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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Makes me kinda miss Katie Rost and her dollar store witness protection wig. 

I don't *think* we're at the point of no return for dark toxicity (see Beverly Hills; see Salt Lake City), but Potomac is teetering on the edge. They really need to retire this whole schtick of attacking each other's marriages. This season's ambush on Chris/Candaice is so forced and tired. At least go for those who really do have questionable relationships (i.e. Robyn/Juan; Ashley/Michael). 

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It is actually kind of scary how that amorality hides behind her beauty and gentle speaking voice. She comes across as this happy soul who enjoys yoga and kumbaya moments -- and yet there is this steely ruthlessness and cynicism behind that cheery smile.

This episode, when Candiace quietly told her that Ashley assumes everybody has bad motivations because of her experience with Michael Darby was astute (though perhaps not the whole story, as there was/is a lot more to the Darby marriage than Ashley is letting on. And I also think that like attracts like in the Darbys' case). However, it was Ashley's face which was the most startling to me. No cheery smile or glint in her eye. It was like a mask had been pulled back. Ashley's eyes looked blank and hollow as she absorbed what Candiace was saying.

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It was Candiace at her best. Smart and incisive -- but also understanding and empathetic. Ashley even nodded, acknowledging the overwhelming truth of Candiace's observation. 

It wasn't lost on me how Candiace's words also apply directly to Gizelle and Robyn. As Chris Samuels once said about Giz, "Hurt people hurt people."

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I keep saying they have so much potential NOW as friends than enemies. Their tag-teaming during the Miami trip was a thing of beauty...until Ashley messed it up. 


ETA: So I had to go and look. hehe. Well no wonder they have issues...they're SOULmates.  jk Gem/Sag do AND don't mix. They just need to find that right balance.

Edited by Taoboi
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I keep hearing that as diametric opposites, Sag and Gem are not meant to marry. BUT friendships are different. And my brother is a Gemini and I get along really well with him, so it goes to show that there is hope for Ash & Candiace -- if Ash changes this mentality of her's which is only going to hurt her in the long-run.

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How Nicole handled Larsa was excellent. She gagged Larsa with ease. While Larsa feigned glee to be disinvited, I know deep down that it killed her to not go to that party. 

Speaking of the party, that was a well put together party. It was aesthetic pleasing to my eye. If the Miami girls know how to do anything, it is put on a lush party production. 

Nicole's dad flirting with Kiki...

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 No one can blame him as Kiki is GORGEOUS but that exchange was so freaking odd. Why did this man think that Kiki was trying to call him "daddy?!" I do get Nicole's frustration with him as I have drunks in my family too. They tend to cling to the past (whether it was a good or bad era for them), and it is infuriating to everyone else around them as they are stuck in these instances that we'd wish they'd seek healthy counsel to let go and move on. 

Alexia is a moron for not seeing Nicole's side of the story in the situation. I agree with Nicole that had someone attacked Alexia's businesses (the beauty bar or when she ran that magazine with Herman), she would've went berserk. Like cut the crap and stop moving the goalpost b/c Larsa is an OG. What she said about Nicole was foul, and she needs to be taken to task for it. Nicole pegged her right by calling her an "arsonist." I hope Nicole, Julia, and Adriana wear her out at the reunion about her bedding MJ, Jr., having known that boy since he was a damn child. She will have earned it. 

I can't wait for next week when Adriana arrives and dispels the rumors about her man being married. I feel like that is going to lead to the upcoming feud between Las Cubanas v. The Brazilian Spitfire. 

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Who TF thought that was a good seating chart? Just bring Wendy over by Karen and Candiace, and stick No-Wedding and The Shtripper with Gizelle and Ashley! It's clear which are the teams, and we know Mia is doing her utmost to join the GEBs by throwing all her other buddies under a bus.

P.S.: Gizelle 1st chair again? She's like the Kyle of Potomac, but at least Kyle shows a lot of her life, unlike Giz. I would have put Robyn before Gizelle on the right couch, with Mia and Ashley bringing up the rear. On the other couch, I might have put Candiace before Karen, although we don't know who dominates the last few episodes of the season, and it could well be Karen.

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