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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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She better hope Kathy don't. Harry Hamlin has been finding job after job after job and now he's going to be staring on the first season of ANNE RICE'S MAYFAIR WITCHES at the start of next year. It would be sad to see his jobs go to waste because Lipsa's lips. 


But I find the fact so many celebrities have come out for Kathy over Ex Soap Opera Star VERY telling. 

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It's just good seeing Katie period given how things went down in Season 4.


And love Candiace's fun shade. Even Gizelle being messy was light messy. 

I was sorry to hear that. 



Someone tweeted that it's funny what was happening right now with Nene and Brett's health issues, Porsha getting married, and Cynthia getting a divorce. All happening now...and they were not filming. This was before the news broke about Cynthia so I was relieved that it sounded like a rumor cuz that tweet started a storm.


I liked them together. But I want my High Cheekbones 50Cynt to be happy. 



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Well you said to watch it. So I sat down and watched the finale. 


While I enjoyed the game of chess between Kyle and Garcelle at the start of the season, I fell off over the repetition which got boring. And it sounded like Aspen kinda flopped. Kinda due to the aftermath. But then again...it did leave the Coven exposed for who they are. They are quite good at not holding their group unaccountable. Meanwhile, Garcelle and her group have been slowly picking on that, revealing it...one scene...deleted or not...at a time. And Aspen highlighted that by EricFake showing her whole entire A$%. So the Coven did what they do best...deflect by targeting someone. Someone being Kathy Hilton.


What I liked about the finale...other than the pacing...was it highlighted their most vicious technique and brought it fully...deleted or not depending on what region of the world you're in...into the light of day. No amount of deflect was going to work now that Kathy Hilton did an investigation. Not helped by the deleted scene. Nor Garcelle opening Kyle's eyes for what should be clearly obvious since it came from 'Queen' Kyle's playbook. So the tension was marvelous. And the Coven splintered. 


Finally? I guess we will see tonight.


KYLE. How she can let that Ex Soap Opera Star bully her into talking about Kathy needing help on camera is beyond me. And at Garcelle's Brikin party at that. How low budget (c) Candiace RHOP. That said...I admit that I felt for Kyle a little bit as well. There have been little signs of Season 1 Kyle popping out. I live for Season 1 Kyle with her vicious bitca persona...and we haven't seen her since at least the start of Season 10. I loved her actually listening to Garcelle. With no one else to turn to, she really and truly listened and I felt she was being real in that moment and you could see the wheels turning in her head. That they FINALLY came for their 'Queen.' And Kyle had to decide...was she going to be sunk by her 'friends' or was she going to swim to the winning team aka Kathy and Garcelle. That scene of her exposing EricFake's publicist was full of so much tension. LOVE it. 


DORIT. Girl, you are on the losing team. Don't pick on Kyle for throwing EricFake under the bus and Ex Soap Opera Star being caught in her scheme. Get with the winning team. 



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Well, without the 'lost' footage, her playing her role of Henchwoman was just annoying AF. She worked so hard on creating that narrative. And then she went with microaggressions on Garcelle. Try as she might to keep it going...Kathy was one step ahead of her moving in the shadows. And...it still blew up in her face. And WITH the 'lost' footage, that's just more obvious she was trying to leak out that story. At least she was right about one thing...she was protecting her friend. Except the friend wasn't Kyle. And if she can have that leaked to the press...then...naturally people are going to go back over other times *cough*LVP*cough* when stories were leaked. A can of worms. 


ERICFAKE. So your publicist leaked a story about Kathy to deflect from you. And why would she do it? DUH so people won't notice the lawsuit that she crowed was dismissed was refiled in California. DUH cuz she did not want too much publicity on the fact she is trying to get that jewelry she gave up back. DUH cuz she still have other lawsuits on her. DUH she ain't coming across in a good light so better to have people...LOOK OVER THERE!!! (c) RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE. She ain't sleek. LOVE Morally Corrupt Faye Rensick standing up for Kathy. 


SUTTON. Go her for doing what she has been doing since before I stopped watching...having it brought out in the open. The two vipers were going to go and not at all let it go. Probably continue it so good on her for making them sit down (though Garcelle got the ball rolling by bringing up this was a deflection tactic) and talking...leading to the Coven implosion. 


