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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Kyle was so irritating there! Why can't she just shut up and let Erika apologize? It has nothing to do with her! We get it, you don't care about Garcelle or her kids, but if she's offended, she has a right to say that. Stay out of it! Even Rinna had her mouth shut and you know that's damn near impossible. 

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Nothing should surprise me anymore given the Pandemic of Stupid we're all living in. And yet I remain shocked that THIS is the hill these BH women want to die on. Anything to own Garcelle, right? Mixing prescription pills with alcohol brings out Erika's fun side! You need to stop being such a party-pooper, GarCELLE. Oh Kyle. It's fun until it's your sister Kim. She is truly dumb thinking this would score points with Erika. Even Rinna isn't looking like she's fully down with Erika's party persona.

On a superficial note, I wish Erika had taken off her sunglasses to look Garcelle in the eye. I guess we must be grateful that Her Lowness even offered up an apology, but she had to be asked to give it and sits there thinking she's some movie star with the indoor-sunglasses.

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Loved every minute of it!!! Clearly a new production team.


And now we can spoil the other OG that is making an appearance this year...and yes I also saw LISA NICOLE CLOUD from M2M!!!





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Well, I forgot. lol. 


The reunion that is. It has been a busy couple of weeks. But I MADE IT, YA'LL!!!! 


I've been looking forward to watching Season 4 of RHOM since it was announced (and some tea...rumor is that Season 5 MIGHT be doing Peacock, but next day on BRAVO so I might get to do real time in the fall/winter.

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 ) so of course I was going to sit and watch the reunion.


THAT WAS SOOOO GOOD. Andy Cokehead was even kind of decent. Not much but some. Alexia/Marysol vs Nicole. Larsa vs Adriana (and the mentioning of THE DRESS!!!! which btw Adriana wore first in a fashion show if I remember correctly so see...Larsa trolling her...but I love it!!!) Lisa and her issue with Lenny and Guerdy trying to open her eyes even then...but Lisa was just trying to make it about her. A Lea Black mention...just in time to hear she WILL be on Season 5. And Julia...Julia, Julia, Julia...and that backstory. WOW. I thought I was ready for what you all told me, but NO, I WASN'T. It had me in tears as I was working out. And it touched my Gemini heart that she could live life, go through so much, and still be this sunny side up kinda of a person. How can one not be awe?


It was so rewatchable, not toxic, and left you wanting more. And I cannot wait since filming (along with POTOMAC) is done.


How did I think everyone did? Well...


ALEXIA. Well, she has always put it out there so it shouldn't surprise me at all that she dealt with everything. Todd vs Peter. Meeting Herman's lover. What was it like with Herman? Does she enable Peter? How was she dealing with her mother's death. The rivalry with Nicole and what was said. The questions she was being asked were juicy. And she did not back down. And as is her telenovela nature, she has a potential feud with Lea Black waiting in the wings. Not to mention Nicole though they appeared to have settled it.


LARSA. I found her to be surprising from the start. She walked in on ready. And her performance for someone who was not interested in returning was good. While I was Team Julia, I thought Larsa made some good points. However, her points are lost in her attitude toward people. The fact she had drama with JULIA. Adriana...it was expected and I enjoyed Adriana clocking her every chance she got, but they are a great feud period. But Julia? She barely seem to care when Julia was telling her tale. And GUUUURL, we all know you got your butt done.  

MARYSOL. Comedic relief. But she had some good moments. And it did my heart good to see her react to Julia's tale. Because I was right there with her. 


LISA. Sad to watch. Ever since the news broke of her and Lenny's divorce, it has been weird and uncomfortable to watch her. Moreso with those new pictures of Lenny with some SIESTA KEY chick. And here she was talking about her marriage and Lenny was not coming across in a good light and she was STILL defending him. I loved that Guerdy was trying her best to get through to Lisa and try to get her to see her relationship with Lenny was looking real bad.


ADRIANA. Ooooo...GURL!!! She was on necks. And her and Julia were THE tag team duo. She has been good and bad during the season, but Adriana has ALWAYS given a show at the reunion. And I felt she did here. Mostly with Larsa. May their rivalry continue into the next season. And as I mentioned...Adriana wore the dress FIRST.


JULIA. You all were right. I rewatched Julia tell her tale multiple times. How could you not? It was crazier than fiction. And my eyes watered at that. She had the feeling of a mother with years of reflection over it and carried herself as much. And there are still so many questions. About the mistress. Her man. She is awe inspiring with her attitude and the fact that from such darkness there was a happy ending of sorts for her. And also...look at her taking on Larsa before Adriana jump in!! She was a spitfire with her. 


GUERDY. I liked that she owned up to being messy with Adriana, but Adriana did have that coming. That said...she did not do much during the reunion except for when she was trying to get through to Lisa. I just wished she had.


NICOLE. I would say while Julia was the most enchanting of the newbies at the reunion, Nicole was the typical newbie. There were quite a few people gunning for her. But she held her own. And GOT A RING!!! So look at her. #winning


Really good and rewatchable reunion. Can't wait for Season 5. 



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I've only seen this clip from the episode thus far LOL. Something about this seems spontaneous and unplanned -- I really like that about RHUGT2. Especially Marco laughing uncontrollably behind his mask.


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That was HILARIOUS and very necessary because it released the tension from a very ugly, nearly violent exchange at dinner. People throwing low blows left and right…

I’m preferring Ultimate Girls Trip to the original franchises these days. 

I will add that Taylor absolutely ruined her decent edit in the last episode, and Jill significantly improved hers.

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You really know how to sell a show! I'm going to tune into this tonight.

I too have been loving the show thus far. Like being reunited with people you haven't seen in years. They keep things moving fast and breezy.

Too bad about Taylor. I'd be interested to see how Jill comes across.

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I didn't believe the rumors saying Dorinda would only be a friend on RHONY: Legacy, but watching her here I get it. She truly thinks Bravo randomly put her on a pause and that it had nothing to do with her behavior. She was just awful this week, but I was happy to see how Jill handled her. I was also impressed that Brandi didn't slap the [!@#$%^&*] out of her, which she honestly deserved.

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Things just got really dark at that dinner, sparked by some thirsty behavior from Taylor.


She was impressive. Honestly Bethenny is the only person who has handled Dorinda as intelligently.

Meanwhile, the Rinna damage-control tour continues. She obviously got reprimanded:


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