to start mess to stay relevant was funny, too. And the othe one is...the other one. lol. But I don't hate them.


And as for Dolores vs Jennifer. If the editing is to be believed...it just seem like Dolores was trying to start stuff to start stuff. I didn't see the reunion though I believe that's when they truly fell out, but from where I remember from what I watched, that was on Dolores. Oh, well. Jennifer chewed her up and spit her out. Because even Danielle said at the 80s party that she had taken Jennifer away and didn't mean too, but Dolores STILL wanted smoke from Jennifer. So...she got it. 


But like I said...good start.




A HAPPY TERESA. I'm sorry. But I do like that she's happy. And that she has been playing it very nice with others. Again, Louis looks good on her if he is making her behave, but do her own thing. And people stay pressed on that. 


THE NEWBIES. So far, so good for me...even the one that is Marge's friend. hehe. It will be interesting to see how my opinion changes going forward. Danielle is easily my favorite. And her husband is kinda foine. And I liked how they immediately got mixed in and it did not appear fake. This was how the FOHs on SLC should have been done...from Episode 1, too.


THE VIBE. Honestly, the overall vibe was good. The show did feel refreshed. And I thought there was a great mix of events and invidiudal moments. Even the newbies were introduced properly. And I'm a sucker for an 80s party...went to one last weekend.

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 And Bill can be my doctor...TEQUILA BILL that is. hehee.




MARGE. I know the majority love the Marge here, but I know we know how I fell out on her. So you know I was not liking that pot stirring. Yes, she is the Gizelle to this group at this point. But...meh.


THE FEUD. Uuuuuh...NO. In a battle of words, I could see Jennifer getting her. In a fight...well...lol. It just feels like an uneven fight to me. And not a fun petty either. But we will see I guess.


OH, GUUURL. Nice try, Jackie. hehe. Jackie's attempts to be relevant while Production does their best to edit her out...was embarrassing. How the mighty have fallen.


But again...good start.



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I thought everybody said the first part of the reunion was boring.

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I liked Part 1. It was almost up there with Monique destroying Gizelle during the first part of the S5 reunion. Because Candiace and Dr. Wendy were truly kicking A@# and taking names. And I was completely here for it. That trailer did not do it justice. And if the clips I posted earlier (and Twitter is backing up) Part 2...for me in 40 some minutes...will be even better. 


The chickens are definitely coming home to roost. Andy, Production, AND Bravo clearly are PO at Juan's Roommate Robyn and her deception. Though tbf, it seems there was a LOT left out of WWHL when Andy was gizzling Robyn her. And thanks to the backlash, we might see EACH and EVERY piece of missed footage. It appears they are giving that fraud the ShebySheree Season 4 Reunion Special. And I'm here for it...even though I would love for her to come back next season so La Dame, Candiace, and Wendy can make her life a living Hades. 


LA DAME. Except for her pot shots at Robyn The Roommate, she was strangely mute. 


GIZELLE. How dare she try to sit there and pop attitude when she knows the truth. YOU...GOT...CAUGHT. And like La Dame did for Monique at the S5 Reunion, I loved DOCTOR Wendy helping Candiace with a tag-team and educated read. Gizelle has long established a pattern...and have plenty of bodies in this cast to prove it. And this time...to quote Heather Durbow...when everyone tells you you're dead, it's time to LIE DOWN. She appears Gizelle will put up more of a fight than she did against Monique. Fine. I will enjoy every minute of Candiace drag her to Hades and back again. It was well deserved. Especially when Gizelle could have made her storyline, her hospital visits, and grown a following that could have humanized but she would rather be a trash box. Fine. Be a trash box and get dragged. 


ROBYN. THE BEARD. JUAN'S ROOMMATE. WOW. They seem DONE with her. When Andy is taking pot shots a la 'Is Jamal coming?' before the filming, she should have known something was up. And Boy, was it? Production aired her out in the opening. And then every time she show hypocrisy, Production was there with the rollback. That said, she did very little this part, too.


ASHLEY. Lord, Gurl, we were rooting for you. Quite a few people were rooting for you. I honestly hope she is truly just faking everyone out. Otherwise...WOW. I know as a Gemini, we can be foolish, but even I would have set up a nest egg just in case even if I was in love. But that might be my own background. That said...we Gemini also know how to land on our feet so I hope the same for her. But given how in control Michael Darby STILL appears to be that SUMMER HOUSE Luke left her...this was troubling. Not as troubling...Candiace gathering her together, too. OOOOoooo that was YEARS in the making, and I was not mad at it. All the years, these ladies picked on her, but we know what they say about them tables...THEY TURN.


MIA. Speaking of rooting for...smh. I knew they were going to get her about being broke. And they DID. There were some who said she appeared to be making some sense. But given how much Mia is messy AND lies, they just drowned her out. And why should they listen? She lies! Her only thing that she did good was Wendy verbally drop-kicking her with the 'next husband' line. Meanwhile, Gizelle was already setting her up for next season...and she didn't even see it.


WENDY. Doctor Wendy as Right Hand Henchwoman to Candiace was a hoot. Her and Candiace tag teaming was EVERYTHING. But...the highlight...was her 'next husband' to Messy Mia was LMFAO funny. She did soooooooooo good.


CANDIACE. The MVP OF PART 1. She presented herself well. She verbally herself good. And she gathered so many together...including the person who deserved to have NO GRACE from her...GIZELLE. And she DID...NOT...GIVE...HER...ANY. I was here for ALL of it. But I also loved her gathering Ashley as well. Because everything she said was true. Heck, everything she said to Gizelle (with an assist) from Wendy was true. And she looked great doing it. She knew it was reunion time and it was time to let people know what time it was. Her read of Gizelle for me is up there with Monique. 


Will probably talk about Part 2 on after a rewatch. It was sooooo good, too. And there was a lot going on. 

He did. I have NEVER rooted for him like I did tonight. And he took oh so many potshots at Juan's roommate...I live!!!



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Gizelle showed her true face last night and it was ugly. She told Wendy she hated her how many times? Even to the point of co-signing Wendy's assault. And then playing dumb with Candiace about what colorism means in the context of the show. Petty and embarrassing considering her family's history advocating for civil rights. She is awful and I'm hoping she doesn't return next season. What does she even bring? Andy had to twist her arm to get her to talk about her children/the operation. She expected him to give her a pass, and that is so reflective of how she operates on this show -- she is used to Production letting her skate by.

The irony is not lost on me that the women with husbands who engage in predatory behaviour try to pin it on the husbands that don't as a deflection tactic. 

Karen was mostly silent apart from her great insertion in the colorism discussion. She seems very over the show and I wonder if she'll even want to return next season. 

Wendy talking about the assault was heartfelt. Mia just lies for the sake of it.

A really good reunion episode, I thought. Candiace laid out her points so well, and I'm glad Andy held Gizelle's feet to the fire.

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Robyn does her job well as a side-kick... but she should have brought a bit of her life onto the show instead of keeping it off camera.

Gizelle needs to go because she doesn't offer anything except causing drama... and Ashley has that covered.

Mia is a bad fit and has had her 2nd season try out, time for her to exit stage left.

Karen.. has she really said or done anything so far?

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Drew knew he was heading to file, so she grabbed her assistant's phone and, pretending to be said assistant, texted him to meet her right away "cuz i rly need to tell u something important." Thinking he might be getting some, Ralph made a quick detour away from the courthouse, allowing Drew to:

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Right? Even if she beat him by an hour, it feels like this divorce was his impetus from the get. She may not have wanted to be seen as the one who got served divorce papers. 

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