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RHOMelbourne season 4 episode 1

It’s crazy how big the Gamble/Gina break up is. They weren’t even friends that long and it’s such a petty reason for them not to be friends.

Venus gives me Pettifleur vibes but we shall see.

Oh and Gina got center spot in the opening where she belongs.

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RHOMelbourne season 4 so far

It’s crazy how big the Gamble/Gina break up is. They weren’t even friends that long and it’s such a petty reason for them not to be friends.

Venus gives me Pettifleur vibes but we shall see.

Oh and Gina got center spot in the opening where she belongs.

Gamble is soooo jealous of Venus’ position in Gina’s life.

It was great to see Chyka and her “cottage house” which was FABULOUS.

I don’t really have an opinion of Sally just yet.

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Wait.... Gina demoted but not Emily or Dr. Jen?

A returning HW that isn't Tamra? WTF? Just give her an orange already! They keep bending over backwards not to hire Tammy Sue or Vicki. This former cast member better not be Megan, Braunwyn or Kelly Dodd.

ETA: Apparently its Gretchen?! Even more reason to bring Tamra back.

Bravo need to stop teasing the audience with these halfway-house hires, and start giving the show what it needs.

Glad Heather, Shannon and Noella look like they are still around.

(Sorry @Soaplovers I'm not ranting at you, just at the rumors. BTW Gina denied she was being demoted on her social media. Hmmm).

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Of course Gina would deny it...she's probably not allowed to say yay or nay till filming commences.

Emily not being demoted makes sense...she's married, her husband has fans/naysayers, her family life was atypical, can pot stir, and can make fun of herself.

Dr Jen is a mystery. I always have put her in the category of 'would have made a good housewife in the early seasons'  back before drama was a thing on these shows.  

In fact, she and Ryne offer an interesting role reversal where he's a house husband and she's the bread winner.  And the way she has trouble with alcohol, I don't blame him for checking out.  She also talks down to him where I'm rooting for him to divorce her.  If the roles are were reversed and he was talking down to her...social media would be telling her to dump him

Gretchen without Tamra would be interesting..to be honest.

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It's the first season. And from clips I've seen, that's NOT Cristall's only fight.


Same. So far I am really digging Chyka in my bingewatching. 


Speaking of Melbourne, I think that for the new girls in Season 5 they cast an existing friend group which sounds like it gave it an authentic and organic vibe to events. Meanwhile, NJ is not doing the same with the three newbies coming on board. Le sigh. Why won't they listen to the fans who want to see real friendships.

Well it sounds more like Gina was FIRED and not just demoted, but time will tell.

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THere's a new rumor out that the returning HW is LYDIA, but if she comes back Production wants her to be a bitca. I could see why. With money of her own as well as the fact that she and Heather have been known to get into it, perhaps they are trying to cast someone who can go toe to toe with Heather in terms of sass AS WELL AS money.



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RHOMelbourne season 4 finale

Woooow what a fuckin’ ride season 4 was. It seems like these women genuinely hate each other now but as we’ve seen in the past, this cast also says the most vile things to each other and somehow move on.

I love that Melbourne tends to end in a dinner that goes completely off the rails with zero resolution. EVERYONE was beefing at this dinner.

It really is crazy how the cast dynamics changed so drastically from season 1 up to season 4, with really the only consistent friendship being between Jackie and Janet. And Janet is such a gossip, I 100% believe she has gossiped about Jackie and really didn’t think the ladies would reveal it. 

Speaking of gossip as a whole. I mentioned it before that this whole cast talks [!@#$%^&*] about each other behind their backs and it’s annoying when any of them get on their high horses about it.

Venus and Sally weren’t the worst newbies. I was actually surprised neither one got a second season. I’m not even really sure why they had such a cast overhaul for season 5. I do believe originally Gina and Lydia were both signed on to come back. 
I can’t wait for this reunion.

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Filler? Maybe. Bridging? For sure.


I have said often that with Porsha gone and Drew going so hard for her, that Drew's second season she was going to get dragged by the ladies. Love her or hate her, people liked Latoya better. And Drew was even more of a tryhard than Latoya. Last week, the girls already started by bringing up tea about Drew's husband and a assistant. This week started the beginnings of Drew's rivalry with ShebySheree by Drew's assistant saying he was also her assistant and he didn't get paid...a recurring theme with Sheree so I cannot say that I don't believe it.

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 However, Sheree ain't the one you want whether she's poor, rich, or just faking it. And this season, ShebySheree is on the right team.  Kandi stirred with the Ralph/Assistant mess. Kenya stirred with the Drew's Assistant mess. Hmmmm. And to add on Drew's own husband is gaslighting her. The fact that Production (who BTW to a post above YES, I do believe IS Potomac's production team with foine Justin from the Monique fight this season) also drag her every chance they get. It's sad to see, but yet...I don't feel sorry for her. 


Meanwhile, it would seem this episode also started the roots of Kandi vs Marlo. It's interesting that it keeps being mentioned that Kandi knew Marlo looooooooooong before Season 4. I also really liked what Kandi said black families and work ethic. We definitely want the best for our kids and not through suffering. It is hard to do that and not have kids be spoiled. If I had them, I would want my kids to have everything that I didn't have, but I would want them to have a strong work ethic...something lacking in today's society sadly. I cannot believe to talk about how many people I've trained in the younger generation and how different it is when they have a sense of entitlement vs no training and watching them grow. I get where Marlo was trying to go for because of that and can see the potential argument coming since her and Kandi represent two different sides of blackness. If it goes the way I suspect it will go, I think it's going to be a grey matter and there are going to be some interesting discussion here.