DIANE. Lint.


GARCELLE. As usual did such a good job this episode. She brought us fun. She brought us wealth. She brought some tell it like it is...which she had been doing with her ghost producing this year. I loved what she said to Kyle. I loved even more that Kyle let it sink in. And during the Coven implosion, she spoke up at all the right moments to be sure they mentioned it all. 


CRYSTAL. Got some good points in, but was even there less than Dorit. Still...her questions were definitely Team Kathy/Garcelle.


And speaking of the finale...look what just got unearthed...



Make one think. 


Well...it sounds like Garcelle tears up Diane tonight and put the others on notice so will watch. 



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Garcelle was the MVP of the reunion. I LOVED when she got Kyle's dumb a** together. How is it a 14-year-old's responsibility to protect Diana's family?! Diana and Kyle were horrible in that segment. 


Crystal fumbled the ball this part of the reunion. Crystal's problem is that she tries coming off as too astute to the point that she looks like an idiot. I do like that she has no problem with going toe to toe with Kyle. I see these 2 locking horns in future seasons. And Kathy being close to Crystal and going to further complicate that dynamic. Overall, if Sutton said something heinous, which is clear that she didn't, Crystal should've said it from jump. That's dangerous for Crystal to imply that she did. 


I'm ready for Kathy to come out and do good by taking Rinna and Erika to task. 


And Kyle sitting on WWHL now saying that she does not believe that Rinna has always been the RadarOnline source is why she is a class A moron. 

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I have to say...that was GOOD. Good Part 1. And I DEFINITELY feel like a rewatching. It's been a minute since I've said that about BH. 


I mean between Jamie Lee Curtis cameoing (with Kyle's old nose) to Crystal vs the Coven (bringing out Season 1 Kyle) to Garcelle vs Diane (and dragging Kyle), there was a lot to see, and I was surprisingly invested.


Kyle must be campaigning for Teddi...Terri...Tonya...someone new to be on the show. Because she was coming for Crystal pretty hardcore. And that Coven gang-up on her (Andy even had a go!) was brutal. I was happy that Crystal held her own with very little help from Garcelle...who appeared to see both sides and was being very careful with her words to be sure both sides got it. And Part 2 looks like she is going to let Kyle have it for being what she is...self-absorbed...but it started here. I would be down for a feud between Crystal and Kyle. Crystal does not suffer fools and anything to see Season 1 Kyle again would be fun. Meanwhile, Sutton was really silent as the Coven was ganging up on Crystal over the eating disorder and the 'dark' talk.


And then Garcelle....lord. I think Porsha on RHOA said it best...she wore black because she was deading those bitcas. Mother Bear came out as she SHOULD have since the beginning of Jax's drama. And keeping in mind, during the filming there was drama going on with Oliver the day before, Garcelle was in NO mood for bs. And it showed. She gathered Kyle with the quickness when she wanted to try being a Karen. And she draggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggged Diana, not at all holding her words....but yet stayed as collected as possible but those claws were cutting. And then the fact that Diana THREATENED her. No, B. No...Garcelle let her have it and I LIVE. 


That said...ERIKA was the one that really flinched when Garcelle revealed she started an investigation into the bots. Ex Soap Opera Star might have...not sure with that face. 


KYLE. LONG LIVE SEASON 1 KYLE!!! hehe. She was on fire this part. I don't know what Crystal did to her other than being closer to Kathy than her, but she was really digging into Crystal and doing that thing that Crystal hates people doing...trying to tell her how to feel. We all know Kyle has a problem listening and that was on FULL DISPLAY this part. It was only when Garcelle did that full body turn and went off on her was when Kyle STFU. She knew she didn't want to f#ck around and find out. 


DORIT. Just really proved how much she was still in the Coven with the gang up on Crystal and how she really is not anyone's friend if she was there kiki-ing behind Crystal back and revealing information to the Coven Crystal clearly did not want her to say. That said...she did get Crystal a little bit in how her words were not clear though it seem like a case of common sense to me. I did also like her talk about the robbery as well.


ERICFAKE. I would love it if someone would clock her for her little side comments. Her and Ex Soap Opera Star were pretty vicious to Crystal though.


