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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I predict that within 48 hours the tides will turn and social media will start to go against Caroline as bi-phobic rather than focusing on the fact that Brandi's advances were unsolicited.  I'm not saying that I agree, but as an observer of social media, I foresee this as the next topic of discussion.

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Ugh this is why i dislike Robyn so much. A Reasonably Lying announcement purposely timed AFTER reunion, so Robyn could duck any follow-up questions. I bet most of the women, led by Robyn and Gizelle, went after Karen for bringing up Juan. When are THEY getting called out for peddling seasons of lies and deflection? We had Juan on bended knee at a surprise engagement party at the end of S4 for crying out loud.


Seems like Candiace isn't happy about this announcement and Bravo allowing this (see her thread, too):

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Candiace is her own worst enemy.  She engendered audience support this season, the editors were on her side with Chris, and she was great with Andy this week on WWHL.  But, she then she sticks her nose in the Robyn situation and invokes Andy in her argument which is never going to end well.

I think it is interesting that Robyn, (and by proxy Gizelle), were trying to distract the others from the Juan gossip by throwing Chris under the bus, which Karen knew all along and was willing to keep under her hat, until they tried to replace her with Cha Cha. But Candiace doesn't need to open herself up to attacks on social media in order to reap the benefits from Robyn's poor choices.

But, if Candiace was able to control her impulses she wouldn't be a good housewife, so...

Edited by j swift
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The editors have never demonstrated that there is any reason to be mean to Karen Hugar.  She's delusional and wears weird wigs, but she's totally harmless and doesn't deserve the vitriol that Giz and Robyn throw at her.  Maybe there's a lot going on behind the scenes, but on-screen they just seem like they are unreasonably accusing an old lady of screwing around.

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It gets a little weirder: Chris Bassett says it's not Robyn he's mad at, it's Gizelle and Ashley:

So it seems to me that both the Bassetts are trying not to burn all their bridges, mindful of how Robyn took up for them when Gizelle was spreading the lies about Chris.

HOWEVER. Now I'm starting to wonder whether Robyn reached out to Candiace & Chris as 'good cop' with Gizelle as 'bad cop.' Maybe she didn't want to make an enemy of Candiace per se, and didn't want to get her hands dirty when it came to this particular falsehood. (She focused instead on trying to rile up Wendy and jumping on the Charrisse-is-the-OG train in order to irritate Karen).

I wonder if Bravo is pissed about Robyn selling details of this affair on Patreon. It's like she's... monetizing Juan's infidelities...? Honestly, I don't understand Robyn sometimes.

Candiace name-checking "our boss" after being on WWHL Sunday night even though he's not the focus of her exasperation. She really does not care for him. 

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@j swift I don't think Candiace opened a can of worms by using Andy's common phrase. She didn't say anything provocative or controversial about her boss. 

Here I am defending Candiace again (a world gone mad!), but I actually like what she did. She's pissed that certain castmates that she otherwise defended are cherry-picking what can and can't be revealed, all the while deflecting by calling attention to other people's marriages.

And I love that the roof is caving in and the truth is coming out (©Jason Derulo) on Robyn, the Terri DeMarco of Potomac. 


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Chris Bassett-hound is a MORON. This where they lose all credibility. Instead of being mad that everyone that is lying about their lives on the cast, let's overlook Robyn but be mad at Gizzy and Ashley. Bitch, what? I get you're mad about them lying on you, but how about being mad at everyone? This is why him and Candiace stay losing. 

On a lighter note, y'all ready for the Xscape/SWV spinoff? I am! The child of the 90s in me is GIDDY!!


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