On a light note, YASSSSSS!!!! I loved the Season 8 Kenya/Sheree dynamic and I love, love, LOVE that it's back.  Though I side-eye FOR Kenya at Chateau Sheree. Does she really live there now?


KENYA. Not in it very much, but made it count with light shade, fun vibe, and a little side of pot stirring, setting off Drew vs Sheree.


SHEREE. Sheree's return continues to bear fruit. We got to see Chateau Sheree in all its glory. We saw Mama Thelma who I believe went missing. We got the Kenya/Sheree dynamic back. She has man drama. And now she has juicy drama!!! I cannot wait until next week when she does what she does best...read a heffa.


SANYA. Sanya continues to be a good addition. She fits in just fine. And this week we saw more of her family. Her mama is so funny and so messy. 


KANDI. Hmmm...is that cracks in Kandi and Todd's union? Cuz it seems weird he still has that condo. But it seems weird to me that we have not seen her pool since Season 6...? lol. And I liked that she is there for Marlo, but respectively setting boundaries. They have come a long way and the Season 4 reunion is one of my faves and they fighting was one of the highlights. If only because back then, no one could get under Kandi's skin like Marlo...bringing out 'Drag a B' Kandi. 


MARLO. I stay liking seeing her be a mom to her nephew. I also got what she was trying to say to Kandi. But she does realize that Kandi's kids that are at home ARE KIDS versus her nephews who are teenagers. So...??? 


DREW. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAHA!!! Karma is a...well. hehe. Production was dogging the mess out of her and I was living for it. The Confessional where they made her read aloud what gaslighting is. The vaudeville short about Ralph. Ralph's Confessional with the playback. I can't!!!  I mean...is Drew that oblivious? And then how she treated her at that low budget 'romantic' dinner...smh. No, Girl. That was just disgusting. And he started that by doing what he told her NOT to do. Where's Rinna to singing Gaslighting. That...was sad.


Good bridge episode to the coming feuds (even the Kenya v Marlo one). So much better than last season where the reason for a fight was a cut scene to manipulate the audience.


Bring on Drew vs ShebySheree.






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I think Venus and Sally didn't return because they weren't close to the cast and there were years between seasons four and five. And you are correct. Originally, season five was going to include Lydia and Gina and Simone and Jackie weren't in the picture. Filming was canceled due to Covid and Lydia/Gina could no longer do it, but Jackie returned and Simone was added as a new housewife. 

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Yeah, they were. They even had cast pictures and everything. One of the newbies was a dead ringer for OC Vicki, too if I remember correctly.


Then CoVid hit. 


And like most people, Gina's point of view changed and she bowed out. 

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Another good episode. Pajama parties. Fashion. (Guerdy, Julia, KiKi with her Black Swanque dress when they entered Lisa's penthouse!!!) And there was such juicy drama between Guerdy hoping off on telling Alexia that the venue fell through. They built that up through the episode nicely. And then at the pajama party the Julia/Adriana relationship got a little messy with Lisa playing games. Finally we had Nicole meeting with her dad and immediately seeing he is drunk. 

I loved how it was all paced and I cannot wait for next week in the Hamptons and we get to Larsa bringing some drama.


ALEXIA. I've been so busy that I forgot that I DIDN'T post about Episode 5. I guess work drama really has kept me busy. lol. But I loved the sincere, but still messy drama of Todd vs Peter. I thought his heart was in the right place. However...his delivery...was how I know people take how I talk. HAHAHAHA!!! I prefer straight forwardness though I have finally learned some tact. It was intense and Frankie WAS RIGHT THERE. And I admit that I liked Todd told Alexia how it is...she DOES enable Peter. That she got defensive...well a hit dog will holler.

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 I was happy to see they all made up at the end, but I feel like that will come up again. This episode...I hollered at Alexia turned about sitting on faces with Frankie RIGHT THERE. Overall, she was light in this episode other than the wedding drama. 


LISA. Messy, messy Lisa. hehe. And God bless her. I hope the rumor that surfaced aren't about her though since I liked Lisa and Lenny during the old days. For now, seeing her spend money for a pajama party. And be game for flirting Julia (and Julia flirting) was a hoot. And oh, the looks Adriana was giving. Girl, why you jealous? *stares* 


JULIA. It was nice to see more of her. And...I get it. Her light headed personality and openess, that is just her. And even if she is not flirting, it COMES across that way. Such a Gemini thing. lol. But I cannot help, but love her spirit. And goodness know she was good humored and game to play along with Lisa. 


ADRIANA. I liked that she explained why she is close to Julia. Awwww at her being lonely. BUT...why you jealous? 


GUERDY. OOOoooo at her not telling Alexia immediately that the venue fell through. It gave the episode a nice plot, and it is relateable. I'm not sure that the news couldn't have waited until after the pajama party though. That should have been a night to have fun. And THEN go back to reality. But alas...


NICOLE. Look at Nicole being able to fly off to a restaurant in the world whenever she wanted for a double date with Martina and Julia. #richhunni That her man is the pilot is a bonus. But when her dad said 'how do you know it's only four?' Lord, I gasped. Messy, messy. 


LARSA. Not much here though I liked seeing more about her daughter. And it looks like she will be in the mess next week. And I'm ready. 


Good episode. 



Potential Taglines...?



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Finally someone responds to this....lol. I LOVED her and was shocked to see she didnt come back, but I read its bc she and Mercy got a spinoff. I'll have to track that down after I finish seaosn 1


That bitch gets worse. She needed to get her ass beat and luckily she will get that

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