EX SOAP OPERA STAR. Was the other hyena to EricFake. But I know her time is coming. Looks like Sutton is the appetizer going in on her before the main course of Kathy Hilton next week.


SUTTON. Surprisingly she was a mute this part. Outside of her eyes. They revealed a lot. Especially during the Crystal section where they talked about what Crystal might have said. Nice to see she was cleared. 


CRYSTAL. Hmmm...she's an Aquarius like Kenya, right? I feel like if she could keep herself from not getting rattled, she could bring that Kenya fire and read the mess out of some of these ladies. Because her vs Kyle was good. The direct ice that she threw at Kyle for trying to gaslight her words. The fact Kyle threw some of old school Kyle back at her. IT was GREAT. Because again...that gang up was brutal. They (Wig, Baby Jane, Clotheshorse) would not let her answer Andy's questions and articulate her words. And Andy was joining in, too, and that was disgusting...like a ringleader egging the bullies on. And the fact the gang up was more over the situation with Sutton than the fact they were attacking her eating disorder was chilling. Granted that was partly her own fault from the episodes I watched...still...smh. 


GARCELLE. Mariah said it best.

Why Are You So Obsessed With Me Gif Mariah

That for me was the coup de tat to Garcelle finishing off Diana. Just WOW. Garcelle ate and left no crumbs this part. If it was my child being threatened, someone hired some bots, someone sent my child pictures of me in PLAYBOY, and then the person I thought did it threatened me...yes, Garcelle had the RIGHT RESPONSE. She gathered. She dragged. And given Crystal was not given much of a time to speak her truth...Garcelle was having NONE of that speaking hers. And anyone who thought they were going to hide behind white fragility to get out of it when Garcelle had RECIEPTS (thank you, Production, for actually showing them)...WRONG MOVE. She was a Queen for walking the line of being the black mama bear we all knew she could be and WENT...ALL...THE...WAY...IN but stayed collective enough (except for the gathering of Kyle) to not come across as the angry black woman stereotype. She went for a BETTER stereotype...A MOTHER PROTECTING HER CHILD. And no amount of gaslighting...aka Andy/Production trying to play that 'all cast members get attacked on their social media'...all of whom are grown bts and NOT a child...nice try...was going to stop a mother. And anyone who came for her when she made that clear was the one who would be in the wrong. And once she got her point FIRMLY and FIERCELY across, BBBEEEE-BBBBAAAYYYY Garcelle READ...DIANA...DOWN. 'You think I did it.' 'Yep.' 'I no longer have anything to say to you.' And because I cannot say this enough...SHE...GATHERED...KYLE...ALL...THE...WAY...TO...GET...HER!!!! That was glorious. Especially when you think about the fact she clocked Kyle on interrupting like that back in Season 10. And another time. Three strikes. She let loose and made Kyle STFU. If Kyle didn't learn before, she should as heck learned tonight. Her icy anger was EVERYTHING. I think my only worry is like I mentioned earlier. I feel EricFake was behind it due to the flinch she gave when Garcelle said she now had an investigation and openly admitted she felt one of them did it to get her off the show. QUEEN. 



You threatened Fancy???

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That about sums it up for me. @#$% YOU. 


But I am really shocked. I'm really shocked how good that was. Really good start to the reunion. Let me rewatch. lol.



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Dorit would make a wonderful 'friend of'.... imho.  She is quirky, in her own little world, and her fan girling over JLC and her charity would make a wonderful audition piece to keep her as a 'friend of'.

If she were a friend of.. she wouldn't need to align with the Coven nor with the Garcelle/Sutton/Crystal grouping... she could be Switzerland... though her stints on WWHL are a treat with her trying to spin the train wreck that is Ericka.

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I admit that was a good moment last night. 




you are right. However, I found that she did a great job being Switzerland during Season 10. She found a way to still be part of the Coven while at the same time fitting in perfectly with the new girls even during the various little feuds and of course the Denise Richards takedown. Which is why it's so sad to see she has not been able to find that balance since.

Merging to add...I do like my scream queens and final girls...but my computer wanted to be funny. Thus merging to say it.

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Which begs the question: just how bad is the dirt that the rest of the Coven have on Kyle??


BH reunion part 1 was much better than expected. That's because past reunions have fizzled. The last few seasons (including this one) have built up to an intense, sinister crescendo, to the point where viewers tune in because Reunion = The Reckoning. And we usually end up disappointed. Either Garcelle and Sutton pull their punches, or Rinna fake-apologises to side-step responsibility, or Andy lets the Coven go hog-wild on their intended target (see S10 with Denise).

Not this episode. I was surprised how quickly the show got to the important stuff -- the racist abuse levied at Jax. Garcelle was not messing around, and you could see how shaken to her core she was about this. When the malevolent spirit of Sanela/Diana wafted into the room, you could feel Garcelle's emotion and tenseness silently ratchet up to a 9. BudgetGhislaine tried to gaslight her way out of that, but Garcelle was not going to let her get away with anything. I gasped in shock when Garcelle said 'yep' when asked if she thought Diana was behind the bots. Not because I thought she was lying, but because someone at this reunion was finally saying sh!t openly for the first time in years.

And when she pointed out that Diana has been hounding her on social media on a daily basis -- I hadn't realised it was to that extent, but I have seen it. There is something incredibly nasty and sinister about Diana. Garcelle's anger at Kyle and the others was a long overdue outpouring of emotions she must have locked in tight all these months for the sake of her son. Garcelle also pointed out that the point of the bots was to get her off the show, because Garcelle is going to choose her children over BH. I have always wondered if the bots were a team effort involving Sanela, Rinna, Erika and possibly others, but that Sanela is the one who financed it all.

Other than that: Erika is yet again acting grumpy and bored about being there. Was she a b!tch to Paymaster Andy, or was that me imagining things?


Agree with all this. I enjoyed RHOA this past season, but it lacked impetus and drive. Currently, I am catching up on Porsha's Family Matters spin-off, not because I adore Porsha per se, but she sure keeps me glued to the screen with her dramas and machinations. And this links up to your point -- right now, Porsha, Cynthia and Nene have stuff going ON. Stuff that we, as viewers, are invested in watching. Like @Cheap21 said, Nene is least likely to return, because she targeted Andy in her lawsuit and he won't forgive that. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to see her back, and Porsha, and Cyn City.

I am invested in these shows and they are my Daytime soaps now, I guess. So I am here for the long haul, but there is no doubt they are waning and seem to have lost their way a bit. They need to bring back some of these compelling women (and find better ones in the future) if they want the brand to remain vital. 

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My complaint continues that by the time I've watched the aftershows on YouTube and their appearances on WWHL, the season has been endlessly rehashed prior to the reunion, so there's no spontaneity.

However, Kyle's response to Crystal is befuddling. 

I guess the logic is that Kyle is mad at Crystal for being unwilling to discuss off-camera gossip about Sutton, which causes Kyle to be unwilling to discuss an off-camera rumor about Crystal?

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Are y'all keeping up on BravoCon updates? 


We are getting the Miami (so excited) trailer on Sunday!

Rinna apparently got booed at the BH panel. 

The Dubai women were civil in their panel apparently, but Chanel stole the show with her gown!

Dorit (like her boss, Kyle) is apparently making Crystal her target for next season. She made a dig at Crystal always saying "violated." Personally, had I been Crystal, I would've came for her neck and mentioned that staged robbery but I digress...

RHONY's new cast has been full cast and will be revealed soon. 

RHUGT s4 is about to be cast and they can't reveal the concept as it'll reveal who they want to cast. 

Joe Gorga (in press) now wants to make up Tre. 

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 Tre better f-cking not... Let the Gorga find their own way for future seasons. 

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I am! I am! I screamed last night seeing KATHY HILTON getting her Conga line on with ASHLEY DARBY and TERESA GUIDICE!!!! Eat your heart out, Kyle and Ex Soap Opera Star!!!


I'm only sad that the BravoCon news has pushed back the M2M Reunion Drop scheduled for today.


As for RHOM...I'M READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



And there there was the drama surrounding BH in the crowd...people wanted IN on seating to the point Security had to get involved. Love them reshowing Garcelle checking EricFake afro and all. 

Hahaha!!! I can see that. 


Sutton really spoke very little, but that won't be the case in Part 2. 


I don't think we have had a Part 1 so good since Monqiue, the Binder, and the Shattering of Gizelle's mask at the Season 5 reunion on POTOMAC. 



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